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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. That wouldn't help seeing as most of Newcastle and SJP would be on the North side of it. This is true and so would the training ground and my house!!
  2. ***EASYJET*** Why the fuck can we never play the old firm on their own patch?, Last one was Celtic in 2004 i think and its been years since we went to Ibrox. I want a mass Geordie boys outing for a change.
  3. Black and White goggles marra. If trophy haul isn't the measure what is? Number of seasons in the top flight? Turnover? Crowd size? Crowd size is one winner, remember pre SJH days? So what about pre SJH days?, those were the 80's and if I am not mistaken we had great crowds for THAT era of football (bar one or two matches) and what division (s) we were in. Contrary to the southern media's popular belief, we didnt suddenly get big crowds for the first time in 1992 when Keegan came in, we have a history of large crowds throughout our existance. Havent got a clue about number of seasons in the top flight but since you mentioned it I guess you have more than us but I would say that we have turned over more than Spurs in 14 out of the last 15 years at a guess.
  4. It is just about this time of year when it really hits home for me that England didnt qualify. I love the hot summer nights out drinking in the pub watching England. Shame.
  5. God, if that was us in the final me and my mates would probably hire a car between four of us or use one of our own and drive there and back. 3+ grand my arse. If they wanted to go THAT much, they would do the same.
  6. I think its total bollocks tbh.
  7. Seriously, can this be true? Wont the dreaded corperates be filling half of the ground anyway? and what about the Moscow locals wanting to get in?
  8. I honestry reckon the celebrations you would see if we won the FA Cup would not be matched anywhere, certainly not in the British Isles. Basically the whole of Tyneside would be on the streets, thats a million people just going f***ing mental. Shame it feels such a long way off though.
  9. Honestly mate, if we ever win a cup final there I can see a mass pitch invasion from the toon fans and celebrations the likes of which the stadium has never seen before. ***Gets goose pimples just thinking about it.***
  10. pedro111

    Who I'd Get

    I think it should be stated that I have nothing against FM or the people who play it, because it is excellent for what it does. I think he took my referrence to it as an insult when it was anything but.
  11. I also resent being stopped by tramps every five minutes outside the ground asking for 'a couple of pounds' for various bullshit reasons. I understand this is not the stadiums fault though.
  12. pedro111

    Who I'd Get

    Ignorance and Stupidity. One can be cured, the other can not. Simple insults and accusations like those above simply add to your and others' ignorance of football outside the English game. It also points to the relative negativity others display in insiting we can not sign them based on most not knowing who they are in the first place; let alone their value and or usefulness which we would immediately employ. Incredible. Maybe it is a thread for Spuds... But before we punt it over to that forum, I would ask that you check the stats and bios of these youngsters and get back to me why you wouldn't want them in a black and white shirt. I'd love to read that. Really. And, yes, as I wrote, most are French. And who cares? Their stats, age and quality are in no question; proven players throughout Europe with talent who would also slot right in. What's is in question is do we have the cash available? And as I said, I hope we do. Even if we get two off that list. If all these guys (Wise, Keegan, Llambas, etc.) have been brought in to get these sorts of players, then where are they? Otherwise, why posture and be quoted about doing just that? Are we going to continue to sign the Diattas of the world and expect to compete like Ashley said he wanted to do? It's time to put pen to paper and get them in and signed before others, like Spuds for example, do. Simple. Does he mean the stats and bios on a football game?
  13. Isnt it 6 times now?......hell, I guess Ive lost count. It's a shame we didnt tell Modric about our recent record against them.
  14. pedro111

    Who I'd Get

    Ignorance and Stupidity. One can be cured, the other can not. Simple insults and accusations like those above simply add to your and others' ignorance of football outside the English game. It also points to the relative negativity others display in insiting we can not sign them based on most not knowing who they are in the first place; let alone their value and or usefulness which we would immediately employ. Incredible. Maybe it is a thread for Spuds... But before we punt it over to that forum, I would ask that you check the stats and bios of these youngsters and get back to me why you wouldn't want them in a black and white shirt. I'd love to read that. Really. And, yes, as I wrote, most are French. And who cares? Their stats, age and quality are in no question; proven players throughout Europe with talent who would also slot right in. What's is in question is do we have the cash available? And as I said, I hope we do. Even if we get two off that list. If all these guys (Wise, Keegan, Llambas, etc.) have been brought in to get these sorts of players, then where are they? Otherwise, why posture and be quoted about doing just that? Are we going to continue to sign the Diattas of the world and expect to compete like Ashley said he wanted to do? It's time to put pen to paper and get them in and signed before others, like Spuds for example, do. Simple.
  15. Also, I reckon after Gazza signed for them, Spurs got quite a few 'glory hunter' Geordie fans. I can think of two Geordies I know who support Spurs and cannot give me one valid reason. Although they wont admit it I know for a FACT that when they we're kids and Gazza signed for Spurs while we were shit, they jumped ship. Oh the shame they must feel inside.
  16. I agree, it looks immense for gigs and the food is a total, total ripp off.
  17. pedro111

    Who I'd Get

    Honestly lads, I am amazed at all these names people can rattle off when I havent heard of 99% of them. Then again I left Championship Manager behind about 5 years ago so maybe thats where you get them from. .
  18. I think when people said "hang on a minute, why should these toffee nosed arseholes be given ticket priority to the Cup Final ahead of real fans" their response was that the FA Cup Final was an event for everybody, not just the two teams involved. To that I say - f***ing bollocks. Absolute.
  19. I just plain old hate their home strip, its boring as fuck.
  20. That just sums up everything that is wrong with modern football.
  21. We are basically a notch above them as a club in all but trophy haul and they hate that yet they are currently deemed more attractive than us and we hate that. Just about the top and bottom of it really.
  22. Well, there's just 2618 of them, pathetic really It was bedlam when I was there, didnt feel like there was that many, but then again, 2618 toilets is not a lot when you have got about 50,000 people wanting a piss all at the same time.
  23. Here's me thinking that he was just being a soft cunt wearing that helmet!
  24. Shocking lack of toilets too, the sinks were comandeered as a piss pot.
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