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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. When did you lose that faith in him? Llambiarse must be doing a survey for Ashley based on that question. Whats your next question?
  2. Oh for goodness sake. As Newcastle fans we've been spoilt for most of the last 15 years and now we've hit a rough patch the fans threaten to stay away. I'm not having it. Well I remember the dark days of the 80s/early 90s and even though the team aren't brilliant now, we still have better players than we had then and you look at the top class stadium and facilities we have compared to then and there's no comparison. I'll be there singing for the team and I expect every Newcastle 'supporter' to be there as well to show the players that we're still behind them. So if you cant make it you aren't a supporter? Not as a rule but its at times like this you find out who the real fans are. Bollocks. Its a meaningless friendly that is there to further line Ashley's pockets. We cant be great all the time. You have to take the rough with the smooth. Even Manchester United go relegated in the 70s, yet they sold out everywhere when they went down. What a Sooperfan! Would rather put the cash directly into a Sir Bobby Robson foundation tin than line Fat Mike Ashley's pockets for a s**** friendly. I don't like Mike Ashley much either but he's lost hundreds of millions of pounds at this club. That's more damaging to him than just relegation to us. We will rise again but his monetary value may not. My £15 might even go to Ashley, or it might go to pay off Michael Owen but that man has lost hundreds of millions and that's why I find it hard to be too hard on the bloke. Incompetent and overly fan friendly yes but he's no Tom Hicks or Glazer. Awww such a shame, its all his own doing.
  3. Incredible that we're actually shrinking the squad. Unless we've two CBs about to sign. Distin maybe one, the other? Where's Bassong today? Juve have accepted £2.1m bid from Olympiakos for Olof Mellberg. Seems to me to be a bargain. Had a shocker in Italy this season from what ive heard/read.
  4. Oh for goodness sake. As Newcastle fans we've been spoilt for most of the last 15 years and now we've hit a rough patch the fans threaten to stay away. I'm not having it. Well I remember the dark days of the 80s/early 90s and even though the team aren't brilliant now, we still have better players than we had then and you look at the top class stadium and facilities we have compared to then and there's no comparison. I'll be there singing for the team and I expect every Newcastle 'supporter' to be there as well to show the players that we're still behind them. Soopa fan status for this guy?
  5. Aye the 3 parties being Toast, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and the club. Nowhere does it say Bobby himself is to pay. Ultimately it is Bobby Robson's charity missing out on money they would have otherwise received, and therefore it is reasonable to perceive it as Robson footing the bill. Why are you toontastic people out in force on the windup tonight? Not really a wind up, you implied by your title that Robson, personally, was to foot the bill.
  6. Today was disappointing to be fair but certainly not worse than past disappointments like those. We'll be there or thereabouts next season and this will be forgotten about. I think we'll be a bit inconsistent, as shown by the great showing at Darlo last week and the off colour performance today but we can still at least make the play offs, even through inconsistent form. Wooosh?
  7. And your really suprised by this, considering who is calling the shots?
  8. Since when have our wingers been able to put crosses into the box, like?
  9. Nolan was taking over Butt's dutys for the afternoon then was he?
  10. Reckon this could turn nasty pre and post match outside the main entrance, IF there is a half decent crowd there.
  11. People were saying the same about Terry Mac, its all gone to cock since he left, tbh.
  12. People actually believe them when they say that he wont be manager? They have a great track record for telling the truth, these fuckers do, like. This has put the fear of God into me.
  13. Cant see it mentioned anywhere on the BBC football website.
  14. Linked a couple of days ago aswel to Bertrand, said he had spoke with Alan Thompson.
  15. And some people want the person who sorted all these contracts out back in charge of the club. Jesus.
  16. Thought he was in that role since he left Spurs, afew years ago?
  17. £6 Million for Dossena?!!!! He is quite possibly one of the worst footballers in the PL.
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