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  1. What, four? Hadn't even realised. What a complete capitulation of our streak.
  2. Needs to at the very least make the keeper work there, Big Joe Better stuff though. Come on.
  3. That collar is 2006 tastic.
  4. I was never one for long sleeves, but it is pretty ridiculous how much better this kit looks with the long sleeves. It minimises the bagginess. The state of it on that Ian Rush photo As mentioned before, it's not just looking back in hindsight that we can say it's too baggy. Even back then for the 90s it was too much.
  5. I think it could be argued that he wasn't a "good" signing in the sense that we would have been better strengthening elsewhere in the team.
  6. Well thanks for thinking of asking, man.
  7. Cool. Feels like you've picked up homework here, but interesting In this instance specifically, indeed, I see no reason for a Brown Ale to get in the way as there is so little downside if any. Just wonder how and if they could given different circumstances.
  8. What are the dynamics of logo use on these sorts of releases then? Specifically the Brown Ale one here. I imagine Adidas can't just use it and flog gear just because that's what the shirt looked like back then so fair game. What is the structure of a deal? Can a Brown Ale veto a production? What kind of kickback do they get? Anyone have any insider info on that sort of stuff? - Anyway, feedback on this is pretty disappointing... Quality, design, sizing, no kids sizes and for the price. I see no reason to replace my DHgate one with this one, so I'm pondering other questions.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if that joined up type of lettering was consistent with match worn kits. That they had them ready to go for matches and they're also slightly more legible.
  10. What was the deal with "Adidas" logo inside the numbers? At first I thought that was a decent way to spot real/fake as it seems like in game it was never there, and for the replica kits... Well I haven't really looked into this thoroughly but seems just random. I have an original Shearer home one bought back in the day in 96 and the number nine doesn't have Adidas inside it for example.
  11. That's exactly what it is. A cop out to avoid having to think and deal with aggro.
  12. The goal should definitely stand. It ticks all the law, and common sense boxes: Unintentional, arm and hand in natural position, ball kick into him. Also, from reading the above I find it stupid that it should matter who scores from it. As it states that if it had been Joe, of course handball and of course disallowed. Either it's hand ball or not. And outcome shouldn't change that. At least we've moved away from the simple, PSG-like, contact equals foul horror.
  13. Madison never bursts into life and sprints as quickly as when he can jump into buying a foul. That incident at the end was pathetic. He's such a prick.
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