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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Nah, O'Shea is a quality player and versatile to boot. I'd have loved to have him here. He'd have been a starter alongside Coloccini. Wickham will be a cracking player for them eventually, although I expect he'll look like an expensive mistake in his first few months and Westwood is a very solid goalkeeper, probably a step up from Mignolet and decent replacement for permacrocked Gordon. Brown is a poor quality budget replacement for Onuhua who will fill Mensah's spot on the treatment table. Gardner didn't really pull up trees in a poor team but he can wallop one into the top corner every now and again. Larsson is a very average winger who'll give them a decent outlet from deadball situations but little else. I expect Dong & Vaughan to be little more than squad players for them. As a slightly biased outsider it looks to me like Sunderland have got a better first team squad but a worse first XI.
  2. So lets get this right. You have a better defence. You have a better midfield. You have better forwards. Amazing,simply amazing how you continually conspire to finish below us year after year. Lets get one thing very,very clear,Newcastle do not have a forward anywhere near the class of Gyan and I mean not even close. Have you recovered from your hangover yet?
  3. He's right, if there is any justice in the game they will kick our arses if we put out that side. Unfortunately for him we'll not put out a team as weak as that
  4. Does anyone else had a tremendous sense of deja vu? It's like last summer all over again They never learn, bless them.
  5. A dyslexic Newcastle United supporter and JCB fanatic.
  6. There's no reason to be frustrated though, that's the thing I don't understand. We've made some good moves and are obviously working on others. There's no way our squad could be described as threadbare at the moment IMO. We obviously lack quality up front, but not numbers. I don't know what kind of summer people were expecting, if what has happened so far seems negative to them. It just baffles me. It happens at every club during every transfer window. We're never totally happy
  7. The noises coming out of the club are of massive concern imo and you can only hope it's a load of rubbish to ensure that we don't pay over the odds for players. The idea that the vast majority of of our transfer business is already done isn't just hard to swallow but totally unacceptable as far as I'm concerned. Call me barmy, but if Enrique & Barton aren't fucked off we only really need a striker. Ideally I'd like a more mobile player/better goalscorer than Barton/Jonas It would be nice, but Barton and/or Jonas will do for now. In a perfect world we'd plug every gap and replace every player of questionable ability in one summer but that's never going to happen. There are a few key areas where we need to improve and if we manage that I'll be relatively happy.
  8. The noises coming out of the club are of massive concern imo and you can only hope it's a load of rubbish to ensure that we don't pay over the odds for players. The idea that the vast majority of of our transfer business is already done isn't just hard to swallow but totally unacceptable as far as I'm concerned. Call me barmy, but if Enrique & Barton aren't fucked off we only really need a striker.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if it's someone off here tbh.
  10. Twice as shit as Muntari then?
  11. This will have the usual suspects on suicide watch tbh Until the Ronny print the complete opposite this afternoon.
  12. I'm annoyed they've got Wickham, I'll be annoyed if they sign O'Shea but apart from that? I reckon I'll cope
  13. I know he isn't perfect, far from it in fact but it's hard to describe the buzz he created in such a short time when he was here Was in the metro centre when it got announced , you could feel the buzz in the air. Kids running and chanting Keegan in a shopping centre is something i'll never forgot. Felt like joining in myself. Despite the fact it was nailed on to end in disaster the atmosphere in town that night against Stoke was amazing.
  14. I've never been to Laser Quest. Probably for the best if my antics on Call of Duty are owt to go by.
  15. His goal record until last season was pretty unspectacular.
  16. This. Although I imagine we will sign another striker, drop Jonas and move Barfa out wide.
  17. Yes! I loved the "At home with the Venison's" section, which was basically 10 minutes of Barry running rings around his kids in the back garden.
  18. I'd rather hammy rusty nails into my scrotum than waste money on Darron Gibson.
  19. No, they should put him in charge of the youth team.
  20. Beautiful. Do that and id not be bothered about any kind of expansion again in my lifetime. I love the lopsided look of st james', it's unique and instantly identifiable but that horseshoe look would be fantastic and I think it would harness the atmosphere in better than the current layout, noise from level 7 currently dissipates (IMO) out into space and you can't really appreciate the good work done up there further down the stands It would be perfect - the East Stand could sleep in relative peace and quiet while the rest of the stadium sung.
  21. Khizanishivili "He's got a long name! He's got a long naaaaaaaaaaaame! Zurab Khizanishivili! He's got a long name!" Was it Billy Sharp he punched in the tits?
  22. Dyer out, smith in has to be up there??! I was sick of Dyer spending half the season on the sidelines, returning from injury and tearing it up fo two or three games before turning to shite. Smith seemed like a decent buy at the time. In hindsight I wish we could've sold Dyer and immediately burnt the money we received from his transfer so it could never have been spent on Smudger.
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