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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. HBAs agent said similar about bigging up his chance in playing in the last three games to keep his head up.
  2. http://neilcranswick.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Shola-on-a-bike.jpg
  3. Sessegnon never got substituted after an hour in his first home game either. Nothing I've seen from Ben Arfa tells me he is better than Sessegnon,nothing at all. Actually Ben Arfa came OFF the bench in his first home game. You don't know any thing about him really do you? Stoke home game was the first he started at home and he was hauled off after an hour,it was live on SKY,pretty hard not to see it. Aye, and he wasn't fit. Then after he got taken off, we lost the game. The facts speak for themselves - Ben Arfa has started three games and when he was on the pitch we were on course to pick up a total of 7 points. After he left the pitch we only picked up 3.
  4. Sessegnon never got substituted after an hour in his first home game either. Nothing I've seen from Ben Arfa tells me he is better than Sessegnon,nothing at all. Actually Ben Arfa came OFF the bench in his first home game. You don't know any thing about him really do you? Stoke home game was the first he started at home and he was hauled off after an hour,it was live on SKY,pretty hard not to see it. We were winning 1-0 until he was taken off too if I remember correctly. Class shown right there.
  5. You're wrong,look through this thread and it's certainly more than a 'handful' and I seen one even claiming he was worth 75mEUR in one post. He wouldn't be leaving CL football for lower half PL football if he had anything about him,I'm absolutely certain of that. Aye, that Tiote was shit too. Could've had CL football but went to England.
  6. These "our player is better than your player" pissing contests are ulimately pointless, especially in this instance when they're two different types of midfielder. I saw a lot of HBA before he signed for us and he always looked class. Tempremental but class. I hadn't heard or seen anything of Sessegnon until he was linked to us in the Mail last summer. HBA put in one of the best debuts I've ever seen of a Newcastle player at Goodison whereas Sessegnon looked way out of his depth until about three weeks ago. That said I wouldn't like to guess who'll turn out to be the better buy and anyone who is "willing to stake large cash" on one outperforming the other is either pissed and needs to put the keyboard down or is deluded.
  7. The author of this article makes me extremely confident it wont happen.
  8. My point exactly,hardly any of you have ever seen him play or even heard of him and it's funny watching you all big him up on the basis of nothing at all. Have any of you considered why he is leaving a club in the CL to sign for a lower half PL club? Money? The change to showcase his talents in one of the biggest leagues in the world? Which would of course mean he's using us as a stepping stone. It's certainly not going to be because he's heard how lush the Crown Posada is. (It is mind) The only reason anyone in France signs for Newcastle - we have crepes and slags.
  9. My point exactly,hardly any of you have ever seen him play or even heard of him and it's funny watching you all big him up on the basis of nothing at all. Have any of you considered why he is leaving a club in the CL to sign for a lower half PL club? Because the mighty Sunderland are looking elsewhere and we were his second choice, obviously.
  10. Like Sessegnon you mean? Oofyafucka! I didn't see many people bigging up Shefki Kuqi when he rolled into town like.
  11. http://i52.tinypic.com/22nw6.jpg Man United have been dominated.
  12. I love that video. Shreeves having a giggle until he tells him to fuck off then his voice jumps a few octaves and he sounds really upset
  13. Just popped over to Football 365 and the mere mention that we could sign him for £5 million has resulted in a multipage argument between fans of other clubs telling us it's never going to happen. From this I assume he's good.
  14. I've no idea if he's any good on the pitch but the lad's a dream boat.
  15. When do season tickets go on general sale? Is it the start of June?
  16. http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr97/tyke_bike_mike/gifs/cool_beans.gif
  17. As someone who sits there quite a bit what's the atmosphere like? Will we get scowled at by miserable old sods for having a bit of a sing song?
  18. Aren't you a Charming Man? You can still appreciate good music regardless of age.
  19. Row U is the very back row apparently, so save for arsehole stewards we should be able to stand.
  20. It seems very bizarre that they're stopping us from moving to L4 but actually advising people over the phone that other people from L7 are moving to the SE corner.
  21. The price rise was part of the move wasn't it? It was clearly stated on the renewal pack.
  22. Bitten the bullet and moved to the South East corner.
  23. Just had the phonecall. Asked to be shown round the stadium, told no, said I'd have to think about it. She was trying to push me to the south west corner. South east corner anyone?
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