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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I think the majority of football fans would feel sorry for any club who goes under. I'd feel sorry for the Mackems, no doubt.
  2. He owns the ground does he not? is that simon jordon? No, Balram Chainrai. When he first got involved it was strongly rumoured it was part of the deal but the club denied it. I've heard over recent weeks it's now widely agreed he owns the ground. well if he owns the club he owns the ground i suppose Not really. Grounds are seperate from clubs, they're bought and sold. Selhurst Park wasn't owned by Palace until only a few years ago thanks to Goldberg. Palace/Jordan do not own Selhurst Park. Mike Ashleys bezzie mate Paul Kemsley & HBOS own it. Apologies, got my wires crossed. The point I was making still stands though.
  3. He owns the ground does he not? is that simon jordon? No, Balram Chainrai. When he first got involved it was strongly rumoured it was part of the deal but the club denied it. I've heard over recent weeks it's now widely agreed he owns the ground. well if he owns the club he owns the ground i suppose Not really. Grounds are seperate from clubs, they're bought and sold. Selhurst Park wasn't owned by Palace until only a few years ago thanks to Goldberg.
  4. He owns the ground does he not? is that simon jordon? No, Balram Chainrai. When he first got involved it was strongly rumoured it was part of the deal but the club denied it. I've heard over recent weeks it's now widely agreed he owns the ground.
  5. When we win, we praise. When we lose, we criticise. It's reall not a difficult concept to grasp you know. There's a difference between that and outright hysteria.
  6. I've seen people with bipolar disorder who are more consistant than some on this board
  7. Inland Revenue have rejected a cash offer from Pompy this morning according to SSN.
  8. I don't see the point in blaming Huhgton Nor do I. He played 442 away from home, something we've wanted for months. We're getting beat.
  9. I've mastered the art of timing it so you get to the bottom of the stairs just as the whistle goes.
  10. The thing is the charvas are on rotation. You never see the same one twice in a row. Fair weather cunts
  11. To be fair I don't sing YSIFS, but that's due to the fact I find it utterly cringeworthy and not because Doncaster fans might come away and think we're twats.
  12. Seriously, what the f*** are you going on about? Create a bad impression? To who, the away fans? Do you actually give a f*** what others think? Are we talking about the same club that has been ridiculed up and down the country for years already? Without trying to fit this stereotype you're giving people in the LC (and I'll get onto that in a second), if anything those giving a bad impression are the ones that stay sat on their hands for 90 minutes. Where's your famous atmosphere indeed! I'm pretty sure the vast majority don't think they're better fans. Plenty moan like f*** that the rest of the ground doesn't sing - and rightfully so - but this doesn't mean anyone thinks they're better than the rest. And here's your problem - you're basing your very arguement on something which isn't at all true. Infact you're just making the assumption that because we complain you don't sing we think you're worse fans. What you're doing is just as bad as what you're claming people in the LC are doing - you're making a broad generalization about thousands of people. Just because you seem to be sticking up for this silent majority (pun intended) doesn't make you right. "I just think some of the LC regulars need to think a bit about why there’s more singing in a singing section and cut out the everybody else is s*** supporters nonsense" - Please, feel free to point out a match where fans in the leazes corner have chanted about the rest of our support being s***. Oh wait, you can't. So who's the one making false accusations here, because it certainly isn't us. It is you, sir, who needs to cut out the nonsense. Good day. Based on what I read on this forum that’s blatantly not true. Based on this thread alone the rest of the support doesn’t sing or go to away games, are too old to stand up and might as well not bother turning up. If you can’t see how that comes across as thinking your better than everyone else it can only be because you don’t want to. The LC have chanted your support is FKNS at every set of away fans to have visited SJP this season. These fans will leave Newcastle thinking NUFC supporters are dickheads when in reality many of us appreciate that supporters of most CCC clubs are in fact proper football fans who follow their team through thin and thinner. They can hardly be accused of being glory seekers can they? So in it’s eagerness to prove how big and clever it is the LC creates a bad impression of all NUFC supporters. You may not have been following football long enough to understand that fortunes ebb and flow, that what comes around goes around and that in the long run it’s better to treat people with respect. Be it groundlessly taunting away supporters or needlessly berating the East Stand at some point the boot will be on the other foot. If the LC doesn’t learn to show some respect it’ll end up getting shut down. I’ve tried to put forward a balanced view of the LC and its influence at SJP. If you chose to bury your head in the sand that’s up to you. What I will say is that SJP was capable of generating one of the best atmospheres in football before the LC was created and it doesn’t need a singing section... just a decent team and decent owner. Did someone from the Leazes Corner fuck your lass or something? You might have the smallest sliver of a point but it's hidden away in your patronising tone and horse shite reasoning.
  13. I think I need to point out I was taking the piss when I said that I was better than everyone else because I sat in the LC
  14. I've just went for Lovenkrands as I think Carroll, Shola, Best and Ranger are effectively equal.
  15. Do you know what's more embarrassing? The deafening silence from 90% of the stadium for most of the games. I like it when we're winning 5-0 and a rendition of "stand up if you love the Toon" goes round....and being in L7 (already standing) you see the lower leazes start to get on their feet...a few moments later the gallowgate and the other corners get up....followed by the milburn stand... and everyone looks over as a collective whole to the East Stand who are still sat down like a big bunch of :duff: s I wonder what it will take for them to show any sort of emotion at a game? A few more years for the old fuckers to die?
  16. Shut up man, we just wanked all over them and they're a massive bunch of cunts. We were well within our rights to tease those dickheads. All very true, however we lack the wit to do so effectively. I'd much prefer it if we didn't do it at all unless we can come up with something withering and funny at the same time. The tired old Sky induced chants just make us look like a massive bunch of cunts. The wankers who started to chant "Easeh!" last night
  17. Singing "Your support is fucking shit!" regardless of whether it is or not is starting to really get on my tits. Last night I just felt like sayinf "It's not actually. They're 5-0 down, they're still singing and they've sold their allocation."
  18. Agreed. It pisses me off when people complain about the songs being sung. Fair enough it got repetitive but it's a new song. The same happened with "We're Newcastle and we're gonna win the league" it's only sang so much during one game so that it gets out there and people here it. Once it's heard it can be mixed with other songs. The afore mentioned song did that last night it wasn't sang much just every now and then. The new Ashley one will be mixed with others now too...then a new song will be sang... The problem is we don't have a glut of decent songs. People want variety but singing Geordie Boot Boys every few minutes isn't variety. I'd much prefer we sing one decent song constantly than a handful of song the majority of people are meh about sporadically. It doesn't build as good of an atmos. Plus, when a few thousand people are singing one song it drowns out the charvas trying to barrack the away fans.
  19. I like how it evolved during the night. It started off with clapping all the way through then gradually the supporters only began to clap at the end which made it sound much better IMO.
  20. If we give him shite when he makes mistakes we've got to commend him when he gets it right, as he did last night. Lets hope he sticks with that team against Derby.
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