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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Why should we give them kudos for effectively upping prices for twelve months? They aren't doing this for us, they're doing this for them. They need bums on seats. The fact all they have done is roll back prices to what they were a year or two ago when the product on the pitch is utter gash and the country is in the depths of a financial clusterfuck is hardly admirable. I hate to say it but Quinn, Short and who ever else is in charge down the road have got it spot on. Their reductions to all are fairly substantial and they're selling season tickets for under 16's at £19 a pop. That's what Ashley should be doing if he wants to get bums on seats, not fobbing us off with lame offers. I didn't say I expect everyone to give them kudos, but attacking them for it is bizarre. No Football club make these kind of offers to help supporters, Sunderland aren't either. They're making the offer for the same reason we are, because they aren't currently filling there stadium and they fear a further drop in attendance. At least they have the business acumen to realise how serious the situation is. Ashley and co. don't seem to realise how disillusioned and skint football fans are, let alone Newcastle supporters. It's a meaningless gesture. Can't applaud them for it.
  2. Why should we give them kudos for effectively upping prices for twelve months? They aren't doing this for us, they're doing this for them. They need bums on seats. The fact all they have done is roll back prices to what they were a year or two ago when the product on the pitch is utter gash and the country is in the depths of a financial clusterfuck is hardly admirable. I hate to say it but Quinn, Short and who ever else is in charge down the road have got it spot on. Their reductions to all are fairly substantial and they're selling season tickets for under 16's at £19 a pop. That's what Ashley should be doing if he wants to get bums on seats, not fobbing us off with lame offers.
  3. I do feel that I need to point out that all players that have apparently been discovered by Wise as a matter of fact haven't. Both Guthrie and Bassong were apparently KK signings and the rest have been suggested by Vetere and formerly Jiminez. Wise's job seems to be as a negotiator and general unsettling influence.
  4. Dee one. It's utter bilge in the grand scheme of things, especially considering what's going on both on and off the pitch.
  5. Aren't they effectively just knocking off the increase they imposed this season? They haven't reduced them, more just rolled them back to what they were when we weren't as shit.
  6. Superb speech, I can't see why anyone would disagree with it. When we're half way down the championship in a couple of years heading for league one it will be interesting to see which people still post on this forum. Yes we will probably survive this season but the way I see it we've years ahead of us with no ambition, in front of crowds below 40k! But dont worry lads they have promised to spend £8 million in the summer, its laughable For f*** sake please wake up and see whats happening The 8M isprobably on top of whatever budget we would normally have. sadly, that’s a hilarious assumption. I wouldn't say so, but we don't know so we'll leave it it that. I'm hguessing though they realise the squad will need improving especially up front when we lose Owen and Viduka. As Ameobi has signed a new contract, I can only assume they don't have high sights. It will cost a lot of money to replace those 2. It would cost alot of money but I mean we could do with at least one, if we can get a decent target man our Attack will be decent enough. Martins/Lovenkrands New Striker/Ameobi No it wouldn't. Martins is vastly overrated. We can't rely on his half a dozen storming games a season to keep us out of trouble, especially when he's starting to spend more and more time injured. Lovenkrands is Sibierski redux. Decent for the price we got him at and shows a level of commitment I wish some of our other players had but simply not good enough. Ameobi is Ameobi. Simple as that really.
  7. Great speech. Hit the nail on the head. I have no idea how some of our so called fans can give Ashley and co carte blanche to fuck this club up. How low do we have to stoop before people wake up and smell the coffee?
  8. Not wanting to agree with NE5 too much but he's pretty much spot the dog on.
  9. What's this been like over the past few home matches? Has there been any change or are they still acting up? Have, as Kane said, they been let go? PM me if you've had a run in with them recently.
  10. Ashley was aware of £70 million of debt, he wasn't aware that he would have to pay the money back for the ground so soon. As for you being certain that he was only here to sell the club as soon as possible, how does that fit with the new Man City owner claiming that he was interested in us but Ashley wouldn't return his calls? Again, could've been solved by performing due dilligence. I've only ever heard that mad bastard on SSN claim he was interested in us, but he's been interested in everyone according to him.
  11. Sorry David, not meaning to wind anyone up, but read the first few pages, skipped to these and couldn't believe what I as reading on a forum which is representative of our fan base, at a time when we have arguably one of our most important games in our recent history and a manager who has a life saving operation tomorrow. What the fuck are you protesting against? If it is the usual "its the way our club is being run" then what the fuck is your gangs proposal for making it better? Mike fucking off? I love a protest as much as anyone, but surely anyone with half a brain and the ability to read can see that as a club we are fucked financially. Everyone gives our owner shit loads of stick for just realising it AFTER he bought the club, ignoring the fact that most fans haven't even picked up on it two years later! Its only when the recent accounts were released that most of us realised how close to not existing NUFC actually is! I'm sorry but everyone knew the club was being mismanaged for years prior to Ashley taking over. Everyone knew we were in massive amount of debt and Shepherd was doing a cackhanded job and knew things were getting desperate. Do you expect me and other fans to kneel and pray at the alter of Mike Ashley because he paid of the debt? Because I can tell you it's not going to happen. He didn't put his hand in his pocket out of the goodness of his heart but because he fucking needed to. Why? Well, the astute businessman who is running our club completely neglected to perform due dilligence. He was lumbered with us and I don't use that word lightly. If he could've given us back to Fat Fred and his crew he fucking would. We're fortunate he acted so unprofessionally and he had to pay off the debt as I had no faith in the previous regime. However, it's very much out of the chip pan and into the fire. His initial plan was clearly to buy us, streamline and sell us on at a profit as soon as possible i'm almost certain of that. Unfortunately he wasn't aware of the debt and he certainly didn't see the financial crisis coming. We're stuck with an owner who I don't think wanted us for more than 12-18 months tops and now we're suffering because of it. Debt or no debt he's got no good reason for releasing much needed funds for players. The phrase "in for a penny, in for a pound" has never been so apt with Mike Ashley's running of NUFC - he's already spent a large amount of cash on the club so why not spend another £20 million (which he has. Financial crisis or not he's still a very rich man...unless he's been betting on shares again) on players so we don't get relegated? You can use the likes of Johnson, Elano, Richardson to counter that argument but I will just say those three were only approached on the very last day of the transfer window and he's had four transfer windows to date to release money.
  12. I love how attending the protest/rally means that you can't possibly support the club fully because Newcastle United fans are well known for their inability to do two things on the same day
  13. It's not going to have an adverse effect on the team. Jesus wept, what the f*** is wrong with you lot? As the poster above you has said they're going to urge people to do exactly what you want and get behind the team, the only difference is NUSC may be capable of creating some form of atmosphere by bringing a few people together pre-match and getting them in the mood. We'll agree to disagree then. Irrespective of their motive, this is not the way it will be reflected in the media and will no doubt be jumped upon by the usual retards who turn up at St James' and get on Sky Sports News (no not David Craig). You must agree that there is a proportion of non-match going toon fans who are more likely to attend this rally and turn it to their own agenda? I'm talking about the boycoutt brigade. Is this not potentially providing a forum to turn what could by all means be an idea to 'rally' some support into an anti-regime event? Here underlies my entire point for avoiding these kind of events until the close season or safety-secured point. There is a mass amount of ill feeling around Tyneside, we all know that, and this could potentially provide a forum for it all to raise its head, and THAT would be extremely detrimental. The media coverage of NUSC so far has been overwhelmingly positive, as I pointed out earlier in the thread. I can't echo your worries about it being hijacked by charvas either as I don't think they're organised enough to turn it into an 'anti-regime event'. Obviously you'll get the odd scratter who is going to go way too far but the majority of Newcastle United fans are level headed blokes who wont suddenly flip the minute Ashley's name as mentioned. NUSC have every right to protest. It's being done well away from the ground and it wont have any negative effect on the performance of the players and I can't see why any right minded person would think otherwise. Using the logic of some on here then all fans should be barred from fraternising with each other pre-game if they're going to talk about the sorry state this club is in because that's clearly a breading ground for ill feeling that could reveal itself when Shola inevitably misplaces a pass. Do people off here go to the pub with their mates before a match, plaster on a shit eating grin and talk about what a good job Kinnear, Llambias and Ashley are doing and how we're only a few good results away from Europe for fear that a negative comment is going to lose us a game? Didn't you say just earlier it was a rally and NOT a protest? Yeah ok. No, that was Binnsy.
  14. It's not going to have an adverse effect on the team. Jesus wept, what the f*** is wrong with you lot? As the poster above you has said they're going to urge people to do exactly what you want and get behind the team, the only difference is NUSC may be capable of creating some form of atmosphere by bringing a few people together pre-match and getting them in the mood. We'll agree to disagree then. Irrespective of their motive, this is not the way it will be reflected in the media and will no doubt be jumped upon by the usual retards who turn up at St James' and get on Sky Sports News (no not David Craig). You must agree that there is a proportion of non-match going toon fans who are more likely to attend this rally and turn it to their own agenda? I'm talking about the boycoutt brigade. Is this not potentially providing a forum to turn what could by all means be an idea to 'rally' some support into an anti-regime event? Here underlies my entire point for avoiding these kind of events until the close season or safety-secured point. There is a mass amount of ill feeling around Tyneside, we all know that, and this could potentially provide a forum for it all to raise its head, and THAT would be extremely detrimental. The media coverage of NUSC so far has been overwhelmingly positive, as I pointed out earlier in the thread. I can't echo your worries about it being hijacked by charvas either as I don't think they're organised enough to turn it into an 'anti-regime event'. Obviously you'll get the odd scratter who is going to go way too far but the majority of Newcastle United fans are level headed blokes who wont suddenly flip the minute Ashley's name as mentioned. NUSC have every right to protest. It's being done well away from the ground and it wont have any negative effect on the performance of the players and I can't see why any right minded person would think otherwise. Using the logic of some on here then all fans should be barred from fraternising with each other pre-game if they're going to talk about the sorry state this club is in because that's clearly a breading ground for ill feeling that could reveal itself when Shola inevitably misplaces a pass. Do people off here go to the pub with their mates before a match, plaster on a s*** eating grin and talk about what a good job Kinnear, Llambias and Ashley are doing and how we're only a few good results away from Europe for fear that a negative comment is going to lose us a game? dear me When fans get together for a pre-match pint, it isn't exactly plastered all over national and local news is it? Next time me and 300 of my mates go for a pint at Grey's Monument then walk up to St James' I'll let you know Don't be facetious. The point still stands. The main argument against it is that it could have a negative effect, which is bollocks as any meetings of any fans (barring the next N-O piss up, obviously) no matter how small is going to produce some negative vibes because of the current situation of the club. 300 people may be marching up for the monument but there's going to be another 47,000+ equally as fucked off.
  15. It's not going to have an adverse effect on the team. Jesus wept, what the f*** is wrong with you lot? As the poster above you has said they're going to urge people to do exactly what you want and get behind the team, the only difference is NUSC may be capable of creating some form of atmosphere by bringing a few people together pre-match and getting them in the mood. We'll agree to disagree then. Irrespective of their motive, this is not the way it will be reflected in the media and will no doubt be jumped upon by the usual retards who turn up at St James' and get on Sky Sports News (no not David Craig). You must agree that there is a proportion of non-match going toon fans who are more likely to attend this rally and turn it to their own agenda? I'm talking about the boycoutt brigade. Is this not potentially providing a forum to turn what could by all means be an idea to 'rally' some support into an anti-regime event? Here underlies my entire point for avoiding these kind of events until the close season or safety-secured point. There is a mass amount of ill feeling around Tyneside, we all know that, and this could potentially provide a forum for it all to raise its head, and THAT would be extremely detrimental. The media coverage of NUSC so far has been overwhelmingly positive, as I pointed out earlier in the thread. I can't echo your worries about it being hijacked by charvas either as I don't think they're organised enough to turn it into an 'anti-regime event'. Obviously you'll get the odd scratter who is going to go way too far but the majority of Newcastle United fans are level headed blokes who wont suddenly flip the minute Ashley's name as mentioned. NUSC have every right to protest. It's being done well away from the ground and it wont have any negative effect on the performance of the players and I can't see why any right minded person would think otherwise. Using the logic of some on here then all fans should be barred from fraternising with each other pre-game if they're going to talk about the sorry state this club is in because that's clearly a breading ground for ill feeling that could reveal itself when Shola inevitably misplaces a pass. Do people off here go to the pub with their mates before a match, plaster on a s*** eating grin and talk about what a good job Kinnear, Llambias and Ashley are doing and how we're only a few good results away from Europe for fear that a negative comment is going to lose us a game? dear me When fans get together for a pre-match pint, it isn't exactly plastered all over national and local news is it? What has the media exposure got to do with it? Unless Llambias wanders past and he's lynched I doubt that the meeting being plastered all over the local press is going to have that much of an effect.
  16. It's not going to have an adverse effect on the team. Jesus wept, what the f*** is wrong with you lot? As the poster above you has said they're going to urge people to do exactly what you want and get behind the team, the only difference is NUSC may be capable of creating some form of atmosphere by bringing a few people together pre-match and getting them in the mood. We'll agree to disagree then. Irrespective of their motive, this is not the way it will be reflected in the media and will no doubt be jumped upon by the usual retards who turn up at St James' and get on Sky Sports News (no not David Craig). You must agree that there is a proportion of non-match going toon fans who are more likely to attend this rally and turn it to their own agenda? I'm talking about the boycoutt brigade. Is this not potentially providing a forum to turn what could by all means be an idea to 'rally' some support into an anti-regime event? Here underlies my entire point for avoiding these kind of events until the close season or safety-secured point. There is a mass amount of ill feeling around Tyneside, we all know that, and this could potentially provide a forum for it all to raise its head, and THAT would be extremely detrimental. The media coverage of NUSC so far has been overwhelmingly positive, as I pointed out earlier in the thread. I can't echo your worries about it being hijacked by charvas either as I don't think they're organised enough to turn it into an 'anti-regime event'. Obviously you'll get the odd scratter who is going to go way too far but the majority of Newcastle United fans are level headed blokes who wont suddenly flip the minute Ashley's name as mentioned. NUSC have every right to protest. It's being done well away from the ground and it wont have any negative effect on the performance of the players and I can't see why any right minded person would think otherwise. Using the logic of some on here then all fans should be barred from fraternising with each other pre-game if they're going to talk about the sorry state this club is in because that's clearly a breading ground for ill feeling that could reveal itself when Shola inevitably misplaces a pass. Do people off here go to the pub with their mates before a match, plaster on a shit eating grin and talk about what a good job Kinnear, Llambias and Ashley are doing and how we're only a few good results away from Europe for fear that a negative comment is going to lose us a game?
  17. It's not going to have an adverse effect on the team. Jesus wept, what the fuck is wrong with you lot? As the poster above you has said they're going to urge people to do exactly what you want and get behind the team, the only difference is NUSC may be capable of creating some form of atmosphere by bringing a few people together pre-match and getting them in the mood.
  18. You ask for communication and when you get it this is your response? Your attitude is probably shared by 99% of the NUSC members though, which is why I don't think the club should give them the time of day. All this talk of wanting to work with the owners is weasel word bollocks. I wouldn't call it communication. It was basically the same old shite we were fed in the summer by Ashley ("We will spend", "we have a plan", "The club was in the shit financially" etc.) with some patronising bullshit thrown in and a general sense of "It's our club so you can take it or leave it." If you can go the rest of the season quite happy that things will change in the summer after what was said by Llambias then I envy you, I really do. There is no light at the end of the tunnel IMO.
  19. Complete bollocks. Once again, the protest is being peformed away from the ground so it does not have an effect on the team. If anything a few hundred people marching together to the match may create some sorely needed atmosphere. Have you read the interviews? They're laughably bad and Llambias comes across as a t***. Right. And you don't think there will be a militant atmosphere inside the ground once the match has kicked off? People will be running high on emotion. And although there will be a sensible element among the protesters, many many mongs will be there, and if we go a goal down let's say. the high emotions will compound the situation and we could have that absolutely idiotic lull around the stadium like we did against Hull. This protest is bad news, and I just hope it will be so lightly attended so as not to create the effect it could end up having on the game. The Everton game at home is one of those winnable ones at least. If we go a goal down that will happen regardless of the protest. You can't seriously compare a meet/march well away from the ground with the sense of abject anger that punctuated the Hull game. They're two completely different beasts as we will no doubt see against Everton when those who have been to the protest don't instantly start spitting venom at the players on the pitch. This is making a mountin out of a molehill. All of the excuses trotted out so far have been piss poor. If you don't like it then feel free not to go but also realise that these fans have a right to protest at against the contempt shown by the feckless prats in charge of the club.
  20. Aye, but he was much younger and didn't have a previous history of serious heart trouble.
  21. Complete bollocks. Once again, the protest is being peformed away from the ground so it does not have an effect on the team. If anything a few hundred people marching together to the match may create some sorely needed atmosphere. Have you read the interviews? They're laughably bad and Llambias comes across as a t***. The interviews are not laughably bad at all. They are frank, open and give an incite into the world of the regime. He answered everything he could You're right - they're worryingly bad. If they're not complete bunkem then I really worry for the future of this club. If we're still a Premiership side by June 2009 i'm pretty certain we wont be byJune 2010.
  22. Complete bollocks. Once again, the protest is being peformed away from the ground so it does not have an effect on the team. If anything a few hundred people marching together to the match may create some sorely needed atmosphere. Have you read the interviews? They're laughably bad and Llambias comes across as a twat.
  23. Thanks for the insults - it's seems to be NUSC's supporters normal way of dealing with anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda. There's a thread somewhere which indicates about 8% fully agree with your verdict of them. Yeah I've noticed that certain newspapers seem very pro NUSC - I wonder why ? Could it be because the same newspapers love anything which portrays negativity about Newcastle ? Take your point about them being more credible than the "tracksuited mong" you mention. Marginally. P.S. you missed out the word "old" in your insult. One insult in the first line which I felt was fairly apt as that is exactly how you come across. Forget the fact i've made some fairly salient points in the rest of my post. Threads on here aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to view them since the majority of posters on here are so unspeakably anti-NUSC with almost no firm reason to back up their antipathy. You say that newspapers are pro-NUSC because they're anti-NUFC? Do pull the other one daft lad. From what I can gather from visiting other general football messageboards is that the opinion of NUSC amongst other fans is very positive. Only Mackems and a small minority of our lot seem to have an issue with the club. Make your f*cking mind up dimwit. It's a majority on here but a minority in the real world. Thankfully this board doesn't echo the views of every Newcastle supporter on the planet.
  24. Thanks for the insults - it's seems to be NUSC's supporters normal way of dealing with anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda. There's a thread somewhere which indicates about 8% fully agree with your verdict of them. Yeah I've noticed that certain newspapers seem very pro NUSC - I wonder why ? Could it be because the same newspapers love anything which portrays negativity about Newcastle ? Take your point about them being more credible than the "tracksuited mong" you mention. Marginally. P.S. you missed out the word "old" in your insult. One insult in the first line which I felt was fairly apt as that is exactly how you come across. Forget the fact i've made some fairly salient points in the rest of my post. Threads on here aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to view them since the majority of posters on here are so unspeakably anti-NUSC with almost no firm reason to back up their antipathy. You say that newspapers are pro-NUSC because they're anti-NUFC? Do pull the other one daft lad. From what I can gather from visiting other general football messageboards is that the opinion of NUSC amongst other fans is very positive. Only Mackems and a small minority of our lot seem to have an issue with the club.
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