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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Who's the source of the source? Bassong himself? A wild guess but it reads very similar to what Seb said a few months back - he was noticed and signed by Keegan due to the fact KK was mates with his agent. EDIT: Oh hai.
  2. I'd be interested in seeing that. It's nothing particularly new, just affirmation of the facts that our wage bill has actually rose since MA came in as well as the fact he paid one of his pals £1 million p/a to do fuck all.
  3. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind. Very good. Keep them to yourself. You're like a battered housewife. No matter how many times that cunt Ashley slaps you across the chops and calls you a nasty name you think he's going to change. He's fucked this club up through his complete lack of common sense. If you think he's suddenly going to grow a brain and start calling everything right spot on then you're very, very wrong. He doesn't have to so long as he appoints people who do more often than not. Shearer would be a good start... or would you not see that as progress? Now, if all you've got is name calling can I suggest you toodle off to one of the following: http://www.cerocscotland.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13483.html http://www.readytogo.net/ I've got more that name calling. I've got two seasons of abject misery punctuated by contemptuous actions and amateur decison making to back up my claim that your opinions are worth fuck all. Shearer isn't a fucking start, he's plan bloody G. 'Progress' would've been consolidating our position in the mid to lower reaches of the Premiership table when Fat Ash arrived and building on that, not getting relegated. The more I look at Ashley the more I think he's became a billionaire by sheer luck rather than top notch business acumen. He's a goon of the highest order and the way he's gambled on the clubs future is abhorrent. There is no way you can seriously justify any his decisions since he came in because they've all been unspeakably bad. Brilliant. By which name did I call him? Just for the record, natch. It's just the fact that you suggested you had more than being offensive, then within about 25 words you had forgotten about it. Nice try though. My offensiveness is accompanied by cold hard facts so I think whether or not I call him a cunt while addressing him is moot. I'm not Ban Ki bloody Moon. Unless you've started shitting crystal balls you're not basing anything on fact re: how successful we will be long term under Ashley. You're being offensive in order to make your disagreeing with me appear more valid. Which basically means when you call me a "fucking cretin" for expressing an opinion it's a bit of the pot calling the kettle, wouldn't you say? I'm basing my assumption on what we've seen so far from the chubby mess running the gaff. I take issue with your opinion because it has no basis in the plain of reality I and 99% of other supporters are currently operating on. What lead you to make the ridiculous claim that we're on the verge of a breakthrough? Tea leaves? Russell Grant? Or are you just off your box? The facts are there and you don't have to look too hard for them: Shearer was effectively forced on Ashley, we have went backwards since TCA came in and his decision making has been nothing short of criminal. I've also got a bit of stuff relating to the finances and 'building for the future' bollocks, which seem to make so many people on here rub their crotch in a homoerotic fervor, if you want it?
  4. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind. Very good. Keep them to yourself. You're like a battered housewife. No matter how many times that cunt Ashley slaps you across the chops and calls you a nasty name you think he's going to change. He's fucked this club up through his complete lack of common sense. If you think he's suddenly going to grow a brain and start calling everything right spot on then you're very, very wrong. He doesn't have to so long as he appoints people who do more often than not. Shearer would be a good start... or would you not see that as progress? Now, if all you've got is name calling can I suggest you toodle off to one of the following: http://www.cerocscotland.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13483.html http://www.readytogo.net/ I've got more that name calling. I've got two seasons of abject misery punctuated by contemptuous actions and amateur decison making to back up my claim that your opinions are worth fuck all. Shearer isn't a fucking start, he's plan bloody G. 'Progress' would've been consolidating our position in the mid to lower reaches of the Premiership table when Fat Ash arrived and building on that, not getting relegated. The more I look at Ashley the more I think he's became a billionaire by sheer luck rather than top notch business acumen. He's a goon of the highest order and the way he's gambled on the clubs future is abhorrent. There is no way you can seriously justify any his decisions since he came in because they've all been unspeakably bad. Brilliant. By which name did I call him? Just for the record, natch. It's just the fact that you suggested you had more than being offensive, then within about 25 words you had forgotten about it. Nice try though. My offensiveness is accompanied by cold hard facts so I think whether or not I call him a cunt while addressing him is moot. I'm not Ban Ki bloody Moon.
  5. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind. Very good. Keep them to yourself. You're like a battered housewife. No matter how many times that cunt Ashley slaps you across the chops and calls you a nasty name you think he's going to change. He's fucked this club up through his complete lack of common sense. If you think he's suddenly going to grow a brain and start calling everything right spot on then you're very, very wrong. He doesn't have to so long as he appoints people who do more often than not. Shearer would be a good start... or would you not see that as progress? Now, if all you've got is name calling can I suggest you toodle off to one of the following: http://www.cerocscotland.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13483.html http://www.readytogo.net/ I've got more that name calling. I've got two seasons of abject misery punctuated by contemptuous actions and amateur decison making to back up my claim that your opinions are worth fuck all. Shearer isn't a fucking start, he's plan bloody G. 'Progress' would've been consolidating our position in the mid to lower reaches of the Premiership table when Fat Ash arrived and building on that, not getting relegated. The more I look at Ashley the more I think he's became a billionaire by sheer luck rather than top notch business acumen. He's a goon of the highest order and the way he's gambled on the clubs future is abhorrent. There is no way you can seriously justify any his decisions since he came in because they've all been unspeakably bad. Brilliant. By which name did I call him? Just for the record, natch.
  6. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind. Very good. Keep them to yourself. You're like a battered housewife. No matter how many times that cunt Ashley slaps you across the chops and calls you a nasty name you think he's going to change. He's fucked this club up through his complete lack of common sense. If you think he's suddenly going to grow a brain and start calling everything right spot on then you're very, very wrong. He doesn't have to so long as he appoints people who do more often than not. Shearer would be a good start... or would you not see that as progress? Now, if all you've got is name calling can I suggest you toodle off to one of the following: http://www.cerocscotland.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13483.html http://www.readytogo.net/ I've got more that name calling. I've got two seasons of abject misery punctuated by contemptuous actions and amateur decison making to back up my claim that your opinions are worth fuck all. Shearer isn't a fucking start, he's plan bloody G. 'Progress' would've been consolidating our position in the mid to lower reaches of the Premiership table when Fat Ash arrived and building on that, not getting relegated. The more I look at Ashley the more I think he's became a billionaire by sheer luck rather than top notch business acumen. He's a goon of the highest order and the way he's gambled on the clubs future is abhorrent. There is no way you can seriously justify any his decisions since he came in because they've all been unspeakably bad.
  7. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind. Very good. Keep them to yourself. You're like a battered housewife. No matter how many times that cunt Ashley slaps you across the chops and calls you a nasty name you think he's going to change. He's fucked this club up through his complete lack of common sense. If you think he's suddenly going to grow a brain and start calling everything right spot on then you're very, very wrong.
  8. The words 'absolute fucking cretin' spring to mind.
  9. Between 1997 and 2000, was someone like Dion Dublin better than Alan Shearer just because 1997/8 for Shearer was basically a write-off due to injury, while Dublin consistently got 15-20 a season for Villa & Coventry? my orignal post was referring to the injury records of both Owen and Martins, which are not comparable at all. Maybe you missed the point This season though, it is. In fact, Martins' has been worse...which is somewhat important, you know, when you have 6 games left to save your status in the Premiership. If he's fit, he starts as far as I'm concerned, it's a non-issue that some are trying to make into one. With Owen, for me there is genuine worry that his presence in the starting 11 will take us down. There has been nothing in his last few games to suggest he'll help keep us up Last day of the season against Villa, last kick of the game and one of our strikers* is one on one with their 'keeper. They score we win the game and stay up, we draw we go down. Who would you have taking the shot? *Nile Ranger not included
  10. Martins is just as prone to 'niggly' injuries as Owen is, it's hard to argue with that. If you take their injury records on face value then Martins looks fit as fuck in comparison to Owen but then you lose sight of the fact EMO did suffer two freak injuries within the space of a year.
  11. I actually agree with that. I love Oba but I'm getting increasingly frustrated with his inconsistency. The lads got a fantastic pair of springs in his legs, blistering pace, two good feet, a thunderbolt of a shot and a good header. So, those said ingredients are a fantastic combination to have a top class striker- but the more I see Martins play, the less I think he is, or will be a top class striker. Like, how many times have we seen Oba use his pace to get in behind defenders and set himself through on goal? Not near enough. Some might argue that we dont give him good enough service but I'd disagree. If he had a real football brain then he'd do this more often and he'd be unstoppable! Now, he can come up with those moments of glory when your least expecting it and win you the game but those moments are few and far between. I'm not going to go into a big fuck off rant about the lad now, I'll do that some other time, but I do agree with David Icke. The moment this season which summed Martins up for me was against WBA or Villa (can't remember which) when the ball was lumped over the top and Ameobi actually won the header quite easily. It was plain for all to see where Ameobi was going to flick it and Martins set off in the completely wrong direction. You can't do that if you're an apparently 'good player', you just can't.
  12. As I have said in the other thread Oba is a terrible footballer. Finishing, footballing brain and first touch are non-existant but because he's a bit quirky and he can rifle in a goal or two from 30+ years he gets away with it.
  13. Can we put to bed the myth that Martins is a good Premiership player now? He's a one trick pony, said trick being able to rip the back of the net out every half a dozen games with a thunder bolt. We need more than that from him but his lack of a first touch, a footballing brain or the ability to finish means he's never going to be the 15-20 goal a season striker we need him to be. I know he's the darling of some of our fans because he's a bit quirky and seemingly gives his all but he's not good enough. We should've sold him to Arsenal when we had the chance. I'm sharp running out of patience with Colo too. When he came he looked decent but he makes glaring error after glaring error. Even more irritating is that he was a brilliant little player in Spain but he can replicate his form here. I hope Shearer gets on the pitch and roughs him up a bit because at the minute he couldn't take an elbow off Alison Lapper never mind a Premiership striker. I never thought i'd say this but Saylor is a better option in the middle at this moment in time. Ryan Taylor and Kevin Nolan are fucking atrocious footballers. Watching those two saunter around the pitch makes me feel throughly ripped off. I'd rather have a huffy N'Zogbia than those two any day of the week. Stoke is crucial. A win would be nice but we need at least a draw and to put in a decent performance otherwise we're going to struggle to stay in touch with the Mackems.
  14. Erm.......... FA Cup Winner 1997, 1998 & 2000 FA Cup Runner Up 1994, 2004 League Cup Winner 1998 UEFA Cup Winners Cup 1998 European Super Cup 1998 FA Charity Shield Winner 2000 FA Charity Shield Runner Up 1997 I'm sure there was a word inbetween 'unsuccessful' and 'former player' which didn't change the context and made that statement sensible. Flid.
  15. OK, What good did he do? Signed Nile Ranger, what more do you want. Nah he also signed Vukcic, Jonas probably Bassong but I can't be arsed to say he did in case NE5 is watching. Our youth team is looking all the better for him but in the end he had to go. Christ on a crutch I don't think Wise was contributing anything of note really. We were already bringing in young talent prior to his appointment (Ngo Baheng, Zamblera and Kadar). Seems to me that Vetere found the players, Wise gave him the green light to sign them and then took all the credit. Yeah no-one knows who signed what but I think it's a bit harsh saying he's done a s*** Job when you have no evidence to contrary other than the crazed ramblings of retards who can't spell. I am not defending him, I am just saying you don't know. I could say you are s*** at your job (not that I know if you have one or not) because to my knowledge you haven't achieved anything of note. Bassong knows who signed him, although i'm not going to get into a debate about it as it will just wake up the mong brigade and flood this thread. Fact of the matter is we brought in three people - Wise, Vetere and Jiminez. The latter two are renowned the world over for their scouting and deal breaking abilities, so much so that they've worked for Real Madrid. Dennis Wise is an unsuccessful manager/former player who met Mike Ashley via their shared lawyer who has no notable reputation for discovering young talent. I think it's safe to assume that Vetere did more 'scouting' than El Den. I'm not argueing with you I'm just saying that its not fair to judge when you don't know the facts. It's a fact we brought in one of the most well respected scouts in European football and suddenly we were flooded with young talent.
  16. OK, What good did he do? Signed Nile Ranger, what more do you want. Nah he also signed Vukcic, Jonas probably Bassong but I can't be arsed to say he did in case NE5 is watching. Our youth team is looking all the better for him but in the end he had to go. Christ on a crutch I don't think Wise was contributing anything of note really. We were already bringing in young talent prior to his appointment (Ngo Baheng, Zamblera and Kadar). Seems to me that Vetere found the players, Wise gave him the green light to sign them and then took all the credit. Yeah no-one knows who signed what but I think it's a bit harsh saying he's done a shit Job when you have no evidence to contrary other than the crazed ramblings of retards who can't spell. I am not defending him, I am just saying you don't know. I could say you are shit at your job (not that I know if you have one or not) because to my knowledge you haven't achieved anything of note. Bassong knows who signed him, although i'm not going to get into a debate about it as it will just wake up the mong brigade and flood this thread. Fact of the matter is we brought in three people - Wise, Vetere and Jiminez. The latter two are renowned the world over for their scouting and deal breaking abilities, so much so that they've worked for Real Madrid. Dennis Wise is an unsuccessful manager/former player who met Mike Ashley via their shared lawyer who has no notable reputation for discovering young talent. I think it's safe to assume that Vetere did more 'scouting' than El Den.
  17. OK, What good did he do? Signed Nile Ranger, what more do you want. Nah he also signed Vukcic, Jonas probably Bassong but I can't be arsed to say he did in case NE5 is watching. Our youth team is looking all the better for him but in the end he had to go. Christ on a crutch I don't think Wise was contributing anything of note really. We were already bringing in young talent prior to his appointment (Ngo Baheng, Zamblera and Kadar). Seems to me that Vetere found the players, Wise gave him the green light to sign them and then took all the credit.
  18. Wiped his arse on Keegan's list of transfer targets? And then sat there laughing while his fat pay cheque rolled in? I'm just guessing of course. i would wipe arse on keegans transfer list if it is true that the 3 primary names where: Beckham, Lampard and Henry! FFS ! get a reality check ps. i liked keegan but that was absurd A well respected journalist came out in the wake of that and confirmed that the apparent 'targets' were made up by Jiminez to make Keegan seem out of touch and strengthen the clubs position.
  19. Ashley is still a wanker. We're in this position now, having to appoint an unproven manager to placate the fans and hopefully save our season, because of the way he's ran this club into the ground. He's going to have to do more tha appoint Shearer and get rid of Wise to get me on side. He's shown his true colours over the past few months and I for one don't like them. The season wasn't a 'necessity', nor will it be a blessing in disguise if we do stay up. It's an unmitigated fucking disaster and MA & DL need to take the vast majority of the blame for it and their completely negligent attitude towards the club. I will support the team to the hilt, always have always will, but Ashley will be nothing other than a snake in my eyes. Too much water has passed under the bridge, too much damage has been done. In my opinion he still needs to go.
  20. "Ashley is a cunt, Llambias is a cunt, Shearer is an idiot for getting involved with this shower of twats.... sorry, I mean 'We ganna win da leeeeeeeeeegue!'"
  21. Can I just clarify that Ashley is still a complete cunt. Cheers.
  22. Anyone who says that kit isn't the dogs danglies needs shooting. It's fucking lovely.
  23. Top post. Obviously I didn't have the will power to read it all but from the bits I did it sounded spot on.
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