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Everything posted by James

  1. Here now lads: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=55546.0
  2. I reckon Shola might be broken to be honest. Not able to pass any medical, but fit to play the odd game here and there (although not at the same level as pre-injury)
  3. Will be interesting to see if Gutierrez is as good on the right as on the left. Not sure if he can cut inside on his left as well as he can on his right.
  4. Hoyte og. He was pushed into the ball by Kitson.
  5. Steve Watson has just scored for Sheff Wed
  6. If we don't consider a 21 year old who has played 8 senior games a youngster, then we are expecting too much from our youngsters.
  7. Hindsight's a lovely thing isn't it. I said at the time he should be getting more games, so there Haha, possibly but surely you didn't know he would have the impact he is currently? I knew he would do well for any team that played him as in terms of technique and intelligence he was a class above at the time. I also reckoned he would become a starter for Italy. That hasn't happenned yet.
  8. Hindsight's a lovely thing isn't it. I said at the time he should be getting more games, so there
  9. Newcastle fucked up the Rossi transfer to be honest. We should have played him more, we should have played to his strengths, and we should have won his loyalty. If we had, we'd have had a quality player on our books. He's better than Martins.
  10. Where'd you get that one from, Robinson's marmalade? An early Martins attempt in this thread.
  11. Admin need to add these three: http://www.matty-p.myby.co.uk/jonas_1.gif http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2677/fightdo8.gif http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/1763/martinssmileybe9.jpg Plus this one, without the hair would make a good Geremi (round bald head, smug grin): http://www.matty-p.myby.co.uk/oba_2.gif And finally, I reckon we could have a lot of fun combining these two somehow: and
  12. If he makes a contribution, and there is no better player we could have signed, he's worth it.
  13. Another possibility I hadn't considered is Edgar as the holding midfielder. It would disrupt the defensive unit less, plus he plays there for the reserves, and came on in that position a couple of times during pre-season.
  14. He's not called Nacho, that is the hapless left back with the same name.
  15. I suppose I did that time but we didn't get a work permit, you said something earlier about a loan work permit but we didn't get one of those as we didn't need a one until we tried to sign him. From my understanding Friedel was registered to us as a loan player, and we only got rid when an application for a work permit for a permanent deal was turned down. I just don't see how he was allowed to sign on loan in the first place unless that was the case. Of course, I was young at the time. Anyhow, with Gonzalez, is there not some loophole for loans and work permits, given that the player is a 'contractor' working for another EU company? Although perhaps he does have an Italian passport so work permits aren't an issue, but some work permit workaround would be the only way this deal makes any sense.
  16. Wrong, we had him on loan and he was refused a work permit. Haven't you just said what I've just said?
  17. If you are on youtube, don't mix up your Ignachio Gonzalezes. Some agent has posted a compilation of some hapless left back.
  18. I'm sure we couldn't get a work permit for him and I'm sure the mackems also tried and failed. We had signed Friedel on a short term loan, and we only sent him back when we discovered he wasn't going to get a permit for a long term deal.
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