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Everything posted by broonalegeordie

  1. Put 68p on Ivory Coast to win, that returned £1.25. Lumped it all on an oldham win, which would return £2.02. I'm getting quite giddy. It was a disastrous weekend betting so just playing with the coppers that was left in my PP account.
  2. broonalegeordie


    fuck i'm turning green again
  3. Some canny pictures there
  4. That he's got a fucking blackberry like me?
  5. He's in the training ground!
  6. can some genius not make a vid / gif and transform teethgirl into danny guthrie or whoever she loves atm.
  7. What part of Jarrow dya live in? Im from Croft Terrace. North Street. Where they've built the new houses nr the town centre.
  8. so 7-8 million... and the sale of danny simpson for around 3-4 million... would be canny.
  9. Do you not have a picture of yourself in your window??
  10. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2020/2527874339_a9bb84e360.jpg Pennywell, Sunderland. = shit area.
  11. he lives in a shit area? i live in jarrow so i reckon i win like.
  12. We should sign him just to push Ranger further down the pecking order
  13. I used to like Steve Watson, but not so fond of Titus and Xisco... so think its safe to say Demba is our best ever number 19
  14. Have we had any other great number 19's at the club? I'm struggling to think of anyone who has worn the number.
  15. i imagine we'll get the exact same renewal letters that every other season ticket holder does mate oh right, I wasnt sure if it would have had to be paid before the season started. thanks
  16. anyone know if us cheap cunts that bought the half price ST's can pay by DD for next year? and if so, how to set it up?!
  17. been looking on the online shop and looks good on home top / home keeper, but the orange kit which i have looks terrible with a white sponsor patch! - i think black would have been much better.
  18. think i'll just keep NR, rather than get them to stick the new patch on!
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