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Everything posted by jarralad

  1. jarralad


    This been posted?
  2. crap, couldnt watch injury time and now ive missed cisses second goal.
  3. Going to be agony come the 90th min if we are still winning.
  4. The injury time will screw us at the end and chelsea will most prob score in it.
  5. Wolves are already down and still staging a comeback and what can we manage?
  6. Just cant watch Cisses 2nd goal enough everytime i see it just cant stop smiling.
  7. Would love it to see enrique picking the ball from the back from the net.
  8. Excellent victory,really impressed with Perch. Only downside for me is Williamson.
  9. If we lose today we will drop like a stone and the remainder of the season will not be something to look forward to.
  10. Would of went onto win if shola had of taken that pen, no doubt about it.
  11. Must win game for us to keep a healthy distance between us and them up the road.
  12. Need another goal from somewhere if blackburn score they'll go onto win this.
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