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Everything posted by jarralad

  1. 2 in 2 games,cracking start for the lad.
  2. Chopra has scored again 1-1.
  3. Boro getting beat 1-0,sibs scored.
  4. He`ll beable to hold his own and will do alright i reckon.
  5. If the money is right and west ham dont want him then i dont see why not.
  6. And he`s still crap,thought he was younger than that like.
  7. Just looking now and they have had a massive drop but they are no lower now than what they were when they floated on the stock exchange.
  8. Got any links to them being on the verge of going bust?
  9. Read this last night and agree with everything he says.
  10. Just been reading the spurs forums,very funny indeed.
  11. jarralad

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Mr.Shearer
  12. 3-1 win for us,i wonder if Ashley will show up or is he still away on his holidays?
  13. I think Martins will be in the top 3 come the end of the season for the premierships top scorer.
  14. I think he`s going to turn into another Owen with the amount of injuries he gets.
  15. More than happy with this decision.
  16. I want them to go down because i cant stand roy keane and would love to see his face on the final whistle if it meant relegation.
  17. what did he say about the mackems?
  18. Going by the pre-season games i`d give it to Geremi.
  19. Well impressed with the interview alan smith has just given.
  20. Would be great,fingers crossed.
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