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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima


  2. Sima


    What. "Wetting a babies head" is a term used for us to go to the pub to celebrate the birth of a child The second was a pitiful attempt at a mackem accent in text.
  3. Sima


    On another note, I actually went out for their match today as one of the lads has just had a baby and it we went out to wet it's head. Got a Sunderland fan taxi driver on the way back, talking about the match and he seemed devastated when I said I was a Newcastle fan. He did offer this analysis though "Tell yew hew I dew like thewuh. That darkie you have signed"
  4. Sima


    Imagine if they lose against Norwich next week, man. RTG will go nuclear.
  5. Fucking disgraceful from Villa.
  6. Sima


    The thing is though, this is as good as it is going to get in their eyes. They had a hard on for O'Neill for the past five years. They had a hard on for Adam Johnson ever since he signed for Man City It's all they ever wanted and it's still going to shit. If only they had got OMG N'ZODBIA. It would have been majestic how little his application would have been.
  7. Sima


    How did you/do you hack it there? I couldn't do it It's in the main very amusing, you just don't have to take the piss out of them too much. Some of our fans on there go on like right fucking tools although they are vastly outnumbered by the Sunderland fans on there who would argue black was white just because you are a Newcastle fan.
  8. Sima


    Talking about pummelling footballers and who is the hardest Some of the users on there are in their fifties ffs, I'd be embarrassed if I was typing that shit at 13 years old.
  9. Sima

    Football pet hates

    It's been mentioned on here before, you can't accuse us of not taking the League Cup seriously, we just get absolutely ridiculous draws (Chelsea, Arsenal and Man U away) season after season The FA Cup is fucking pathetic mind. The teams we have went out recently to: Brighton x2 Stevenage Birmingham City I forget the rest but I bet they're equally as shit.
  10. Fucking pathetic from Obertan. He just rolled it to their player ffs.
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