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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. As said, their original clubs would surely break the stories regardless of whether ours like leaving it till the end. Unless they made them agree to not say anything, which would be monumentally pointless. and would not be unusual to the clowns running our club
  2. Always have a soft spot for Leicester, as my father and his brothers grew up there. Always been my 2nd team, shame they were once a mainstay in the PL as well, quite liked Filbert Street and Walker's too.
  3. ESPN360. I love you. This one is live on 360. So far so good, nearly all of our league matches have been on it this season. This is brilliant.
  4. Vuckic didn't really have anything to do but that, he just chased after the ball the few mins he was on. He looks like a legit player, that flair Ronaldo look
  5. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    I wish and hope your optimism to be true.
  6. HAH! John Andersen (right?) yells YES as soon as Vuckic touched the ball. Hilarious.
  7. your signature man, jesus me. NSFW to a max, but my word do i love it.
  8. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Moat vs. American/Omnicom/Sheard etc. I'll take either, anything to get rid of Llambasis and Ashley, just get rid of them please.
  9. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Wrong that Sewelly, put that in the random one. Source? Very, very, good. So it's aload of bollocks again then..
  10. I've heard via Alan Smith's bang-peice in Orlando, that he will have to cut his hair before hte club is sold, there is a hold-up in the negotiations as Smudge values his hair more than his high salary.
  11. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Barton's a liability. Smith, Nolan and Butt is more than enough quality in the middle for this league. Honestly, I don't agree - I think with Guthrie back + maybe 1 more, we have BETTER quality. Having enough to me means 1 or 2 crocks or red cards and we are stuck putting LuaLua and Geremi in the center and will be overrun. We lack depth all across the pitch minus GK to be honest. Its blatantaly obvious that if a takeover happens, we need to bring in 2 strikers (Loven & Beckford would do perfectly well), 1 or 2 midfielders (A CM & Winger would do for me) and with Campbell coming in that would shore up the CB needs. All IF we get the takeover...
  12. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    I'd love that info from macca to be true, although I'd like to have Barton stay - I can understand why he'd go if he did, esp if Shearer was in charge. If we brought in: Simpson, Campbell, Beckford, McLoven, + 3 more that would be fantastic. I'd imagine that means we'd keep Tayls if Shearer comes aboard.
  13. Kanji

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Are they counting terrible crosses that the keeper catches???
  14. I do not believe this, not until we have seen photographic evidence. Oh lord, I can't wait foranother Marley exclusive...
  15. Ideally, that would be brilliant. I'm literally crossing my fingers that Taylor someone will come out and deny that theres any move to Everton.
  16. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    Haha, that smoking gun celebration those bums created during the Robson days, haha - classic. I thought the same as well. I had a good laugh at that.
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