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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. I want them to sell Lukaku to Chelsea so we can braindead twitter BS rumor sign Michy.
  2. that way there's absolutely nothing in writing, the fucking shit head
  3. I'm a little bummed we didn't get Abraham as I would have loved to see him play here and develop, but it was a loan deal and likely a 1 season rent. Not arsed at all about Willy being our potential #1 GK either. Happy about Clucas and Grosicki as I can't really say they excited me at all (granted I don't think I've really much to offer on opinion so a semi-crap statement on my part). Hoping for some exciting names/players ala the duo from Sporting a month or so ago.
  4. Everton plz fuck off and sell Lukaku for fucks sake.
  5. Chelsea, hurry the fuck up and sign Lukaku back so we can spunk all the cash on Michy plz
  6. I can't say I've really ever paid attention to Clucas, who is he most similar too?
  7. Still ain't a clue why we turned a #10 and winger who played then centrally prior to sighting him into a all out DM when he first signed
  8. Everton spraying cash out of every fucking hole this summer, christ.
  9. sounds like a kids Disney show Nickelodeon, but yes, it was. Great show too, used to love that giant frog That fucking song is now stuck in my mind Yedlin doing his "ain't talmabout nothin" hand gesture he's been doing all summer. Love him, he cracks me up.
  10. supporting this club is not good for the health
  11. It's either he's happy as fuck and getting on with MA or he's on the brink. ah okay that clears it up
  12. Nike kits are clean. Love it.
  13. Do they not even offer VOD for full matches? My provider does. They do, you just have to wait a certain period of time (not sure if it's immediately after or how many hours/days after) My issue is those of us who pay for the cable service are getting fucked. We're paying into their menu of channels and now we're paying additional. See HBO Go, Showtime etc, that the premium channels offer to TV subscribers vs HBO Now which is a stand alone stream service.
  14. Just need to get a few fucking signings in to calm me nerves down about this, every morning I get up and I'm like alright, lets load up twitter and see we've signed someone....then all I see is Mark Douglas promoting his fucking book.
  15. Yeah so extra time is out for TV subscribers. So fans of the top 4-6 teams will always get on TV and those of us Newcastle supporters will have to rely on the Gold service more often than not. Annoying as I often DVR weekday matches and will start our matches 30 mins to 1 hour late if its early or have family things to do, and now I won't even be able to do that. We'll have to rely on perfect wi-fi connection or cell service wherever we are and if we are more than 30-45 mins late for a match, we cant even start it from the beginning at that point, we'll have to tip toe around to get a full replay while remaining totally radio silent. f***ing crap NBC.
  16. So extra time is out for even us cable subscribers? And we HAVE to pay for this Gold service to get the overflow? Is that right?
  17. they are in such a good position to have their way with this rumor, you know? being relegated, no manager, a rumored takeover that would cost a buyer just about the equivalent of our transfer budget. so jealous of that club right now and in the brilliant position they currently are in.
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