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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Remy Cabella

    His dribbling was excellent versus Chelsea - when he's simply just direct and does no tricks he skipped by the players with ease. He had a few shots that were very well saved though. His grafting and tackling is underrated - he's actually very good at nicking the ball and breaking forward.
  2. love this post. its so painfully true and correct.
  3. Gah what a fucking prick, Pardew.
  4. yep, we've done f*** all but slate lazy journalism for the last 2 years they can go and f*** themselves until they're proven right We slate them to hell. We don't believe a word they say. We then lose our shit when it goes against our thoughts. When it goes with our thoughts we get excited and then slate it anyway. we've all suffered so much bull shit from those fuckers. I hate seeing my fellow NO brethren get worked up. Like seeing everyone happy and excited on here, we don't get to enjoy it that often ffs
  5. Shit UK papers who've been fed nothing or late news contradicting the French journos from the home country of the proposed manager. Alls I'm saying. Wait and see. No need to lose your shits yet fellas.
  6. Kanji

    Lee Charnley

    He gets some slack if he hires the right man. If he doesn't he's a cock. Simple as that. I've said like a million times in this thread - he's got a job to do and I'm not going to pat him on the back if he continues to do nothing as we continue mediocrity. A decent manager can still accomplish all of Ashley's goals (money in his pocket and SD exposure) without breaking the bank.
  7. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    He hit him in the face because the b****** was getting away with wrestling inside the penalty area. That is also an offence FYI. It's just a shame he didn't break his f***ing jaw. TCD was referring to Sterling It was predictable Sterling would get away with it, Cisse did deserve his ban BUT it's just frustrating when you see certain players get away with worse These people just long to disagree with me for the sake of it. I agree with you fully and I was referring to Sterling as you mention. Think alls you needed to do was say the actual name of the person you were referring to in your original post given its a thread about Cisse and the sterling incident happened shortly after.
  8. Who is the main sky commentator these days? Martin Tyler or Alan Parry? Or?
  9. NBC fucking up the Man Utd formation at bottom of screen 3-5-2 with the order of players they just listed.
  10. I can't lose the thought of that Simpsons video and it being Ian in Nice just strolling along
  11. Holding him out to sensationally cancel his loan and HAUL him back to Newcastle.
  12. As long as the other candidates are of the ilk of De Boer, Tuchel, etc. Fine by me. But get it sorted sooner than later. And in all honesty, Garde is in the same breath as those 2 I've just mentioned. I'd believe Garde could win the title in Netherlands given what he did in France.
  13. Why would you take one of the best midfielders this season, out of your FF team? It's Neesy man, the boy's a f***ing renegade. "renegade" :lol::lol: picturing wor Neez on a Harley, bandana, cigarette in mouth and just prontonising everyone. That Crouch shot = Luuk De Jong shot
  14. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Now only if Mike Ashley decided to sign Bony, who was seemingly interested in joining us, but you know, didn't want to cough up a few extra million - the lad is probably going for nearly 30M now? Nice job.
  15. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Aguero, Bony, Dzeko, Negredo (on loan out right?), Jovatec
  16. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    We'll need to clear him off in order to reunite Garde and Cassette tape
  17. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    as long as he'd just got the ball into finishing positions, he'd score a boat load for them.
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