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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. What you did though is imply they were declining under him without even mentioning what i did in my post. You missed some pretty important underlying factors as to why they "declined" in your eyes even tho he still stayed top 5, had no real investment in players, mostly big sales and had to deal with 3 major league and current football world shaping factors in the PSG mega team and investment, Lille's brilliant team and manager, and Montpellier's brilliant team and manager.
  2. Pretty even point haul over 3 years too. despite no spending and all sales.
  3. You do realize this coincided with (1) PSG takeover and massive investment in players and Ancelotti and Blanc (2) THAT Lille team that had Cabaye, Hazard, Debuchy, Sow and Gervinho led by Rudi Garcia (3) THAT Montpellier team that had Giroud, Cabella, Belhanda, Stamboulli and MYM led by Rene Girard.
  4. He stuck around because he has no professional pride. He was a shit manager who had a team full of talent under perform. He couldn't win a derby to save his life. He got bummed over and over every single season. He usually goes on 1 win streak a season, 2 losing streaks and limps rest of way around. He insults his fans. He insults and belittles his players. He thinks he's a genius. He's not. He fucking sucks. He's a fraud. I can't wait to see him get hated by his beloved small time palace fans at the end. No place to hide after that.
  5. It's that last line and quote that triggers it for me
  6. The club also didn't confirm Pardew was going until DAYS later and I assume they'll do the same about the manager until it's signed and in stone and they can tell people it's complete.
  7. It's Lee Ryder. He had no clue about Pardew nearing the door weeks ago
  8. Sounds and looks like the old quotes
  9. Hughton was the exact opposite personality-wise. Also smashed the mackems 5-1. Exactly it's not just his ability as a manager (or lack of) he's a f***ing asshole. People forget we were 8th after that Liverpool game which both the players and manager said was Hughton's win. The financial support from Ashley was also vastly inferior at that point too. Proceeded to have us finish 12th as well. He basically won 5, loss 7, drew 9. Uninspiring c***. He was aiming for slightly less. excellent brother!
  10. Hughton was the exact opposite personality-wise. Also smashed the mackems 5-1. Exactly it's not just his ability as a manager (or lack of) he's a f***ing asshole. People forget we were 8th after that Liverpool game which both the players and manager said was Hughton's win. The financial support from Ashley was also vastly inferior at that point too. Proceeded to have us finish 12th as well. He basically won 5, loss 7, drew 9. Uninspiring cunt.
  11. Kanji

    John Carver

    Naw man, when those clubs have vacancies or speculation they just rifle off the best and strongest names only. Fuck that, we may have Remi fucking Garde man
  12. this. I can't get over it.
  13. I know how highly he looks up to Arsene as former manager, mentor, and all that - fucking fantastic if he's consulted Arsene who feels its a good opportunity. I think it's quite funny - given what I'm sure is known "behind the scenes" within the managerial circles about MA and the ownership/structure here - clearly the calibre of players we've been recruiting is exciting enough to anyone to work with.
  14. You want to be too happy too soon, man. This is all a part of it. that's a good point need the rise before the inevitable crushing fall. so true Speroni's beard is awful
  15. What about Gayle stepping on Lloris head??
  16. Really like Stambouli, was hoping we'd have signed him and kicked Tiote the fuck out. But hopefully we've got the right man already in Abeid.
  17. They fucking love him :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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