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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Got to be the shittest lineup of all times, close to the edgar taylor rammage huntington days
  2. La Parka

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's shit, not a patch on amady faye.
  3. http://www.fansfc.com/UploadedImages/Players/Ryan%20Shawcross_633640673587812500.jpg http://images.teamtalk.com/09/03/800x600/Andy-Wilkinson_2074372.jpg
  4. I get to 2-3 games a season. When I was a student I had a season ticket but now I'm either 1) working 2) Skint (Wedding and a House to save up for) 3) Watching Harrogate Town (Costs) iSTREAM
  5. Hope he does shit and the fans get on his back. And we finish higher than liverpool next season.
  6. Celebration was top with him spazzing out to kuqi!
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