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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. right, just like they hated Villa, Nottingham Forest and Liverpool leave it gemms, you're just making a prat out of yourself now Everyone hated Man U in the 90's Swings n roundabouts. Chelsea are hated because of their nack of winning everything and the manner in which they achieved this.
  2. ........................Foster............................. Richards..Terry........Ferdinand.........Cole Lennon.....Hargreaves..Gerrard..Bentley ...............Rooney................................... ...............................Owen...................... Bentley, especially if cole carries on being a crock.
  3. La Parka


    It was a joke. Lennon on the right would have made much more sense. Drop the Lump-of-Turd, bang Gerrard and Hargreaves in the middle. Left wing? Hmm... Barry. Ok so his not technically the best player but at least the midfield would have some fucking balance. I wish that ginger cnutface would have some balls and drop the big names. Defence could have been much more balanced with Leighton Banes left back and Phil Neville right back. Striker wise it was shit. That was mainly due to the fact neither of them could head and AJ kept getting long balls lumped at him for him to run into a corner, get no support and then loose it. (No support because Rooney is probably sat on the half way line "coming deep", twat). We desperately need a big man up front, we have never replaced shearer. Ashton could make the step up, if he recovers from his injury. If not, I think we are screwed unless we can work out a way of keeping it on the ground for our small pacy strikers. Was an absolute dire performance by McLauren. Total shite. No tactical awareness, even taking a defender off for a striker would have helped us. It was the same old predictable crap and we barely threatened. But meh, its England! Team should have been.... ......................Robinson................. P.Neville...Rio.........Terry.....Baines ..................Hargreaves................. Lennon..................................Barry ....................Gerrard..................... ............Rooney.............................. ...............................AJ...................
  4. What does the back look like?
  5. La Parka


    His fault he was s*** and playing with his f****** hair the f****** nancy boy f****** t***. Not. All. His. Fault. He couldn't even keep to his position. He was shit.
  6. La Parka


    EVERYONE WAS f****** s***!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. La Parka


    His fault he was shit and playing with his fucking hair the fucking nancy boy fucking twat.
  8. Not being funny but it wasn't much of a kick from Butt. AND................If I was Huntingdon I would've finished that Jenner t*** off after about 60 mins when his knee was giving up. Taken him out of the game with his poxy stepovers. He thought he was Christiano Ronaldo! w******. Jenner was so f****** annoying oh my f****** god look at my think f****** *SNAP* step-over that broken leg BITCH AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  9. Van Gaall or whatever that fucking cuntface deformed mother fucking ball-licker is called is the biggest fucking arsehole this side of jose fucking Moriniho. Newcastle were absolute cuntishly shit sheep shagging mother fuckers. The whole defence were a fucking disgrace and they couldn't fucking defend to save their lives. Fuck me poor oba, he had no fucking chance with so much fucking shit around him. I wish parker would fucking stop spinning round like a fucking ballerina. Fucking Duff and Dyer were absolute mother fucking disgraces. Width? Pace? Fuckoff. They were all a disgrace to the motherfucking shirt. Glenn you got it fucking well wrong. Punching the TV hurts it wish it was van gall bladders deformed motherfucking face. Yeh.
  10. Berbatov! He was class today (although I hate to rate a spud!)
  11. La Parka

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    Says the pleb who doesn't go to games, spends most of the time getting slagged off online, and blatantly is a sex pest. Keep it up mate.
  12. Lee Trundle.. Well he has gone a bit shit recently but he used to be awesome.
  13. Replacement for Emre? Aaron Hunt ftw!
  14. I'll own up but seriously he wouldn't be in my premiership XI I'm with chip he is drastically overrated especially this season he has held Arsenal back at times. He just doesn't look like he gives a shit. Can be class but his class is based to individually.
  15. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=452941&CPID=6&clid=4&lid=&title=Solano:+No+need+to+panic Anyone got Glenn's email? Shows more tactical knowledge than our current manager. Nol and Shearer ftw!
  16. Much more suited to italy! Still wouldn't mind him here!
  17. Agree with everything you have said. Obviously Viana was a different player, a midfield playmaker wheras Cristiano Ronaldo is currently one of the best wingers in the world. I agree that he is well on the way of being the best player in the world. He has cut out a lot of theatrics, he seems to have better judgment and this season he has had a great end product. Second top scorer in the premiership is no mean feat especially from the wing where forward play is more limited. He has got pace, can beat his man and cross really well. He is really enjoying his football and everything is going well for him. Credit to Alex/Roy Keane for giving the lad a chance after he demolished them in a friendly. Ever since then he has been widely hated by the English however this is starting to change. He finally is starting to show the signs of being the quality player and we all love watching good players play. Similar to Drogba. Since he sorted his game out this year he has been amazing. So much different from the Drogba we have been used to.
  18. nice one, al. meanwhile Shearer managed 4 from open play in the entire season Let's see how Bellamy performs at the top level when he's 35. He wont as he is not that type of forward. However he is also so overrated on this board.
  19. I think Boca, Ajax and Barca are the best three in the world. Trying to think of someone else currently...
  20. Found it comical myself. Seems like the man has snapped. He was well pissed off though.
  21. He also took growth hormones because he was like 4ft 3 or something daft.
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