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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Richards can play both centerback and right back and he has already shown class both in the PL and at international level. Cant remember last I saw a defender with such a talent! And you dont even have to ask wich position I will go for when talking about Newcastle Agree 100% We are picking for NUFC: right?
  2. Yes he was. But arsenal made him the player he is today.
  3. Maybe better if we did it by position so: Defender: Micah Richards Midfielder: Fabregas Striker: Rooney
  4. Who cares. He contributes fanny all.
  5. Got a good 10-12 years in him. He has been more than promising.
  6. We lost on Luque's debut iirc. srry,i meant THIS SEASON Luque is shit.
  7. La Parka

    It's Official.....

    not another fatty P v Lazy Luque thread..
  8. Shittest news story ever tbh.
  9. Wes brown looks like Carlito? If its hair you are talking about yes,but definitely not the looks.Anyway,I think Brown would be a good addition to the squad.He has done well with Man Utd and 3m is a decent price for a player like him.I dont think Fergie would want to loan him here though. Haha I know he just kind of picked up the Nickname in our house
  10. He is begining to step it up. Now get owen mentoring him on making good runs into space. I also feel he try's to hit the ball too hard on occasion. Maybe a bit more control on his shooting to guarentee they are on target? C'mon Oba
  11. My mate hate's him. He is a blackburn fan. He's like convinced he threw the game for us
  12. Wes brown is top. I would love to see him here. Was thinking that he would be available in jan. Would be a good purchase. He can also play rightback which would be a plus. Heh: If we get Luke Young, Wes Brown our defence look a lot better. Just need to find a LB... Also wes brown looks like Carlito Cool. Another plus
  13. Even my mates who usually rip everything we do agree solano is 100% better than carr
  14. I think I was one of two people who defended his transfer.. Now where is that sibierski signs thread.
  15. No. But he could work his way up. I mean a place at the toon would be almost impossible to get. But DJ campbell went from non league to premiership in 1 season.
  16. Yeah and while were at it lets get rid of harper and ramage Seriously! Depth my friends. Something we lack already. Keep him. 4th choice. He wouldn't be bothered and he wouldn't bother us..
  17. Well the way It worked for my friends was that kids are spotted through the school leagues or through football in the community schems and join "the acadamy". I think these are for kids between 8-16. Then they are assessed whether they get a professional contract at 17 or if they are released to go to pastures new. Throughout this time you go through you standard avenues of study (Maths, English, Science History, PE etc.) and most footballers I assume take up PE at GCSE. I had several friends throughout primary school were scouted by Wednesday/Sheff U/ Leeds. None of them made it any higher up than the Conference North as of yet. PS: I love the MLS system (avec salary cap and rules [3 senior internationals etc]) and it will pay off in the future for the national team. In reverse my friend has a scholorship in America (for a football team)
  18. La Parka

    Crouch in january

    Cristiano Lucarelli tbh.
  19. He won't play much. Getting ripped off all my mates. Just played FM with the update. 2 weeks in he's transfer listed. :roll:
  20. La Parka

    Mark Viduka

    Edit Misread the post. Sorry.
  21. I've given up hope on him. Absolute dogshite. Bet you would all rather have chopra!
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