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Everything posted by NewJerseyMag

  1. He's never a left back. Is that where they are playing him? Isn't he the new CB we are signing? Coming home from a loan deal is like a new signing after all!
  2. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    This smacks of "We tried really hard but oh dear no luck never mind".
  3. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    Why didn't u tell us u bell. :)
  4. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    I have to agree..... we've generally been pretty good offensively but offensive defensively.
  5. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    All that is left to happen is for Cisse to get injured against Norwich and then the price of Remy = currentPrice + 5 million
  6. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    I am. But then again, we've got nothing else to be excited about My sentiments exactly. I'm hoping that at the very most he helps with assists to Cisse, and maybe chips in with 1 or 2 goals here and there.
  7. NewJerseyMag

    Dan Gosling

    Can't wait. Like a poor man's Kevin Brock.
  8. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    He's gorgeous. Say that to his face and see what happens. Not sure which way that would go TBH.
  9. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    He's gorgeous. Not in front of goal, malheureusement.
  10. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    This is going to be a complete fiasco...... is Xisco fit?
  11. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    Just look at that classy luggage If we don't go all out after seeing those bags then the club is a complete disgrace. Not sure about those shoes though. Looks like hes about to take a dance lesson at Westerhope Tute.
  12. NewJerseyMag

    Loïc Remy

    Please let this guy be some good. I'm hoping he fits better into the wide forward role and isn't going to spit his dummy out playing there.
  13. I'd rather we put a youth player on then watch him. Not only is he s**** he doesn't even put in a bit of bloody effort. At least a youth player would be eager to impress. Sadly I really think he is trying. Just no good...... lower champ or league 1 player
  14. NewJerseyMag

    Alan Pardew

    perch should never have gone over for that ball.... and Williamson... nuff said.
  15. Cart-horse. Laughable that we have no choice but to play him.
  16. Ba(h)! Oh well, time to move on. I'm getting used to this each year, is that their aim?
  17. Krul Debuchy New CB Colo Santon Tiote Anita Cabaye HBA Marveaux (Remy?) Cisse If we ever manage to get that team on the field surely we will pull away from the bottom despite Parduh.
  18. Yet some idiots are still prepared to defend the c***. I agree with this 100%. (Almost) the same income less a few quid for being lower in the table. All else taken into consideration (wages, transfer fees etc) this scenario represents the maximum profit. Truthfully, I believe the strategy really to be an aim to finish about 11th each year and thats about it.
  19. NewJerseyMag

    Alan Pardew

    The stupid t*** can't keep the same shape for 60 mins before shitting his pants and throwing his plans in the air, yet we have to prepare for a week to play a centre forward on the wing Exactly.... for the last 30 mins what was the formation exactly? I assume that was NOT part of the master plan.
  20. NewJerseyMag

    Alan Pardew

    The excuses trotted out by some that we had to put Shola in there due to the way we'd prepared for the game in advance is f***ing idiotic. There were 3 spare days between the Arsenal and Everton games, and i imagine one was just resting after a hectic schedule. So that's two full days of training. And Ba met with f***ing Chelsea the day after the Arsenal match for christ's sake so if Pardew's honestly preparing to use him during this game the man is off his rocker. What's more, if he's looking to play 4-3-3 - guess what - we already have a perfect tailor made replacement ready who can play down the middle in that formation and score shedloads - his name is Papiss Cisse. He's played that role many, many times - the idea that he can't due to lacking preparation is nuts. Remember when he signed? Newly returned from ACON, and Pardew put Best in the starting lineup (lol), he got injured, Cisse came on with no preparation, looked the dog's bollocks and scored. On top of that, while Shola has his uses as an impact sub, he's good for 25 minutes tops in a game - starting him and keeping him on til the end is madness. The only slight glimmer of sense i can see to it is that he was brought in to cope with Everton's aerial prowess - in which case you've just picked your main striker as, let's face it, a goddamn defender, while keeping your best striker - one who has wished to play centrally all season - stuck out in purgatory on the wing. And if we're led to believe this horseshit theory about Ba intending to play that role - he was also planning to use him as a battering ram, another mis-use of his talents to go along with how he's wasted others or turned them into crap this season. It's another one of those Souness-esque moments for me and there's been too many recently. f*** me. More eloquent and spot on than anything I could drum up in my posts. ...and boom goes the dynamite. How much preparation would it have taken to play Shola on the right and Cisse down the middle? About two sentences........ are we THAT inflexible?
  21. I agree. Since it was inevitable should have stuck with Cisse as CF.
  22. NewJerseyMag

    Papiss Cissé

    Howay Papisse. This is your chance, but pleas don't go and get hurt!! Looking forward to him playing CF in a 4-3-3.
  23. It's a club that is looking to buy a ghoulscorer Should sign Jonathan Spector, TBF.
  24. We need a CH. Our team formation will be better with Cisse centrally..... but if he gets hurt.......
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