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Everything posted by NewJerseyMag

  1. This is an Everton wan**est. Our players just wandering around, no desire.
  2. Players look totally lethargic, might as well get back on the bus.
  3. What a fiasco. I love it that for once it isnt us. Carroll has a decent debut and now Rodgers isnt sure he should have let him out on loan. Hilarious.
  4. Celtic were up to the same thing as were a few other clubs in England (Arsenal were one, IIRC) but they all cut deals and paid their tax back in full. Rangers had been at it for so long and it was so entrenched in the way the club was ran that they couldn't afford to pay what HMRC claimed was owed to them in tax so they challenged it (hence the big tax case). I thought that we were being looked at too at one point? Celtic have admitted they used an EBT for Juninho. These 2 have been trying to outspend each other for years, such is there hatred for one another. Both of them have overspent in the attempt to draw a higher standard of player into what is in essence a poor league.
  5. It seems to me its the fans that carry the can. That is how football clubs are different. If a company goes under, likely you would be able to buy a similar product elsewhere. Not so easy when your team goes under...... not so easy to go and support someone else.
  6. They avoided taxes but then were caught which lead to administration. The reason they are in D3 is because they were then liquidated and had to start over. I cant see what else they did. Oh, and I dislike Celtic because quite a number of their supporters have sympathy with the IRA, whose raison d'etre is to kill as many British Citizens as possible. If they went to the wall in the same way as Rangers I would be very happy indeed.
  7. Can you explain this sentiment please? Do you feel that Rangers have been hard done by? Not really. But if you kick someone out of your league you cant expect them to pay you for the privilege. Also, Id be amazed if Celtic weren't up to the same games re off shore accounts and all that. The teams I feel any sympathy for are the rest of the SPL.
  8. Now the SPL wants part of Ranger's TV money even though they wont even be in the SPL. I think they should sit out the season and just play some home game friendlies. They would make more filling Ibrox via that route and let the other SPL clubs rot.
  9. True enough. Baseball has 30% non Americans and Ice Hockey about 50% non American. Meh, dont quite understand the whole argument though. There are some bad Rangers fans like with any club but you cant argue with an average crowd of 45,000. If they (the fans) stick together, they will be back soon enough.
  10. The TV deal would be worth more if Rangers are only missing from the SPL for 1 year. Now its 3 years which places the whole TV deal in doubt. Fact is that without Celtic and Rangers in the SPL the finances dont work out. It is entirely possible other clubs may go under without the TV money. What a mess.
  11. Just imagine if it was us and Sunderland. You would just go and support them as the local team then?
  12. Yawn, all too familiar. I'm so over the national team, cant wait for our first game.
  13. Really? I personally just can't get behind them... I don't know why. I know I'm English and I should support England but I just don't like any of the players. Im the same. England just doesnt bother me at all.
  14. At least he will tell the press he wants the Liverpool job, just like he does with all other jobs. Stan Boardman is the early favorite I hear.
  15. How can they complain about an asset stripping chairman. As far as I can tell, their club aint worth s**t at this point. What assets do they have exactly??
  16. Exactly. All we need is few hundred million to really compete next season.
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