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Everything posted by NewJerseyMag

  1. Slash the price and make a 50 million profit... terrific. Meanwhile we missed the transfer window, sold one of our promising young midfielders and are left with a paper thin squad. You couldnt make it up, could you.
  2. I thought he bough for 100 odd million and paid of 110 million. Therefore the sale price should be around 200-250 million.... not 400 odd million
  3. That I, Mike Ashley am, and always will be a Spurs fan.
  4. SSN just had the Arabian News businessman on the phone, so i'm guessing that's more up to date. That guy says there is concern about the Ashley statement that he was afraid to watch the game in fear of being assaulted. Apparently that didn't go down too well in Dubai. Funny, I was just reading an article saying how happy the police were with the peacful protests. Ashley decided that he was unsafe. I didn't see any comments advocating violence of any sort.
  5. Microsoft To Bid For Newcastle? http://www.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=864984 Was certain I was about to be Rolled there. Well Microsoft products crash about as often as the Toon so would be a perfect match!
  6. You are? Did you take a look at the bench on Saturday? Where was the left back on the 2nd goal ( I use the term left back lightly)??
  7. Well condsidering he was an odious little **** during his time as a player, I dont suppose he suddenly changed now. I seem to recollect him kicking in taxi doors and that he was viewed as the "Barton" of his day. So now we have him running the club? He seems like the prime candidate to have as chief negotiator, sign for us or I will kick for *****ing head in??
  8. I would agree with this. To me though, the appointment of Llambias seems to have been a major blunder. Mort was good with the public and the press, then this guy comes in and the whole thing has spiralled out of control very quickly.
  9. that pissed me off as well. Nobody has asked him to buy 30m quid players, not me, you or anybody. Nobody I know has asked him or suggested he buys 30m quid players. Only that he allowed his manager complete authority over his staff and scouting teams, and that he backs him as much as possible, and by that I mean if Keegan wanted a player [whatever the price and despite any claims to the contrary, Keegan understands the need to get value for money] then he would do his best to get him and pay a bit over the top to trust his manager if need be. Thats how big clubs should act. Totally agree. The manager obviously thought that this was the case (backed up by the club's early statements). Then, all of a sudden, the club announce that this was NEVER the case! Then they expect a man known to stand up for for his beliefs to just do nothing? Give me a break. Bye Bye Ashley..... NEXT!
  10. You state "The facts you cannot ignore are" and then proceed to give us a list made up mostly of media fuelled misinformation, assumptions and total bullshit. Good job. What! 1) He did state there would be a WOW signing. Then he stated we only had a 12 Million budget (so much for the wow signing). Then we spent 1 million (net). 2) He did state that Keegan had final say on transfers Then the "board" stated that was never the case and never had been. Mike, dont let the door slam you in the ass.......
  11. Agree. So do I. I think he was crapping himself and it came out as a nervous grimace. Like trying not to laugh when you know you absolutely should not in fact makes you laugh.
  12. My worry is that a fair price would see him break even only and he may sit on the club as a result. I hope he would rather break even and get out but obviously he wants to make a profit and so may dig his heels in.
  13. Oh, you're forgetting that Ashley has the power to sack himself No but he is a businessman and will sell. I will be suprised if he is around much longer... a business with unhappy cutomers who view you as part of the problem isnt something you would want to keep.
  14. This is the crux of the matter - how much of his role does this involve - if this was his main brief as originally mooted then again fair enough, work out of Heathrow, but if he is as central to the club as latterly suggested then the youth thing is a minor part at most. I disagree. When there is a bitter argument often the differences between you and the opposition come out. In this case its "dwarf" and "cockney" and "fat". I would add "smug bastard" for Llambias.... oh he is a West Ham supporter after all. Wonder what he thinks?!! He has always loved Geordies of course!
  15. Maybe all these PC types should attend an away game at West Ham and see how they really love us "Norvern Cants"!.
  16. Like todays result means much? Think we are going to do anything at all above mid table (at best) mediocrity? You have to act if you want change, or just accept 2nd best, as nothing will change. The board are banking on your inactivity to do absolutely nothing. Ah no, we are going to win the league right!
  17. People are just a teeny weeny bit upset Dave, not much gong on to cause that like! If we can't even unite against this bunch what hope is there?
  18. ok, yet you are still adamant that the whole ground, ie fans didnt clap that banner? so what percentage would you say did, cos i'd say at least 90% of those that were their did Probably around two thirds clapping, maybe a little more. Either way you suggesting 90% backs up my claim that everyone wasn't clapping. No need to discuss it further Are you that smug c**t Llambias?? He wasnt clapping I noticed.
  19. Well if anyone really wants change staying away would be much more effective. And then the mongs complaining about distractions wont have anything to whinge about.... since the ground would be empty. So long as people continue to show up then I doubt much will happen. The quickest way to get change.... stop going and stand outside the ground and protest.
  20. yessss! Now I can get back to work.... what a day!!! Best news for ages!
  21. Dennis Wise as manager... why not put us out of our misery and get Eric Gates for assistant manager
  22. I don't think he will have been sacked... more likely walked because of what he sees as false promises in getting him to take the job in the first place. The signings we have made appear to be decent, but then have been eclipsed by other teams. The Man City saga may have highlighted the fact that we are pretty much 2nd tier now.
  23. Huge numbers of people outside SJP, cars beeping their horns all over the place, me jumping around the house singing "Keegan wonderland", my phone going every 2 minutes, me frantically trying to get tickets. Madness. No other man could generate this kind of buzz and for those who have never experienced this buzz, let me tell you when KK was here first time as manager, it was as special as the football we played. I actually feel sorry for those who won't be in the city during all this. Tonight we would have been lucky to get 25.000 through the door, tonight you will do well to get a ticket. That's what adding KK's name to NUFC does, it's the differance between a half empty stadium or a full one. It's the difference between KK and every other manager we've had. He's special and I am f****** delighted he's back. Aye aye it's daft and probably wrong, but I don't give a f*** what other fans think, what the media think or a stuff about logic and reason. I am sitting at my desk with the hairs on the back of my neck tingling. Welcome back King Kev. My sentiments exactly. When I get home I'm gonna get the kids and all put on our shirts and go into the back yard and play! Toon V QPR.
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