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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Yay, another chance for you to stick the boot in.
  2. Quite sure £5k would grease the wheels.
  3. Shame, but we'd have been gutted if someone had got injured.
  4. Expect a few 'TLDR' as more probable responses. But yes I agree with you.
  5. Nice to read some unbiased opinion. Thank you.
  6. I find it quite encouraging reading that. Easy to imagine how he could have lost his way at Man U a bit. Wether we can get him to blossom again and continue where he left off is another matter but to say he's shit is unbelievable.
  7. I suspect it was the wage that put us off not the injury. We thought we could get him for £4m and £40k/week, turned out he wanted £45k/week or possibly a little more. Meanwhile Pardew phones Alex and gets confirmation he can get Obertan for £2m and probably around £25k/week. Cut-price Ashley considers the relative merits of the two deals. No contest.
  8. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    There is that, and a decent reminder. But at what point does the penny drop for him? At some stage he must realise he is being spun a line himself. That's where his integrity will kick in, right?
  9. In other words, nowhere near as bad as some people are making out.
  10. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Makes me wonder how he manages to walk - having no spine!
  11. Mr Logic

    Our local press

    In complete agreement with you there Wullie. Somewhere along the line the press as a whole had their teeth pulled, probably goes back to Wapping. They should reflect the locals concerns, they should ask the tough questions of the club. If they get banned from the ground they buy tickets and they escalate (or at least continue) their tough line. They'd sell more papers that way for a start. Tugging their proverbial forelocks at the first sound of displeasure emanating from the St James' boardroom makes them spineless toadies.
  12. Mr Logic

    Summer from Hell

    Way to go Otter As if there wasn't enough negativity on the board already.
  13. Well this thread has proved one thing to me, people believe whatever the hell they want to as long as it fits with all their other preconceived notions. Half the responses clearly weren't even reading the thread or worse, willfully ignoring the bits they didn't want to accept.
  14. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Their rational thinking processes are hindered by a surfeit of emotion.
  15. Mr Logic

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    As daft as it seems, I still think we will spend some money. Ironically the Barton situation has set me to thinking along similar lines. Not guaranteed though.
  16. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Not that I particularly like being proved correct. It was always going to happen as far as I could see. Barton HAS been an idiot about this, and as others have suggested - he can't be so thick that he didn't realise it was coming.
  17. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Surely any sane person not conditioned into an American way of life would be liable to do the same? (No disrespect intended to our American posters.)
  18. According to some reports we'd agreed on £25m, it was only last doors they decided to see how far they could go. Just saying. However, if they are still considering selling at the last moment why would the bid for M'bengue not be revisited?
  19. Pretty much how I feel, except I simultaneously take over Chelsea or Man U and put a £25m bid in.
  20. A lot of fans do think like that these days, they have been brainwashed into thinking like little mini accountants rather than football fans. Look at this board for absolute proof Agree - full of c*nts trying to add up to £35 million.
  21. My memory needs a refresh, do me a favour and list them all please.
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