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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. I swear Ryder has no idea what he's talking about. Spirit in and around the club is not good. Source? Scout at the club. Can you elaborate on what he told you? Any details? Explained this in another thread. The guy's been at the club for over a decade. He says there've been two times when the atmosphere was fantastic in the club: under Sir Bobby and under Hughton. He says Hughton had brought back an atmosphere were everyone wanted to come into training, get on the pitch and get playing. Now he's never blamed Pardew for the loss of that, but I think it was the sacking of Hughton alienated everyone so much. Even the scout is trying to get to Birmingham to join up with Hughton again. He says it's not pleasant in there at the minute. I doubt many would disagree that the team spirit was right up there under Hughton. A dip in spirit doesn't necessarily make it shit though - merely not as good as it was. Then consider maybe this scout has personal issues, maybe he's not happy so sees everything in a bleak light. :shrug:
  2. Mr Logic

    Nile Ranger

    Would be ideal imo.
  3. Shocking Tiote sent off.. Jose has scored twice but both own goals, his 2nd was a 25 yard screamer. Source code ftw..
  4. This is correct. I seem to recall there was almost universal condemnation/unhapiness at some of Barton's first tweets. This is the same Enrique that said he wanted to spend the rest of his career here. It appears he has changed his mind. He is now unhappy and wants to leave. He tweets a load of inflammatory comments and half the board rally behind him like he's some kind of hero. Seemingly failing to spot that his comments cannot be good for the teams morale whichever way you look at it. The team is changing, as all teams do. If Enrique isn't happy he has to be shipped out and sharpish. It's not rocket science. Coloccini has just been made captain and by all accounts is honoured to take on the role, he's very happy with it. The newest team members all suggest that conversations with Ben Arfa were in some way influentual on their decision to join Newcastle. Do Enrique's comments do anything to enhance this new incarnation of Newcastle United? No, of course they don't. They're a harsh discord in whatever light you look at it. We will all still be here supporting Newcastle long after Enrique has retired from football. Let's get out perspective in place. Enrique should just shut the fuck up, if he's unhappy - fuck off His comments do nothing for team spirit, they do the opposite - so why are so many rushing to defend him? Why do so many rush to defend a regime that is so bad for the club that players and managers consistently try to tell us what a shit job they are doing? Unless you're claiming that what Enrique's said is ultimately going to be worse for the club than years of Ashley mismanagement? Who? Who is defending the regime. They're a bunch of tits, what has that got to do with what I posted?
  5. Could picture Annoying Jesus behind him saying. "That's it, now kick him in the teeth."
  6. This is correct. I seem to recall there was almost universal condemnation/unhapiness at some of Barton's first tweets. This is the same Enrique that said he wanted to spend the rest of his career here. It appears he has changed his mind. He is now unhappy and wants to leave. He tweets a load of inflammatory comments and half the board rally behind him like he's some kind of hero. Seemingly failing to spot that his comments cannot be good for the teams morale whichever way you look at it. The team is changing, as all teams do. If Enrique isn't happy he has to be shipped out and sharpish. It's not rocket science. Coloccini has just been made captain and by all accounts is honoured to take on the role, he's very happy with it. The newest team members all suggest that conversations with Ben Arfa were in some way influentual on their decision to join Newcastle. Do Enrique's comments do anything to enhance this new incarnation of Newcastle United? No, of course they don't. They're a harsh discord in whatever light you look at it. We will all still be here supporting Newcastle long after Enrique has retired from football. Let's get out perspective in place. Enrique should just shut the fuck up, if he's unhappy - fuck off His comments do nothing for team spirit, they do the opposite - so why are so many rushing to defend him?
  7. http://www.orlandocitysoccer.com/schedule/gamecenter/
  8. Comment From Daves New Broadband I am so happy my connection is now good enough I can watch streams
  9. Because a large number of them are financed by generous benefactors who are happy to throw money at their clubs? Like Stoke and Wolves? Aye, righto. Ok - I'll try again - other clubs weren't trying to correct years of negligent ownership that had created an 100% unsustainable business. Any other examples you'd like me to bat back? How long are you going to bang this drum? Will you still be defending him in 2015 on the basis of "what Shepherd did"? At what point does it become his responsibility seeing as there isn't a contract at the club that wasn't signed under Ashley? I'd agree that there comes a point where Shepherd's mistakes become irrelevant (even if they did set off a chain of catastrophic events). But I am not sure that pointing out that none of the contracts at the club were not signed by Ashley makes a whole lot of difference. He still inherited a mess and has to try and clean up that mess. This will be a popular post. It has to be said if Ashley left the club tomorrow he would leave it in a hell of a lot better condition than the day he took it on. Healthier balance sheet but short on playing staff of right quality. But why worry about squad ability, its only a football club. Your putting words in my mouth there, I do worry about the overall squad ability. Try not to take my post out of the context in which it was made. edit: or should I say, I have concerns. I don't worry about it.
  10. Thought I read, in here somewhere, that the sponsorship must be paid for.. money must be seen to be moving from one place to another?
  11. Because a large number of them are financed by generous benefactors who are happy to throw money at their clubs? Like Stoke and Wolves? Aye, righto. Ok - I'll try again - other clubs weren't trying to correct years of negligent ownership that had created an 100% unsustainable business. Any other examples you'd like me to bat back? How long are you going to bang this drum? Will you still be defending him in 2015 on the basis of "what Shepherd did"? At what point does it become his responsibility seeing as there isn't a contract at the club that wasn't signed under Ashley? I'd agree that there comes a point where Shepherd's mistakes become irrelevant (even if they did set off a chain of catastrophic events). But I am not sure that pointing out that none of the contracts at the club were not signed by Ashley makes a whole lot of difference. He still inherited a mess and has to try and clean up that mess. This will be a popular post. It has to be said if Ashley left the club tomorrow he would leave it in a hell of a lot better condition than the day he took it on. In what sense? Not financially and on the pitch, the difference is marginal. Damn it man, don't ask me questions I can't answer. Any accountants online? I was thinking along the lines of many saying the club was on the verge of going under when Ashley took over. Statements from Mort etc. And that Ashley had turned that around, at least to a good degree. Am I way off? If he's prepared to write off the money he has loaned the club when he leaves, then you are right. We all know he won't and the club's debt (to him) is much larger than when he arrived. His status as a guarantor overshadows some utterly disastrous financial mismanagement from what I can see. For a Premier League club of our gates not to be able to afford transfer fees, well that speaks for itself imo. Ok I'll not comment further on this as I really know nothing. Was speaking off the top of my head.. I know next to nothing of the clubs finances and in all honesty they interest me even less. I just want to see us playing nice football and winning matches.
  12. Because a large number of them are financed by generous benefactors who are happy to throw money at their clubs? Like Stoke and Wolves? Aye, righto. Ok - I'll try again - other clubs weren't trying to correct years of negligent ownership that had created an 100% unsustainable business. Any other examples you'd like me to bat back? How long are you going to bang this drum? Will you still be defending him in 2015 on the basis of "what Shepherd did"? At what point does it become his responsibility seeing as there isn't a contract at the club that wasn't signed under Ashley? I'd agree that there comes a point where Shepherd's mistakes become irrelevant (even if they did set off a chain of catastrophic events). But I am not sure that pointing out that none of the contracts at the club were not signed by Ashley makes a whole lot of difference. He still inherited a mess and has to try and clean up that mess. This will be a popular post. It has to be said if Ashley left the club tomorrow he would leave it in a hell of a lot better condition than the day he took it on. In what sense? Not financially and on the pitch, the difference is marginal. Damn it man, don't ask me questions I can't answer. Any accountants online? I was thinking along the lines of many saying the club was on the verge of going under when Ashley took over. Statements from Mort etc. And that Ashley had turned that around, at least to a good degree. Am I way off?
  13. Because a large number of them are financed by generous benefactors who are happy to throw money at their clubs? Like Stoke and Wolves? Aye, righto. Ok - I'll try again - other clubs weren't trying to correct years of negligent ownership that had created an 100% unsustainable business. Any other examples you'd like me to bat back? How long are you going to bang this drum? Will you still be defending him in 2015 on the basis of "what Shepherd did"? At what point does it become his responsibility seeing as there isn't a contract at the club that wasn't signed under Ashley? I'd agree that there comes a point where Shepherd's mistakes become irrelevant (even if they did set off a chain of catastrophic events). But I am not sure that pointing out that none of the contracts at the club were not signed by Ashley makes a whole lot of difference. He still inherited a mess and has to try and clean up that mess. This will be a popular post. It has to be said if Ashley left the club tomorrow he would leave it in a hell of a lot better condition than the day he took it on.
  14. Can't disagree with a word of that.
  15. As it stands we're definitely short a couple, and as the days tick by it becomes an increasing concern. Though I think we will still get a couple more bodies in I'm less sure of this than I was and I fully understand all the queries regarding the Carroll money, as visibly - none of it has really been spent. Two or three of the right quality could really have seen us trying to make our mark this season. As it stands right now, it really does seem Ashley is content to cross his fingers and hope for the best. Hope to feel better about this in a months time.
  16. Mouthpiece for the cockney mafia. Trying to soften the blow when we fail to get another striker. Humour?
  17. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Never actually mentioned praying, nor was the scientific data connected with the efficacy of prayer. Would you like me to suggest a book to get you started?
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