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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Game on, Barca will just move up a gear now.
  2. Mike Ashley is clearly has tiger blood. http://i.imgur.com/Rl7Gd.jpg Wow, that's a fat tiger. Pregnant? Stunt double for Garfield.
  3. 11 yellows last season. Between him and Tiote we'll be top of the fair play league in no time at all.
  4. Hope this comes off, looks a good signing.
  5. Ain't getting Zoggy for £5m then!
  6. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    first 3 albums were good, piles of overated after that. I was just reminded of the Doors after that, music to slit your wrists by.
  7. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    I'm a bit older than that and liked them first time around. Now, over 20 years on and with time I feel their music resembles funeral dirges. Strikes a memory for sure but not easy listening.
  8. Nowt wrong with that if you focus on the bold bit.
  9. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Aren't you a Charming Man? You can still appreciate good music regardless of age. True. I just hadn't realised the Smiths popularity had survived with time. I'm out of touch.
  10. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    I've been searching for recent quotes, that Pardew was 'buoyed' by a meeting with Ashley at the training ground - regarding not being content with just 'surviving' in the PL, but wants to challenge on the next level. Need exciting players that will get the fans off their seats etc. Can't find them! But how does that fit in with this? He will to buy half a team if our worst fears are realised, (Enrique, Barton, Nolan all gone), we needed players anyway. Is it all just more bullshit or are we about to see a stunning amount of ins and outs?
  11. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Barton was 3 years old when the Smiths hit the charts. I had no idea people still listened to the Smiths. How soon is now?
  12. i'd actually go for that (though i think adam is a massive risk) but can't see it happening. Why a 'massive' risk. In fact why a risk at all? personally i think theres a high chance he'll struggle when he moves on and not sure he'll be able to cut it in a team where he's asked to do more (don't think many temas will build themselves round him like blackpool did). i can see him being a more central bentley. Okay, I get your point; but surely if the team is NOT being built around him no-one is asking him to do more. Messi is maybe correct though, if he's not the focus he may not function - which is what I think maybe you were saying?
  13. i'd actually go for that (though i think adam is a massive risk) but can't see it happening. Why a 'massive' risk. In fact why a risk at all?
  14. Nolan and Barton are as good as gone.
  15. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Too simplistic, please don't get me started as I suspect I am already on many peoples ignore function.
  16. Well a 5 year contract for a young player certainly fits the pattern so in that respect it is very believable, but I agree - how the fuck is the Mail the first to report it.
  17. Ah, well that wouldn't really fit the pattern of random bullshit from any newspaper would it?
  18. Oh surely you missed an opportunity there to post that pathetic Giggs!
  19. Some good news on an otherwise poor news day
  20. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Being articulate doesn't make him intelligent. Just a more effective loud mouth. Well again, everything is relative, but being articulate could be considered as at least a measure of intelligence. The loud mouth is also a measure of something.
  21. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Couldn't agree more. All said and done the only question really is what is Barton fighting for? One thing I'm sure of is he won't walk away from it, he would rather be run over by a tank than back down. Wether that position he takes is based on a legitimate complaint or a psychological aberration will have no bearing. It's a mess that won't go away. Unfortunately, it has to go away, one way or another. If he won't join another club, he'll have to go on gardening leave. He's basically declared war on his employer, trying to use the support of fans to back himself up. There's no sign of a change of owner, so he's the one that will have to go. Whether he already realises that, I don't know. If he hangs around, there's a danger that he's going to poison the atmosphere in the dressing room. He's an intelligent bloke, but unfortunately far too self-centred to see the bigger picture. what makes you think he's an intelligent bloke ? he's admitted some of his failings, that doesn't make him intelligent and his fuck ups are more often more than just passion. He does come across as more intelligent than many footballers, but everything is relative. In the grand scale of things I would hesitate to proclaim him a genius.
  22. Assuming it's true, it's not stupid at all. It's an opening gambit, possibly unsettling the player - and see what happens next. What did you expect, an opening bid of £12m
  23. I think Bendtner would do brilliantly for any team in the league that would play him weekly, for you he would get 20 goals. Nailed on. I think you are probably right, as a consistent starter in his preferred position and playing more to his strengths would have to see a better player. Not sure how to rein in his ego though.
  24. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Couldn't agree more. All said and done the only question really is what is Barton fighting for? One thing I'm sure of is he won't walk away from it, he would rather be run over by a tank than back down. Wether that position he takes is based on a legitimate complaint or a psychological aberration will have no bearing. It's a mess that won't go away.
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