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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Can't he (someone/nufc) buy his contract out. Can't see anyone paying 12m for him when there's only 12 months on his contract.
  2. This is an argument over nothing really. Nolan is still here for another 2 years as it stands, they haven't put him against a wall and shot him! Is he an influential player. YES Will he be worth the same 2 seasons from now? PROBABLY NOT Do we know the terms of the contract just refused, or wether another will be offered? NO Let's have a mass barney about it.
  3. Taking the piss I hope? No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ? Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks. Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.
  4. Mr Logic


    If the agent had said anything to the French press wouldn't the Lille forum be in meltdown about now?
  5. This could well come back to bite us. Got to be more down to personality than ability despite many on here claiming he has next to no ability.
  6. Mr Logic


    Yeah sorry, my post was a little OTT. One too many drinks I suspect. Twitter is a cunt, every Walter Mitty out there's wet dream come true. Then just the forum generally sometimes, every sarcastic (unwarranted) response or Giggs posted winds me up (or would if I let it).. Time for bed I think.
  7. Mr Logic


    Some people treat the world differently to me and it's so upsetting, I hate them, I just hate them.
  8. or maybe "this group of lads" can't expect to earn bonus years based on being a "group of lads" and should accept that we are evolving. I'd reckon 80 is more right than wrong. The old guard are to be put out to pasture. If the new breed are of the Tiote, Arfa, Cabaye ilk I can't say I'm too concerned, but it has the potential to go pear shaped I'm sure.
  9. I'm a bit late on to this story, (was watching BGT Final ), which you've all already discussed but here's my thoughts for what they're worth. 'Shock' does seem to imply bad news, or at the very least completely unexpected, or maybe it was a poor choice of words. But given these peoples jobs are dealing with words one would think it was given some thought. Then the McKenzie response tweet. WTF does 'commit treason' mean? But the 'transfer tale is good' does seem to suggest the story is good, not the contents of the story. So it looks like an outgoing, but won't be as bad as some seem to think. (Tiote) Personally I'm clinging to 'completely unexpected', - Enrique has signed for 5 more years.
  10. Thought Abidal was going to fuck up today, don't knw why.
  11. 10 minutes gone, Belarus edging possession 55-45 mostly due to the fact they have 8 behind the ball at all times.
  12. Then surely we are a sideways step? Don't get why some people are so sure he'd choose us over them. Can I fuck you yet? That's a bit too far!
  13. It goes on to quote the Northern Echo though, so it's almost certainly supposition.
  14. http://s2.postimage.org/gffuwg42r/tayls2.jpg
  15. Mr Logic


    Damn, I'm getting a bit excited about this now despite myself.
  16. Exactly. Agreed, I'd reckon 4.6m-6m for Enrique, 7.5m-8.5m (maybe even 9m) for Zoggy.
  17. Mr Logic


    your to technical for me lol think ive upset mr admin, he's changed my username and avatar. I feel special. You're definitely 'special'.
  18. He's also a family man, small kid. So it's unlikely he'll be creating any unwanted headlines.
  19. There's always the possibility that the deadline for a decision was on Gameiro and not Gervinho as suggested.
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