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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Yeah, let's see if I can get the bullet back out of my brain.
  2. http://i33.tinypic.com/3535cuq.jpg Dave, you bastard!
  3. Looks like he's auditioning for BoyZ in da Hood III.
  4. That's about as accurate an assessment as anyone could hope for without hard facts.
  5. Not really, 1 being a cunt, 10 being a hero.. he's at 4.9 Could be a lot worse.
  6. I was drinking down the Bigg market when my mate and I saw the chronicle hoardings "Keegan Jets in to Sign". We nicked them and were taking them in to all the bars we went to. Saw him score his firstgoal for the Toon, instant hero. His stint as manager only served to increase my respect and admiration for him. Right now I think he's closer to a cunt than a hero.
  7. We've ripped the piss out of that banner but the more I see that spelling the more I think that it wasn't a mistake. Am I giving them too much slack? I think it was deliberate, just not very good.
  8. The Ashley interview in the official club magazine is perhaps the only definitive source for direct quotes about his plan(s) for Newcastle. The thing is, many of his recent and current actions just don't fit in with his own plan. In fact, as it stands right now, the plan is in shreds and the club is like the Titanic bearing down on an iceberg. Ashley is the captain of the ship but isn't on deck so history will be bound to repeat itself. Conspiracy theories appeal in greater or lesser measure dependant on there plausibility. Sun Tzu's Art of War states that before you can destroy your enemy you must first become his friend. Or maybe not Sun Tzu, but an eastern business philosophy nevertheless. Pretty sure Ashely denied being a Tottenham supporter, but it's been stated many times in the past and still is with Dave Whelan being the most recent to mention it, that many believe it to be a fact. Paul Kemsley is certainly counted among a close circle of friends, not that that in itself is proof of anything. As wild as the theory is, and the possibility of losing millions kind of throws it out before it even gets off the ground, Ashley certainly seems to have done a grand job of ripping the heart out of the club. And Keegan and the fans of Newcastle played their parts perfectly as though the scripts had been pre-written and learnt by rote. If one's real agenda had been to destroy a hated rival it really couldn't have gone better as things stand right now.
  9. Yes Mort was only ever there on a 12 month basis, wonder if that's what Mick is thinking about? Edit: Damn...
  10. I got the impression he had walked? Maybe just the way it was reported at the time left me feeling that. There are so many factors, even years from now it is doubtful we will have the whole picture - as time passes people's stories/memories of events will change.
  11. That's another point in all this. Why did Cox leave?
  12. His 'Judge me at midnight' comment comes in there I guess. He was giving them till the last minute to get in before the window closed. It didn't come off, he walked - sticking by his principles but damaging team spirit, fan optimism and ultimately the club.
  13. Never underestimate the power of belief (confidence) of players to influence a result. Right now our lot must be back at ground-zero following recent events. Doesn't bode well and relegation is a possibility unless something concrete happens quite quickly.
  14. Wenger's statement was about as damning as you could get of the system in place at SJP, bearing in mind he is part of the Arsenal system that Ashley claims to be trying to run this club on.
  15. I went to investigate the light at the end of the tunnel, more bad news I'm afraid - it was only Ashley with a torch.
  16. errm, club accounts or Companies House records doesn't constitute factual information? And what's with you? You're more intelligent than that, I've noticed a few of your posts of late have just been insulting with no other content. He's quoted his sources, why don't you refute them if you know different?
  17. 1957: Men conquer Everest 1969: Man steps on the moon 2008: Men fail to buy football club, too many hurdles to surmount. I'll do an Ashley now and just give up before I started.
  18. Mr Logic

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Well actually that's what I was thinking, it could be he didn't want to come back to this disaster for as long as possible.
  19. Don't apologise, it is only by getting your feedback that allows me to reconsider my own ideas and either adapt or scrap them. First of all I'll adapt. To the premise that you would have 100,000 owners wanting to watch the game whenver they want. That assumes they all live locally to the ground or are willing to travel to every fixture. What about all the overseas suppporters? Speaking for myself I would be more than content to watch every game on TV for my £100/month ownership bond, how about watching it in HDTV. (And I'm 8 miles from the ground.) Of course that raises another hurdle, the rights to broadcast the game to the £100 a month 'owners' of the club. Work out some deal with Sky or whoever would have the current rights. Of course they would want to know what's in it for them, this poxy world is driven by money. But you don't know unless you try. I know things are difficult but nothing is impossible. With the right drive and belief....
  20. Mr Logic

    Jonas Gutierrez

    From SkySports, Tuesday: Homero De Agostino, the doctor of the national team, confirmed that he checked Jonas Gutierrez, who has a little fracture in the right clavicle," a report on the Argentina Football Association's website said. "With the allowance of his club Newcastle, Jonas will stay in Buenos Aires to be treated by the national team's medical staff. "He should rest for 20 days and will have the rehabilitation treatment under doctor De Agostino." -- Would that be normal, letting a player get treatment from their international team doctor? I wouldn't have thought so.
  21. Just hypothesising, and from a position of economic ignorance.. The city of Newcastle stands to profit from regular European football, in particular the hospitality industry. (Hotels, clubs, pubs, restaurants, casinos etc.) Rather than just targetting fans/supporters around the world get some motivation generated within the cities business community, (wether they are die-hard supporters, casual fans or have little interest in the game of football whatsoever), it could be possible to persuade/convince them of regularly increased profits in direct proportion to the clubs success. The more successful the club is the more they stand to profit? (Is this even theoretically sound?) Still couldn't expect to raise 300m, be amazing if it generated 3m really. Would there be alternatives to pooling money. If a small group could accept donations for example, (I realise the enormous trust that would be needed in such a situation.) Would it be impossible to find 100,000 people worldwide that want to support the club financially. Just as an example I could commit to £100/month for such a venture. 100,000 people like me and that's 120m in 1 year. I find it a little frustrating that the vast majority of responses in this thread are so negative. Why not, instead, find some way to surmount or avoid the difficulties and make it possible. I would have thought this Ashley situation would have been all the impetus needed to at least try. The thought of getting a new owner with no interest in the club other than as a plaything/vehicle for brand association or whatever is not an encouraging one. I'm sure the majority feel quite helpless and frustrated when things go wrong with the club. That will never change unless the owners of the club are benevolent with a primary concern for Newcastle United as an entity and nothing else besides. It doesn't really matter how naive I am, there are others out there that could make this work. As far-fetched as it might sound, as romantic an idea or impractical, it has to be possible.
  22. Mr Logic

    Public meeting

    Public meeting this Tuesday (16th September) at the Tyneside Irish Centre on Gallowgate @ 7.30pm. (See .com for more details) A chance for fans/supporters to discuss having a unified voice.. I think? (Whoops, didn't see existing post. )
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