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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. My two penneth. If we do not sign at least one top striker before the end of the window er're fucked. No way will we get a full season from Owen, definitely not from Viduka and Martins won't score enough.


    Therfore no goals = buggered.


    Not knee jerk either, June 10th everyone is saying we've got weeks till the end of the window, stop fucking panicking. Well now we have a little less than three weeks and my casino team has more strength in depth.


    I agree that another striker would be most welcome, but i feel we will see more goals from midfield than in recent seasons due to a vastly different style of play.


    It's going to be fun watching attacking football again.

  2. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/08/12/nufc-owner-mike-ashley-lifts-lid-on-takeover-72703-21516411/

    ASHLEY has revealed the mechanics of his Toon takeover.


    “It was the quickest I’ve ever done a deal of that size – we’re talking only a few days. I was told there was an opportunity to acquire Sir John Hall’s stake in Newcastle United, that he may be a seller but only if somebody acted without any delay because he didn’t want to cause any form of disruption for the club.


    “The last thing Sir John wanted was a long drawn-out affair because he feared that wouldn’t be good for Newcastle United.


    “The deal was put to me on a Saturday. By the Monday, in advance of speaking to Sir John, I’d deposited the equivalent of money we hoped he would accept for his shares at the lawyers and on the Tuesday the deal was effectively done.


    “By Wednesday (May 23, 2007) the announcement was public and that was the first anyone, including the media, knew about it. Once I was told about it, it was done very quickly. Sir John was ready to act if I was and it was a very straightforward process.


    He adds: “Maybe I could have bought a smaller club, but it just wouldn’t have been the same challenge. It’s like settling for the high jump when really you want to do the pole vault – you want more excitement so you go higher.


    “I was being offered the chance to own one of the jewels, one of the diamonds of the Premier League. There was no hesitation, why would there be?”


    You know all that's quoted from the official mag, right?

  3. Don't know why nearly everyone is laughing at the Coloccini in midfield theory. If the guy has an eye for a pass then why not in the holding role. Won't be the first time Keegan has found a new position for a player.


    Most of the stuff seemed quite reasonable (plausible) to me.


    He still has to pay £3m a year for the next few years to Deportivo for Luque - wrong


    How do you know this is wrong?


    Because we paid them an initial fee which was more than £500k. If anything it's more we still owe £3m over the next few years. We've already paid over £6m for him though, so I doubt we're going to give them another £9m!


    Agreed, bold is a likely scenario. Doesn't make the entire thing a work of fiction then does it.

  4. I don't know why everyone is believing a "my mates fathers friend" story.


    It's not a case of just believing it, it's looking at everything that is said in light of everything we already know, or think we know, and measuring how well it stands up - plausible or bollockible. It looks around 80% the former to me.


    The 3m a year could be an error, perhaps it was 2m or even 1m a year still to pay. Errors are possible. I'm quite sure we are not signing a NIG name player for instance.

  5. Don't know why nearly everyone is laughing at the Coloccini in midfield theory. If the guy has an eye for a pass then why not in the holding role. Won't be the first time Keegan has found a new position for a player.


    Most of the stuff seemed quite reasonable (plausible) to me.


    He still has to pay £3m a year for the next few years to Deportivo for Luque - wrong


    How do you know this is wrong?

  6. see,  why can't this come up in pub quizes?  To me thats trivia.


    But no, the quizmaster in my local would rather know who discovered Pluto...


    Pop Quiz:


    The only player to play for both top flight teams in Liverpool and Manchester?



  7. 3 of the 4 posts directly above are all spot on iyam. The club seriously needs to reconsider their current stance vis-à-vis the media.


    (Parky, Jonny Hall and UV)


    I agree, a little more communication would be a good thing imo. However, we may have found it harder to sign Jonas (given that Pompey were interested at £8m not so long ago) had anyone known anything about it.


    No-one said anything about telling them what we're planning to do tranfer-wise, that sort of information can be positively spun after the event. But there are lots of other things the club is doing/involved in that can get positive releases to keep the press happy.

  8. Club shop is not selling it and as far as the lass knew, 'won't be selling it'.


    And I just drove into town to get it, on top of that lost my ATM card in the Goal in the Wall as I was too slow taking it back out. No money, no lunch, no mag, wasted diesel.. who can I sue for the stress and lost time?

  9. I've also read it now, and anyone who manages to come away from reading that with any sort of a negative spin started reading the article with the intention of finding one and had to twist a few things to their warped version of how events should be.


    As various newspapers will be printing quotes from this over the next week and beyond I see no harm in printing our own 'little' excerpts for the purpose of discussion.


    On wearing his Newcastle top and being with the fans <<when it wasn't going so well>> (reproduced in part only):

    There were times last season when the fans were singing certain things at certain games and I wanted to join in, I really did. I'm in with the fans and if we're not playing well I take their side because I'm thinking to myself: 'How can this be? We are Newcastle United and we should be doing better than this.' You do get angry, you do get annoyed, depressed, frustrated, whatever words you want to use. Don't let anyone try and tell you anything else - if they do they aren't telling the truth because football is such an emotional game.


    Various interesting confirmations about financial aspects and the speed of the deal. SJH's shares were bought within 5 days from Ashley first hearing they might be available, so no 'due diligence' was done.


    A particular quote that will not be accepted by many on this forum was:

    'It seems the club was in a downward spiral, one that it would have found very hard to come out of.'  (..said in direct relation to the debt and the general state of finances.)


    Says buying a football club and making a quick profit is a contradiction in terms, reiterates he's not looking to sell but investors are welcome, quotes the current QPR situation as an ideal model in that respect and speculates they (QPR) could outspend Abramovich. Holds the Arsenal model as the ideal to which he is trying to take Newcastle.


    All in all a very positive and uplifting read which promises a much brighter future, but not rocket propelled ala Chelsea. Suits me fine.

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