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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. Aye, just saw that myself.



    “Younes wouldn’t join Sunderland even if there was an earthquake - we have more interesting options than Sunderland. Don’t even think about it." ~agent Rudy Raba

  2. I just find it annoying that there's mountains of proof (not just with our club, see the 120+ players Villa have been linked with so far) the media haven't got a clue about who we're going for, and yet as soon as a player comes up that most people would like, all that goes out of the window. He doesn't arrive here, so it's just another thing to bash the club about, even though there's nothing but the words of said clueless media that we were actually interested in the player at all.


    People just change their minds about what's true and what's not true just to back up their overall agenda. Like NE5 and his 'clueless London journos' stuff when they criticise Shepherd, but taking their words as gospel when they claim Ashley is cutting costs.


    It's just a load of fucking bollocks. Everyone agrees we need players (the best players we can get), even Steve Harper can see that. So to assume the club don't is crazy.


    I'm confident that they're working their hardest to bring good players here, for whatever reason things haven't been all that quick up to now. If things are the same when the window closes then fine, but why moan now? Just makes us look daft.


    Ashley apparently coughed up large wages for Smith, Viduka, Barton etc last summer, but now they have their own man in charge they won't back him with the required wages? Makes no sense; as I say, people just pick and choose what they believe so it fits their overall point.


    This has turned into a rant so I'm not going to reply again, fuck it.


    Need more posts like this tbh, to balance the negative ones.

  3. Wish I'd read this thread before your 'Currently you are feeling...' thread, I would have picked a higher option than cautious.


    I was optimistic but the pessimists were getting to me and dragging me down. :(


    Read at least four seperate posters (probably many more) have decided Spidey is not good enough, if that's anything like a cross-section of match day fans he better skin a few players and set up a goal on his first home game or the twats will be booing him.


    And agree re Guthrie comments, high praise indeed; and if anyone can lift him quickly to the next level Keegan can.


    Something is clearly wrong, the ambition is not there, whatever. Those of us with half a brain have been saying it for ages.



    I've been trying to work out what it was that caused you to write with such negativity and prejudice all the time. Thanks for explaining, I'll make allowances now.  :thup:

  5. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/afp/20080716/tod-fbl-fra-eng-pr-marseille-chelsea-dro-7f81b96.html


    Check out the link then consider wether it would work here. Could we raise a few million to give to Ashley (Keegan) or would we keep our hands in our pockets?

    Not that there's anyone I can think of we'd particularly want to bring back from our recent history, there might be one day; or maybe we can just create a fans transfer fund.

  6. from .com


    yaddayaddayadda [snip]


    Kevin Keegan, Terry McDermott, Chris Hughton, recruitment co-ordinator Jeff Vetere and new youth supremo Richard Money were all present - along with Reserve team boss Adam Sadler and coach Robbie Elliott.


    They had very little positive to take from this early runout, with no less than five of United's starting XI currently on professional contracts at the club, but nobody in a black & white shirt looking superior to their part-time opponents.


    NUFC: Forster (Soderberg 46), J.Taylor, Tozer, Morris, Lough, Danquah (McCrudden 86), Marwood, Doninger (McLaughlin 76), Ferguson (Neary 77), Donaldson, Godsmark.

    Subs n/u: tbc.


    Ref: Scott Duncan


    Crowd: approx 250.

  7. If, IF, this is genuine then you have to wonder what the fuck Keegan was on about when he said that negative comment re: signing Sth Americans. Don't recall it word for word but Keegan doesn't talk just to hear the sound of his own voice.



    I think a lot of the misunderstanding is due to the fact that people have different views of how we should build a good squad as quickly as possible (which IMHO we do need to as we are losing ground and have been for a few years). There is a camp that look at our current squad and conclude it is both small and not very strong. The best way to get it up to scratch is by buying some (doesn´t even have to be more than 3 or 4) very good players and move current first teamers to be squad players (the likes of Butt, Geremi, Taylor). There seems to be another camp that wants us to build from the ground up and don´t seem too concerned about the timing aspect (doesn´t have to be this upcoming season) as long as we slowly move in the right direction.


    In my mind, the second approach would suit a club with limited financial means and a good manager. In my opinion we are a club with a good manager that should be able to compete financially, like we have done for years and especially now we have a billionaire owning the club. I just don´t quite understand why we are taking chances on players who haven´t shown as far as I am aware extraordinary potential or quality unless we really need to. Luckily, we all seem agreed we need better quality transfers before the window shuts, so here´s hoping it happens and I can read my own posts back and laugh at my own impatience. For now though, I haven´t seen much to suggest that will happen. You can point at the club keeping its cards close to its chest and claim we don´t know anything, but I will point out that they have played their first two cards on the table already, and I have yet to be impressed.


    I'm impressed enough signing a current Argentinian international at a good age, wether he works out in the EPL or not will be the final test.

  9. What happened to the positivity?


    All I seem to read on this forum these days is negative, negative, negative. People moaning and whinging about the club, the board, the players, the targets, the colour of the new shirt, the baseless shite in the media as though it's gospel etc etc. Realism is great but the doom and gloom is reaching nauseating levels.


    What happened to a bit of confidence? What happened to a bit of patience? What happened to a little bit of bullishness about a new season? What happened to looking forward to winning each match? What happened to Newcastle United being a big club?


    I'm as tired as anyone of the press calling us deluded, but fucking hell we could do with a bit of that daft upbeat attitude right now.


    We've got the best manager we've had since Robson, we've got a set of players who can only get better, and we've got a club we all love trying its collective damndest to improve next year. If that's not good enough for you, I suggest you fuck off and 'support' Manchester United or Chelsea.


    I can't bloody wait for the new season. Bring it on.


    I know what you're saying Dave. I get near depressed sometimes watching the threads descend into bickering about how crap things are.


    They don't know they're born, they don't!

  10. For me Green was better than Beardsley and Gazza, and I saw all three play.  I once saw Green take the ball to the Leazes End corner flag when we were winning 4-0 against Coventry at SJP with only a few minutes remaining.  Green was shielding the ball and running the clock down.  The full back couldn't get near the ball because of Greens footwork, so three more Coventry players piled in to try and get it off him because he was taking the p*ss.  Green suddenly turned with the ball, dropped a shoulder there, swivelled a hip here, accelerated past one, two, three players, then a fourth, and finally the centre half, before crossing the ball hard and low for John Tudor to volley into the net for the fifth goal.  The best bit of really close ball control resulting in a goal that I have ever seen personally.    The best part was that as the ball went into the net at least half the Coventry team were left floundering on the ground by the corner flag where Green had been holding the ball up.  One of those moments in football that you never forget regardless of how unimportant the match was.


    I'd like to have seen that, moment of pure magic.

  11. All it said was approached about a deal, makes no mention of what kind of deal.


    If Ashley wants to sell it's clearly up to him, but I think he is a bit more astute than to approach a company with no record of investment in sports teams on the off-chance they'd be interested.


    There are some big players in the City with no love lost for maverick Ashley, and the press can be bought and sold.

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