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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. Is Derdiyok really all he's cracked up to be? I honestly can't even recall watching the Swiss, they were that unmemorable - aside from that raid-sodden pitch they played on against Turkey.


    I thought Derdiyok looked very promising from what I saw of him, potentially very good.

  2. Just read the full thing.


    Brilliant interview, and I urge ALL Newcastle fans to read it ALL. Not some s**** the press have twisted - the words as printed originally.

    but he's unlikely to say "this is costing more than i thought and i'm out at the first decent offer" though is he ?


    No, and that's what NE5 will be thinking.


    I suppose it all comes down to whether you believe him or not. I do, and I'm not going to apologise for that.


    I haven't even read it yet and i believe whatever he says. :)


    Doesn't make me a mug, it's based on the fact he doesn't speak to press, he doesn't speak much at all. He doesn't do random comments, he's not appearing on Sky every few weeks like a fat twat making bragging comments. Press print shit, he just ignores it.


    So when he does speak, in a vehicle aimed primarily at the fans of the club, I'm going to listen.

  3. NUFC: squad details to follow.... Michael Owen is back in training after his a calf problem  but won't feature.


    However, the news is better on Obafemi Martins, who has trained and is expected to play some part in what will be his runout since 45 minutes at Hartlepool.


    There's been some mention of a run out for a mystery trialist from Portuguese side Boavista (who are in the clarts after being relegated over a match-fixing scandal).


    We're unsure whether a repeat of the Bassong/Doncaster scenario is on the cards, but there have been two trialists at the club this week - and both scored in a training ground friendly in front of a watching Kevin Keegan.


    Charles N'Zogbia has recovered from a knock picked up in Mallorca and is available for selection, while Fabricio Coloccini is now on Tyneside and will be at the game - whether playing or spectating though remains to be seen.    from .COM

  4. In Karren Brady's column in the Sun today she is quoted as telephoning Mike Ashley after he'd bought NUFC to ask him why..............his response "At the time, I thought I had more money than God".


    See here under Sunday 3rd August sub heading:






        * SUNDAY, AUGUST 3

    Mike ‘pile it high, sell it cheap’ Ashley has decided to sell his club Newcastle United.


    He will tell you that there are only two good days when you own a football club, the day you buy it and the day you sell it. In typical Mike Ashley style he’s found the only man on the planet that makes Roman Abramovich look thoroughly impoverished to buy Newcastle.


    When he bought Newcastle, I phoned him and asked him ‘Why?’  He replied: “At the time, I thought I had more money than God.”


    Well it looks as if the Ashley Midas touch will strike again, turning him a profit of £100million in 12 months. And he will then officially have more money than god!


        * MONDAY, AUGUST 4


    “Will you still love me if I loose all my money?” asked David Gold to his girlfriend after I’d sent him our financial forecast. She replies: “Of course, but I’ll miss you.”


    Reading the whole thing I suspect it's meant to be a comedy column. I personally find it humourless but never mind. As if the silly bint would have Ashley's phone number in her contacts list.

  5. He'll be logging is soon to see what the fans are saying about him..








    ..hope he's not the suicidal type.




    Any teenager feeling obliged to make tons of gifs of himself and post them on his myspace seems a bit sucidal to me.


    Lad on the left should be posted in the Let's All Do A Bluf thread for that expression just before he turns off camera. :D

  6. Quote from: Young Nile on the Myspace on Today at 14:40:47


    igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


    Let's try...


    I am 15, isn't it? but I am on this thing but just don't think because I have made a girly, rhythm based musical intro to my page that I am not on this thing because that ain't the case but I try (to) stay out of as much trouble as I can because good boys live, rude boys die, that (is) the saying I always grew up with but yes, skip that. (I) am trying to take football seriously because I want to make some peace f**k the street thing it is really long for me might shut it off now and again you see it but yeah if you want to know where I play, it is upfront dirty striker. (I get) about 4 goals a game (at the) minimum (and) maximum (of) 7 or 8 of them but my weakness is most definitely girls and my second weakness is losing. I flipping hate losing but I hardly lose at anything because I am a big [move]BUMBACLART[/move] man but yeah I am going (to) update this sh*t when I get the hang of it but you ain't hear the last of me. go away horses for now. Laughing Laughing.



    xxx - waiting for some awesome individual to help in filling in the missing word


    As a South London based Magpie, I feel obliged to at least try to translate this - our streets our littered with these fine folk to whom mobile phones are like a ring to gollum.


    "I am 15 years of age, but please, trust me, because I really am on this (I think this is South London for "I know what I'm doing"/"This is what I want to do"/"I want to succeed"/"I'm a twat on pills"). Just because I have a strange introduction, don't think I'm not on this, because it quite simply isn't the case, and I do try to stay out of trouble as much as possible - good boys live and rude boys die, don't you know. That's the saying I grew up with - but skip that! I'm trying to take my football as seriously as possible. I want to make some peace, forget that street nonsense, although I might show it off now and again (for my bredren, evidently). Anyway, if you want to know where I play, it's up front - I'm a lethal striker. I get a minimum of 4 goals a game and maximum of 7 or 8. My biggest weakness is girls (mannnssss got get sum pussy innit) and my second is losing. I hate losing, but it's not a problem, because it so rarely happens because I'm a (I'm at a total loss as to bumbaclart duppy mannnn, sorry - I'll take a stab and say amazingly talented and handsome individual)! I shall update my page when I get the hang of it. Don't think you've heard the last of me!


    There's a reason they called me Captain Streetwise at school.


    In all seriousness, what an absolute cretin.


    Actually, after reading that last translation he seems like a nice young lad who want to leave his past behind him. I think we should all pray he succeeds, got to be worth a shot for a 4 goal a game striker for the future.

  7. Its not really fair on us the fans like FFS!Its getting very furstating now,would be nice for them to clear it up and let us know whats going on!

    t'was ever thus for us older blokes. we didn't have 24hr bullshit feeding frenzys. all we had was the back page of the chronic announciong someone had come or gone.


    (to be honest after living under both conditions i preferred the older way)


    Got to agree with that, pre-internet (one day that will have a similar meaning to BC) the first I usually knew about a signing was from Chronicle hoardings down the Bigg Market. No stress or tension involved in that at all, just a surprise - good or bad.

  8. From his myspace


    Quote from: Young Nile on the Myspace on Today at 14:40:47


    igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


    Sounds like a cunt

    fuck me, I hope his first two weeks of training are nothing but being backhanded by Faye.





    Quote from: Young Nile on the Myspace on Today at 14:40:47


    igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


    Poor kid, someone gave him an Ali-G DVD when he was 10 or suumfink and he styled himself on it coz he thought it was the way of the streets..





    Good grief, seriously, that's a product of the British education system.



  10. But it was only once he took control that he realised the club was not as financially sound as he thought, with millions still owed today for transfers arranged by previous regimes.


    Poor NE5's going to be reaching for the Pepsidol again.

  11. I'm almost always optimistic at this stage of the season,  and like you Dave, feel the club is in the healthiest condition it's been in for a good number of years. The press print shit and somehow continue to get away with it, no accountability. :(

    I've got a great deal of faith in Keegan; and to a certain degree also in Ashley, but even if the faith in Ashley is misplaced he would leave/sell the club in a lot healthier postion than when he came in.

    A couple more players in and Smith out and I'll be super-optimistic. ;)

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