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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. The old board would most of the time plump for the former when push came to shove' date=' the new board shows signs of the latter. Which is a shame as the New Board has a billionaire at its helm.[/quote']


    On the face of it what you say seems correct, but then you can consider other factors that almost turn your argument completely about.


    You don't become a billionaire by making mistake after mistake, so, only time will tell, but perhaps Ashley has the right idea. Enthusiasm tempered with caution. Ambition tempered with prudence and long-term planning.


    And if the new board is to be believed, and I personally see no reason to doubt them, the old board had got our finances in a very delicate, if not precarious, position. Due perhaps to their policy of back the manager at all costs and let tomorrow take care of itself?


    And onto another note in no way related to your post: I cannot see how anyone would call this a trophy signing, but I believe there's a huge discussion about what constitutes a trophy siging elsewhere in another thread so I won't bother to expand on that here.

  2. That Barton comment has to be a total fabrication. Surely no-one can be that stupid?


    With regards to the media - stop buying/reading the papers. We are an easy target (again) at the moment. Unfortunately the club has done little to help itself on the PR front over the whole Barton business. :-/



    So we should pander to what the papers say?


    Nope - I'm not influenced by the media, but I have a strong moral/ethical code. He should have been sacked. End of.


    Apparently not strong enough to encompass the concept of forgiveness. Did you throw the first stone?

  3. So if this Coloccini deal gets done, considering the press were all over this signing for days before it happened, does this mean no compliments go out to our technical team (or does it simply mean you can't keep high profile transfer business quiet as opposed to lower profile transfers and compliments should go to the technical players if they get the right profile of player in regardless of the way they do it..)?




    If they get in a good player - well done.


    If they manage to keep it quiet - even more well done.


    If they get in a good player but can't keep it quiet > if they get in an unknown or average player and can keep it quiet surely?


    I'd prefer they kept all our deals under wraps until they happen, whoever the player is.


    Looks to me like you're just fishing here.


    Looks to me like he's saying Collocini is a good player because the press were all over it whereas Guiterrez is shite because it was all quiet.  :undecided:

  4. I don't mind clubs spending money, but it really should be money that they've generated for themselves. Whether that's through commercial activities, gate money or TV doesn't matter. If clubs are all self-financing, it ensures that there's some scope for competition, even if you don't have complete equality. When you get a mega-rich billionaire who's prepared to dip into what is effectively a bottomless pit of money from outside the game, it distorts the whole picture and only inflates transfer fees and wages to a dangerous degree.


    I know Ashley has pumped in some money, but it was to clear a debt and safeguard his original investment. He's quite right to insist that, hereon in, the club should only spend from its income.


    Good post, good points.


    I'm not usually in favour of regulations but something should be done here or the future of football in this country could be heading for a spectacular crash and burn.

  5. Even though most of the points he makes are valid he comes across as having a bit of a tantrum about it, possibly because it didn't all go the way he planned with Palace.

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