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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I don't think MArtins or Smith are lazy, they just aren't good strikers, to different degrees.


    Viduka is lazy, we all know he is. But as soon as he signed for US, suddenly he became great. Because we're fucking stupid - for proof, see acceptance/resignation of shite like yesterday, instead of demanding Fat Head's big fat head on a pole, to be shown to all players for motivation.

  2. We're not looking for champagne football, just some sign that the manager knows what he's doing would be enough.


    He is NOT learning from his mistakes and hasn't learned from them from day one. That is a major major concern. If Allardyce thinks he'll get time picking a team like today's and putting in performances like today's, he's having a laugh and he can't complain either.


    Ridding the squad of:









    Bringing in the likes of:

    Faye - Best defender at former club

    Beye - Captain of Champions league side

    Caçapa - See Beye

    Viduka - Bags of PL experience, natural goalscorer


    Fully improved the scouting network. We now have scouts all round Europe and we're looking to snap up young English talent.


    Massive improvement in fitness levels of squad, which have been vital in recent weeks.


    He's not had a chance to get the players he wanted over the summer, mainly due to the fact that the man he signed up to work alongside was removed within weeks of him getting the job, and replaced by total strangers to the region, the sport and to himself.


    Give him time. If someone had offered me what we have now, this time last year, i'd have snapped their hands off.


    Bringing in Viduka - short term, good signing. No sign of any long term plans up front yet.

    BArton - poor, paid too much.

    Smith - shit

    Geremi - super shit

    Cacapa - poor

    Beye - good beye, for once (see what i did there?)

    Rozenhal - poor

    Enriqie - made out of plywood

    Faye - average, very very average. When he actually plays.


    And for that? - £25m. HE's fucking pathetic, is Fat Head. Give him time? No. He's got no flexibilty, no sense, and no plan b. Its like watching McClaren, only with better hair.


    Oh, and his formations, tactics and team selections have been SHITE. Repeatedly, and he's not learning. Fact.

  3. I think there are more worrying aspects of the tactics/team selection to worry about before we start having a go at Barton - who in my opinion hasn't looked as good as I thought. But ...


    Given - beaten form outside the box - AGAIN.


    Left back


    Centre half - piss poor mistake leads to easy goal.


    Left wing - Milner, Duff, CNZ


    Alan Smith


    These all need sorting long before we get to Barton. And the major factor in our pathetic showing this season is Allardyce himself who is fucking pathetic.


    I think you are wrong. But only about Barton. I think he is as much part of the porblem as anything else - its all part of the shitness of Allardyce. He's bought a mediocre palyer, paid far too much for him, and now he's playing him. No matter how bad he is. Exactly the same as Smith. If only stupid Fat Head treat these two like he treats his £6m defensive signings......


    Allardyce IS patheric, yes. I hope the cunt gets sacked before he has the chance to buy another Cacapa, Geremi, Smith or Barton.

  4. What's Emre done recently? Smith should never play in midfield though.


    what he's doen is look like the only central midfidler with only an ounce of talent. We both know he'll disappear again, but he's still better than Barton. And Smith, obviously.

  5. Faye has doen nothing to show he's any better than any pf the rest. For me, Taylor is the best CB we have, and the one with the greatest chance of coming good. The ones Fat Head has brought in make Ramage look like a genius.

  6. If we're relying on Emre we're struggling.


    I mean we been struggling the most of the season with out Emre,so how can you say that??


    there goes 10 Barton on 1 Emre.

    I can say that because Emre isn't very good and isn't particularly creative imo. Classic case of a player benefitting by being left out of the side, i.e. his stock has risen amongst the fans. Probably worth a game though I agree, seeing as the others aren't playing very well. Especially Barton.


    BArton isn't very good either, which is the shole point, is it not?

    I've already said he's been shite. Haven't seen much in Emre since he arrived to suggest he's worth persevering with either. There's a case for playing neither at present imo.


    Emre, when played recently. has been better than Barton. But thats a default position, as Barton has been all mouth and fuck all else.


    Emre is a decent enough squad player, but anyone who's actually watched a match knows he seems to go missing in big games or when the going gets tough.


    Personally, i'd play Emre ahead of Smith every time, and BArton, but only because he is less bad than them, not because he's good.

  7. At the end of the day, we hired Big Sam because of his good track record at other clubs. He's a very individual thinker, and 4-3-3 has always been the main plank of his strategy. The way forward is for him to try and get this system working, and to replace the players who can't or won't adapt with those who will. When we hired the man, we bought into his methods as well.


    A lot of the faith in 4-4-2 seems to rest on the idea that Zoggy at left wing and Martins at central striker would turn our performances round. Both players will have their moments, but overall they're not good enough to be thought of in those terms.


    But Fat Head's alleged 433 is worse. HE's too inflexible, and incapable of changing things correctly.


    We got him as manager because FFS was desperate. Now is the time to get an actually GOOD manager in, and THEN let the manager get the formation right.



  8. Match report -


    Tactics - wrong

    Formation - wrong (twice)

    Selection - wrong

    New Players Fat Head has bought - mainly pish

    Fat Head - shit.


    How anyone can continue defending this cunt is beyond me. He is incapable of learning from his many, many mistakes, and he has spunked £25m up the wall. YES, he has sold some players, but he has ACTUALLY SPENT £25m on players HE wanted.


    He's looking very much like he wants to give the previous couple of managers a run for their money in the obstinacy and patheticness stakes. Well done, FAt HEad, you are exactly the man to take us to challenge the top 4. Now fuck off.


  9. If we're relying on Emre we're struggling.


    I mean we been struggling the most of the season with out Emre,so how can you say that??


    there goes 10 Barton on 1 Emre.

    I can say that because Emre isn't very good and isn't particularly creative imo. Classic case of a player benefitting by being left out of the side, i.e. his stock has risen amongst the fans. Probably worth a game though I agree, seeing as the others aren't playing very well. Especially Barton.


    BArton isn't very good either, which is the shole point, is it not?

  10. Whats going on with the powerhouse midfielder that looked decent in a poor Man City side? Why couldnt he get in the game against a weak midfield of Premiership no hopers? Is his court case hanging over him? Does he deserve his place in the side? For me, on current from its a definite no.


    I'm not a fan of Barton. I've never really rated him that highly but the above post shows how little you know about football. To think that in a different thread you told Kev he knows nowt about football!! What a laugh that is coming from you.


    Barton has joined a new club with a new manager who wants to change things, then he was injured. He's eventually come into a side that is low in confidence and that is being regularly laughed at by a section of the "supporters." Has it not entered your head that his confidence may be low?


    No doubt you and your know-nowt mates in the Gallowgate had a wonderful time laughing once again at our own players yesterday, eh.


    So YOU knwo so much that you know a player liek Barton, who has played nowhere but this country, needs so much time, and cuddles from the fans.


    HAs it occured to you that if the player had not let his mouth go before he had even put in a decent performance for us, and concentrated on his performances, he woudl not be getting completely justified criticism?

  11. Where are all the experts who KNEW he'd be great for us?? What excuses can they give? He certainly can't be geting used to the Premiership, and anyone saying a "great" player should look THAT bad, even if they are settling in with new team mates, is an idiot.


    The fella is what he is - a bad tempered, average player. YEah, he might shine occasionally, but he's by and large a slogger.


    And his mouth is WAY bigger than his ability.

  12. so we're saying that the Fulham game vindicates soemthing? What, the triumph of luck over ability??


    here's a crazy idea - lets play our best players, IN THEIR BEST positions. I can't recall Fat Sam doing that recently, or indeed much at all.


    If he persists in trying to fit square pegs into round holes, we're never going to be more than a mid table team, and for me, thats simply not good enough.

  13. Ben Haim shoudl not need time to settle into the premiership.


    Seems to me like he was a big fish in a small pond, and now he's way out of his league.


    Good enough for us? We are unarguably a medium-sized club with aspirations of the top 6, so maybe he would be ok. We've carried (and are carrying) worse defenders, certainly.


    Mind, Fat Sam would probably put him on the right wing or something.

  14. I think Samir Nasri of Marseille looks very promising young player with bags of tricks. I think if Morte is serious about buying young players in Jan. then why not test Marseille willingness to sell with a bid.


    Agree! I want that Nasri!! :frantic:


    Is he not very good, to the extent that Fat Sam will drop him, play a (much needed elsewhere) player out of position in his slot, or pretend he is injured after a fucking hideous performance? Or, even better, is he a mid table slogger with no real flair or genuine class, who is prepared to put in loads of "graft", without troubling the opposition much?


    Cos if not, don't get your hopes up.

  15. Presumably a long hoof that bounces off Martins' shoulder counts as a completed pass.  Provided he's "running the channels" as instructed that also counts as being in the final third, so it's double joy for Big Sam.  If it ricochets off Smith's knee on the way through to the keeper it also counts as a shot on goal, all adding to the impressive statistical performance. 


    is THAT what he's doing??? I thought he had some sort of inner ear problem, and kept running at a funny angle by an accident.

  16. Fulham Away - draw, maybbe sneak a win?

    Derby Home - win

    Wigan Away - draw

    Chelsea Away - lose, and most likely in an embarassing fashion



    That second line's pretty optimistic for you.... you think we'll win a game!


    Whats it got to do with optimism, or pessimism for that matter. I was honest, and in my opinion realistic. Sorry if that dispels whatever pathetic preconception you were building up.

  17. Geremi has a knack of ghosting into key areas to cut out opposition runners in our defensive zone which does go unnoticed. He is forever blocking runs, attempted passes and being there for a Toon shirt to pass to or use as a gateway and invariably when he's on the ball he finds his man. Although over distance his passing like much of the team's is frankly rubbish.


    As long as that man is on the other team.


    He's shit. He should never have been made captain, and yet again we are being undone by a bad manager and his favourite players.

  18. I am a little bit concerned about all this talk of spending nothing in January. To lose four players from the first team squad will be a big blow and we need a least two bodies in just to give the squad some options.


    I sense another couple of "Onyewu" type signings. ie turd loanees.


    Who are we actually losing?


    Martins - he'll definately be a loss, which will be tempered only if OWen is fit.

    Geremi - he's shit. No loss at all.

    Faye? - Not been great to be fair, but we are light of decent centre backs i suppose

    Beye? - Starting to come good, he'll be a miss.


    We are in this mess because of Allardyce, if we look at ourselves honestly.

  19. This



    The idea of buying in first team players is excellent. Only problem, is, most of the ones Fat Sam has bought so far have been shit. I don't hold out much hope that he's suddenly going to realise, and sign good players.


    is why you are in here







    Ooh, sorry, do my opinions not match yours? I do apologise.


    If you are a stupid enough person to think that Geremi, Cacapa and Smith were great signings, then you deserve all the apologies in the world. Not just from me, but from all of the right minded peopel in the world. God bless you.

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