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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Buying these asian players to the EPL, its all about marketing. So if this players is any good and will maybe get his chances, the Newcastle fanbase in south-korea will grow massively and so will the shirt sales.


    Its all about the money and i dont think its funny.


    Its all about the Won



  2. ALL professional footballers should be able to pass and control the ball. Under near enough every condition. For me, if they cannot do it then they shouldnt be in the game

    Of course they arent going to do it every time, humans just cant do that but our team seem incapable of doing it to any kind of professional consistently.

    Plus, I dont think any of our players are "lesser gifted" which means they arent being encouraged to play any kind of passing/possession game.


    Well, if you deem the majority of Newcastle United first team not bein able to control and pass the ball, then how do you see the vast vast vast majority of professional footballers who earn a living by playing football in all over the world, including those in Iraq, Malaysia, Spain or England?


    Shola Ameobi not a professional footballer then, despite scoring quite some goals in Premiership? Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard not professional footballers then, despite representing England National Football Team countless times?


    I think you are living in a fallacy with your own fancy definition of professional footballers, you are out of touch with the real world and your opinions on football should not be heeded henceforth.


    I honestly havent a clue what that is meant to be telling me


    Don't worry, Delima often just picks up the wrong end of an argument, then runs around making aeroplane noises until a grown-up comes and collects him.

  3. ALL professional footballers should be able to pass and control the ball. Under near enough every condition. For me, if they cannot do it then they shouldnt be in the game

    Of course they arent going to do it every time, humans just cant do that but our team seem incapable of doing it to any kind of professional consistently.

    Plus, I dont think any of our players are "lesser gifted" which means they arent being encouraged to play any kind of passing/possession game.


    Well, if you deem the majority of Newcastle United first team not bein able to control and pass the ball, then how do you see the vast vast vast majority of professional footballers who earn a living by playing football in all over the world, including those in Iraq, Malaysia, Spain or England?


    Shola Ameobi not a professional footballer then, despite scoring quite some goals in Premiership? Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard not professional footballers then, despite representing England National Football Team countless times?


    I think you are living in a fallacy with your own fancy definition of professional footballers, you are out of touch with the real world and your opinions on football should not be heeded henceforth.


    Oh, he's a professional footballer. Just a shit one.

  4. Look at Man City. As bad, if not worse than us last season. They have had a good season so far.


    Sven is an international class manager and had a year to scout the players he brought in.


    Allardyce has been managing in this league for years, and is shite.


    We will never be any good with Allardyce in charge - he's an idiot.

  5. The first goal just about summed Smith up. Clear sight of goal and kind of forgot what to do. He scrapped about on the floor tenaciously and then a striker put it in the corner of the net. :lol:


    Do you also prefer Kieron Dire, who stands on the far post and watches a corner drop into the net right next to him ?


    PS. I don't think its particularly funny Dave, shades of booboo there mate




    Fuck all to do with Dyer. Look up a straw man argument. Again.


    If I didn't laugh I'd cry.


    what did you think of Smith when he was at Leeds Dave


    It was a question BTW, are you one of those who are saying we were better off with Dire




    At Leeds Smith looked like a player with potential.


    Still fuck all to do with Dyer.


    OK, I accept you weren't comparing him to Dire like others. Thats all I asked  :coolsmiley:


    He was very good at Leeds, there is no reason why he won't still be the same, in fact there is every reason to believe he will be the same, unless the injury has permanently damaged him.




    He missed nearly a whole season with injury which is easy to forget because of his no nonsense personality. I still believe he has only started delivering for us. Let's see him upfront when possible.


    Yeah, lets see him up front. At another club. He's shite. Absolute shite.


    Ooh, he's tenacious and aggresive. So fuck, so's my drunked uncle Al at weddings. And HE'D be shite for us as well.


    Anyone who thinks Alan Smith is good enough to play for us (if we aim to be top 6) or even funnier, BE OUR CAPTAIN, can't have been actually watching any of the games he's played in.

  6. Why are people making excuses for Allardyce?


    We've been turned over this season in games we should have won, not because the opposition has better players than us but because of shocking tactics employed by a manager who's looking further and further out of his depth at a bigger club and the expectations that go with it.


    Allardyce isn't the man for us and hopefully he'll be replaced at the end of the season with someone better.


    Way to have faith in a manager who, in one summer, has completely transformed a thoroughly shite squad, and consequently given us our best start to a Premier League season since Keegan! Yeah, he's got some stuff wrong on matchday, but we're a couple of months in man.




    You fell for the best start thing, didn't you. What a crock of shite, just like the manager, just like the majority of the players he has brought it, just like the football he produces.

  7. Where are all of the "Big Sam will get us to 4th this season, he's the man for us" merchants then? And i know for a fact they aren't at the match.

    They're probably in your head because that's the only fucking place anyone has ever said that and been serious about it.


    To Elaborate: Building a strawman like this is infuriating.  No rational, sane person on this board has ever thought or stated that he would take us into the top 4.  Top 8 was the highest hope any of us had and saying that it was still acknowledged as optimistic.  Trying to paint people who back Allardyce as unrealistic mongs really does you no favors.


    Wrong. It was stated.

  8. I think its time to Rozehnal out of the firing line, starting at Wigan.


    Spot on, he looks  shot atm. It doesnt help that the non-exsistent DM who has just got a new deal is actuall stopping FUCK all in front of him.


    but we replace him with Cacapa? Who was so bad against Pompey that he got rested with an "injury" for weeks after? Face it, Allardyce has left us (still) in the shit defensively.

  9. In what was a desperately disappointing result, Viduka stood head and shoulders above anyone else on the field. Late on in the second hald, his close control to shield the ball from three defenders was incredible.


    A shining light on what was otherwise a crap game.




    he's a fat lazy striker. But he's also the best of the bad bunch we have.


    He's not a great player, the rest of them just make him look better than he is.


    And he's not "technically superb" either. Christ, as soon as we sign someone, they turn into fucking Pele.


    He's a decent enough clogger, no more.

  10. viduka showed today why he should always play upfront instead of smith. he can do all smith can do and also score.

    Why does Big Sam refuse to take Smith off, no matter how little hes doing?


    He was utterly invisible today except for barking at the referee/linesman, even more so (if thats possible) when pushed back into midfield.


    Its not an encouraging situation when a manager has untouchables in his team, less so when the player in question isnt exactly world class. Im sure other players arent going to be happy in private when they get taken off and Allardyce's favourite doesnt irrespective of performance.


    Why does he keep playing Barton?

    Why does he keep playing Smith?

    Why take off But when he was the best central midfielder?

    Why play players out of position?

    Why spend £25m on rubbish?

    Why keep playing Geremi?

    Wnhy make GEremi captain?

    Why pretend he's not long ball?

    Why play a shitty formation?


    So many questions, to which there is one answer - Allardyce is pathetic.

  11. People calling for Enrique to play must have forgotten he's been pretty shit since he arrived - as read in another thread its another case of a player who gets better in the eyes of the fans with every game he doesn't play.




    and fans who still want to give Allardyce time forget he's the stupid cunt who paid £6m for Enrique, and is now forced to play our best left winger at left back.

  12. Joey Barton will come good, give him time. He was Man Citys best player last season, england international, 24


    So why is he so awful now? And he IS awful.


    Does he have to get used to the Premiership?

    Is he not good enough to adapt to new team mates?

    Will you hide behind the pathetic injury comeback myth?

    Has he just had "bad luck"?

    Are the nasty big men in the crowd putting ickly Joey off his game?

    Is the press not printing enough of his self-pitying, lying little rants?


    Or is he just over rated after a decent season elsewhere?


  13. The only hopes i have now is that Sam feels so much pressure that he goes against his tactics and formations, stops trying to look intelligent and just does it the obvious way i.e. players in their correct positions, dropping players who seem to have untouchable status etc. If he does that we will pick up a good few points, finish with over 50 and get into the top 8.


    i don't think some of those players are good enough for the top 8. Only 2 defenders seem to be, for example. And one striker.


    The ONLY good thing about Fat Bastard being in charge is that Ashley/Mort didn't employ him, so will hopefully be more inclined to let him go. You don't get to be as rich as Ashley by continuing to let idiots like Allardyce manage your businesses.


    Come on Mike, you want to be "one of the fans" - so act on the feelings of the majority, and get rid of the useless manager you were lumbered with. And don't, under any circumstances, give him any more money.

  14. Given beaten with a shot outside the box early doors again.

    Giles Barnes was okay, I thought Kenny Miller was there best player.

    Roz is getting worse.

    Viduka doesn't do much running, plays with back to goal but scores goals.

    Smith does lots of running, plays with back to goal doesnt score goals.

    Emre came on & was pining the ball round in there half, it is all ask.

    Duff looked sharp.

    Nice to see when we were chasing the game towards the end we moved 442 & we had attacks down both flanks.


    Statto Sam must know 1 win out 4 games & 1 clean sheet against the bottom 3 equals shite in anyone's book.




    No, the Fat Bastard thinks that saving the game vindicates his tactical genius. He's a pathetic cunt.

  15. What's Emre done recently? Smith should never play in midfield though.


    what he's doen is look like the only central midfidler with only an ounce of talent. We both know he'll disappear again, but he's still better than Barton. And Smith, obviously.

    That's a nothing answer imo. Emre's done fuck all since he arrived.


    He has shown himself, recently, to be the best creative midfielder we have on the middle. Its a fact. Its only happened because Smith and BArton are gash, but its still a fact.

    In what way has he done this? What has he created? Fact my arse.


    By being less shit than BArton or Smith. Who have both been worse than Emre.


    Not saying Emre is GOOD, i'm saying they are WORSE.


    And lets keep your arse out of this.

    I'm asking for examples though. You're not providing any.


    My example is in every game he has come on for - he's been better than Barton. There's no one piece of skill or clever pass, He's just been a better player than the pathetic Barton.

  16. He doesn't do much running over the 90 minutes. Fact. He makes the odd headless chicken run now and again. Perhaps it's more down to stupidity than laziness. Not worth arguing over which given 99% of the running he does do is completely ineffectual anyway.


    Our strikers are pretty much all shit in their own ways - Martins is ineffectual and random, Viduka is lazy and creats nothing for most games, Smith is shit, Owen is made out of spun sugar, and Ameobi is so laughably bad it makes my back-bottom hurt.

  17. What's Emre done recently? Smith should never play in midfield though.


    what he's doen is look like the only central midfidler with only an ounce of talent. We both know he'll disappear again, but he's still better than Barton. And Smith, obviously.

    That's a nothing answer imo. Emre's done fuck all since he arrived.


    He has shown himself, recently, to be the best creative midfielder we have on the middle. Its a fact. Its only happened because Smith and BArton are gash, but its still a fact.

    In what way has he done this? What has he created? Fact my arse.


    By being less shit than BArton or Smith. Who have both been worse than Emre.


    Not saying Emre is GOOD, i'm saying they are WORSE.


    And lets keep your arse out of this.

  18. A lot of blame Barton is bearing is due to the benching of Emre---which in my opinion the one who should be dropped is Butt.

    Barton isn't that bad, and his distribution are far better than Butt. Personally I'm very impressed by his positioning too. Yes he is rusty, he makes some bad choices and isn't that effective as we expected, but he has just backed from a serious injury for a few games and isn't it too harsh to fire him down like that?


    At least at this moment I'll go for a midfield of Smith-Emre-Barton rather than Butt. But I know Butt is nearly undroppable for Sam.


    Butt was far, far better than BArton yesterday. By FAR.

  19. No one is saying Smith is lazy are they? Martins is, however. His mythical workrate is just that, mythical.


    i see him doing loads of running. Mind, its when he thinks he is going to get the ball. And the actual running is shit, he createds no space for himself or draws no-one away with him to make space for others. But he DOES run around.

  20. What's Emre done recently? Smith should never play in midfield though.


    what he's doen is look like the only central midfidler with only an ounce of talent. We both know he'll disappear again, but he's still better than Barton. And Smith, obviously.

    That's a nothing answer imo. Emre's done fuck all since he arrived.


    He has shown himself, recently, to be the best creative midfielder we have on the middle. Its a fact. Its only happened because Smith and BArton are gash, but its still a fact.

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