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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Theregulars

    London Mags

    Been down here for years - it's not that bad... There's actually quite a lot of Toon supporters. Was in one of the home stands for the Palace match on saturday and I'd say at least a third of it was in black and white stripes or the urine kit. Bloomsbury is a really pleasant area in central London which has tonnes of SkySports pubs, whenever we're on they'll show it. I'm yet to find a Mag-specific one, mind....
  2. Theregulars

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I went to the game today and for the first half saw a lot of Jonas as I was sat on the edge of the flank he was on. While his quality is doubtless - setting up both goals - I thought he looked thoroughly disinterested, not celebrating the goals, not tackling back and defending like he did last year, not using his burst of pace. He just seems a bit lifeless, but knows he's too good for this league so occasionally does something outstanding.
  3. A bit of both tbh. The Robson years were fantastic. Champions league football, challenging for the league it was great. The 5 years he was in charge was nothing short of fantastic. We would have been relegated in the season he took over without him, he rejuvinated Shearer and turned this club around. Add that the fact that he's Newcastle through and through, one of footballs finest gentleman and what he's achieved throughout his life and there you have it. 5 years of managing Newcastle equates to about 10/15 managing any other team. The rate we've been going over the last few years he's the marathon man.
  4. Newcastle player in doesn't want to play shocker.
  5. I know someone who used to work at the FA. I'll talk to him and see if there's actually anything in that idea.
  6. i still get shudders at the mere mention of his name. when exactly did he leave? i always used to have visions of him returning jason voorhees style I reckon his last game was at Selhurst Park in the 4-2 we suffered to Kinnears Wimbledon team,who had Warren Barton playing for them.It was Ruel Fox's debut for us iirc.Could be wrong though... I was at that game! I was like 7 years old or something, went with my Mum who was a football journalist at the time. Had to sit in the Wimbledon bit and sat next to some fat prick with a skull ring who kept bellowing that Barry Venison was a fairy. When we got back in it at 2-2 I was screaming up and down and the guy started swearing his face off at me! 7 ffs. Anyway, off the ramble, I seem to remember Pav in goal for it, didn't he save a penalty? This is if we are talking about the game that was 3-2 at half time? Beardsley and Kitson for us?
  7. Positive news - Alan Smith to be Championship's top scorer next year tbh. You heard it here first.
  8. Bring in Souness as a player motivator and Roeder as director of football and we're there. Christ on a bike.
  9. Theregulars

    Joey Barton

    tbh think Barton would be one of the best midfielders in the Championship by a long way. Also all for him staying if it means one of Butt or Nolan misses out.
  10. Come on, it's redonkulous.
  11. I read it because i can now, and its a fine opinion sweety. Throw in Habib and we're on.
  12. probably increases them. It increases buyers off? If by this you mean it increases our chances of being sold, I'm not sure. I'd hope all of them expected him to leave, but the fact that, the wisdom on this forum aside, people think he's still a national treasure means that he's an asset, like it or not.
  13. Quote from: Theregulars on Today at 02:25:03 AM I'm glad to read that he enjoyed his four years here, because for me he's epitomised the demise of this club from the first day he signed. Everyone knew he wanted to go back to Liverpool, we were his last resort, and he played like it. I can think of perhaps 10 occasions, and that's being generous, when he put a decent shift in and did something vaguely worthy of his ridiculous wage and price tag. Maybe had the club not been such a disaster, he might have beeen better - it wasn't his fault. Maybe had he not been confined to such a s*** squad of players, who knows. But the fact remains that he was supposedly our star player, and he just did so little to try and help us out when it ever really mattered. So many piss-takingly long injury lay-offs, so many missed sitters for a supposedly world class player, and a man who just showed his entire contempt for our club and our city, for instance by refusing to live here and staying in horse-infested t*** mansion - and charging helicopter rides to and from training to boot! I don't think he's a c***, I just think he never, ever wanted to be here in a million years, realised fairly swiftly that the club was going horribly downhill and knew that he could maintain his apparently sterling reputation by at least "being loyal to his contract". Read: nobody else was daft enough to offer him a wage that was comparable to the likes of Lampard and Ronaldo at the time, so he could just sit here for a few years, put in a shift some days, score the occasional good old Owen goal and by not agreeing a contract extension and leaving it for ages always have athe get out clause that he wanted for himself. The people who run the club are the real pricks for giving him the ridiculous chance to take the piss and get away with it in such a manner. He has no scruples but I wouldn't for that much money either. I'm glad to see him gone, not because he's a dick and not because he's s**** (he's been s**** recently but he's still been alright) but because he single-handedly embodies everything that has seen our once glorious club slip to this most sorry of positions. There you go love, read away!
  14. How much does Owen's departure put buyers off?
  15. I'm glad to read that he enjoyed his four years here, because for me he's epitomised the demise of this club from the first day he signed. Everyone knew he wanted to go back to Liverpool, we were his last resort, and he played like it. I can think of perhaps 10 occasions, and that's being generous, when he put a decent shift in and did something vaguely worthy of his ridiculous wage and price tag. Maybe had the club not been such a disaster, he might have beeen better - it wasn't his fault. Maybe had he not been confined to such a shit squad of players, who knows. But the fact remains that he was supposedly our star player, and he just did so little to try and help us out when it ever really mattered. So many piss-takingly long injury lay-offs, so many missed sitters for a supposedly world class player, and a man who just showed his entire tempt for our club and our city, for instance by refusing to live here and staying in horse-infested twat mansion - and charging helicopter rides to and from training to boot! I don't think he's a cunt, I just think he never, ever wanted to be here in a million years, realised fairly swiftly that the club was going horribly downhill and knew that he could maintain his apparently sterling reputation by at least "being loyal to his contract". Read: nobody else was daft enough to offer him a wage that was comparable to the likes of Lampard and Ronaldo at the time, so he could just sit here for a few years, put in a shift some days, score the occasional good old Owen goal and by not agreeing a contract extension and leaving it for ages always have athe get out clause that he wanted for himself. The people who run the club are the real pricks for giving him the ridiculous chance to take the piss and get away with it in such a manner. He has no scruples but I wouldn't for that much money either. I'm glad to see him gone, not because he's a dick and not because he's shite (he's been shite recently but he's still been one alright) but because he single-handedly embodies everything that has seen our once glorious club slip to this most sorry of positions.
  16. I would add understanding of how a football club works/is to be run, experience (e.g. a football person appointed at boardroom level) and a willingness to let the manager do his own work.
  17. Theregulars


    Excellent, I'm running out of toilet paper/firewood/things to throw at small animals.
  18. Because there are too many fkn pooftaz like!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1
  19. I'm keen to make my (long-awaited) debut if it's in July, June is full up with work and gigs...
  20. I don't think Fergie has ever forgiven us for the 5-0 and probably hasn't forgiven Shearer for turning him down. I reckon it's a decent shout that he won't exactly be unhappy if we go down. That Man U team is shocking, so is ours, the defence in particularly is laughably poor. Not sure about fitness but may as well have risked at least Enrique as it's the last game of the season, maybe their last game for the club.
  21. I had my first dream about it - everyone drew...
  22. Presumably in my mate Dave's living room, armed with cheap lager and kleenex......
  23. All this stuff about Man U and their weaker team: slightly worried as remember the Tevez goal that sent Sheffield United down, but also, Fergie hates to lose, and won't want to do so just before the Champions League I imagine. Will put out a weaker team than normal, involving Welbeck and Gibson and the like, but the roll they're on Hull winning would be a massive upset.
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