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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Christ on a bicycle. Ashley's not a goon, he's clearly got some business sense, and he'll know that losing Keegan will be a massive blooper. I really, really don't think he will sack him, especially as he's so very keen to promote himself as one of the fans. There's clearly something up and they're trying to resolve it - more likely Keegan threatened to walk in the wake of those above him going behind his back/not being true to their word. I really think that the reason these talks are so long is that they're trying to hash out a compromise. If someone is leaving, it's normally done and dusted relatively quickly and an announcement made re: "mutual consent". There's clearly some sort of uncertainty about his tenure right now and discussions are ongoing.
  2. We've clearly seen that Ashley isn't an idiot. He will realise the potential damage of losing Keegan and it won't be a decision he takes lightly. Hence the long talks.
  3. Pretty sure I'll carry on supporting us as usual, but feel disappointed for a few weeks. The worst thing will be that the press had the stories of behind the scenes unrest correct from the start.
  4. The same people moaning now were the same people moaning about the boring, long ball brand of Allardyce football. Now, a bunch of sigings have been made, primarily hispanic/south american, who will probably ensure that this is not the case, and they're still moaning! I just don't believe that players are signed/sold over Keegan's head - he may object to certain things, but he'll always be consulted/have a say. As much as I love Keegan, it's not the case at our club that he has total sway over everything and I think it's probably a good enough idea. Let's look at the window: The only major players we lost were: Rozehnal, Emre, Faye and Milner. Rozehnal wasn't up to much/had a poor attitude, although I still think he could have been good but it's not a massive miss. Emre was a favourite of mine but even I'll admit he just didn't turn up enough and was constantly injured. Milner is distinctly average and, while a good squad player, he saw himself as more and you don't turn down £12m for somebody like him, that's just stupid. Everyone bangs on about how he's good enough for England - fact: if he was good enough, he would have been named in the squad. Players like Walcott, Wheater and now Bullard have been named, clearly everyone gets a chance. In my opinion the big loss is Faye, I'm disappointed that he's gone as I don't think Cacapa and Bassong are as good as him (or Rozehnal either, in my opinion) and we could have done with another defender to boost the squad. However, fact is that our first choice pairing will be Taylor and Coloccini, and he would not have played that much. Overall, these are losses that aren't too big. In: Jonas - has looked great so far. Guthrie looks a good player and I think can kick on. He's not the finished article yet but I think with regular football (evidently what we're going to give him) he can really develop. Coloccini is a class centre back, immense in Spain, great for Argentina, has looked good so far. Better than Faye, so makes up the loss, although again leaves a bit lacking in depth. Bassong looks to be adequate cover and hasn't seemed lost at sea and out of place when he's been thrown in, so clearly a good enough squad option. I'm excited about Xisco - think the scouting team have done their homework so far and am willing to trust them. Also, 9 goals in 14 starts for Depor is a good record last year, and while a bit of a risk I'm willing to bet my mortgage that he's better than Ameobi and Smith combined. Nacho is unknown, but he's a regular international for Uruguay and Valencia see enough in him to sign him and want an option on him for the future, so I'd say he's likely got something about him. Overall, therefore, I believe that the squad has been improved. Not majorly, but we are looking at a better first team which will play a better brand of football than last year. This is what people asked for, the window may have been chaotic and evidently we've lost out on a few targets who would have been great, but the fact of the matter is we'r enot in Europe nor do we have megabucks to attract huge name players. I think we've done well (could have been better, but could have been much, much worse) and think we've got enough for top 8. The top 4 have better squads than us, I think Villa have a better first team than we do (although I'm keen to see Milner disappoint them all) and Man City in theory are going to be pretty awesome, but I don't believe that anybody really saw what happened to them this summer coming. I don't think Everton will be as good as they were last year, Portsmouth will probably be there or thereabouts but losing Muntari was a blow and I'm not sure they will be as good again this year. If their strike partnership kicks off they could be, mind. Overall, good but could have done better - I think it's probably the case for the vast majority of Premier League teams. I think Liverpool have had a particularly poor window and I think Riera was very low down on their list of wingers to choose from - if Milner was apparently ahead of him, then he's not going to be a world beater. City have had a good window, as have Spurs, and Villa have strengthened a bit but not outrageously. We'll be fine.
  5. Do you not think that they've lowered his odds based on all the paper bullshit about how he's not happy....? If Keegan had resigned they'd say something. There have been constant rumours of him being unhappy and everybody falling out. I just don't think it's true, we've seen before people like this have no idea what is going on at our club. He's not going to walk out.
  6. I will wait to see the two newbies play to pass judgement, but I don't think it's been a bad window. We've cleared out the deadwood, we now in theory have 4 good strikers which should mean Smith and Shola don't play, defence looks good although in my opinion could use one more player who could play CD/LB just to toughen up, midfield could be better. However, everyone was moaning about Guthrie and Jonas being unknown, as well as Bassong, and along with Coloccini they all look good enough, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm sure the others will be good enough too. Another central midfielder/right winger would have been nice along with the defender, but neither are massive problems at the minute if you ask me. Also, fuck James Milner.
  7. Ranger squeezes into the camera shot - a good luck omen if ever there was one.
  8. Champion and Burley don't believe in the facade of unity at our club. Keegan doesn't have the control, Milner sold behind his back, problem won't go away, Dennis Wise in fact in control. I wish Setanta had a fanzone option.
  9. Fucking McManaman - "James Milner was on of their best players, definitely their best winger". Jonas, N'Zogbia, Geremi....
  10. I hate the fact horse-fucking fat mong John McGruick (I don't know his name is spelt) supports us and in instances represents us on TV.
  11. Saying out intersting? Hes on in a minute with the pre match. He was on the pitch walking around looking at the floor shaking his head and talking to himself without anyone there lol LOLZ @ THAT!!!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!1!!!!!!!!!111
  12. McManaman: They'll be looking to pass it out to their wingers. Of course, James Milner was their man wide man. How? It's no wonder there are so many idiots in circulation here when people actually/think these things. Young, English, work rate = super amazing.
  13. Ameobi to be all over Gallas and Toure for the 1st. Fabregas to equalise. Nile Ranger at the death. 2-1 to the Toon HOWAY SHOLA!!!!!!! People say I can't act.
  14. Get your coat, put it on, hail yourself a taxi.
  15. The only depth ashley is interested in is the depth of the notes in his wallet. We are now officially a selling club,With no ambition, Back to the dark days of lord westwood, Keegan would have walked away from newcastle if he didint need the money. Oh be quiet man. You know that skill of saying what we're all thinking? Wullie's got it. Aye, £12million for a totally average player who has never done much outstanding to go reinvest in more/better players... man, we lack ambition.
  16. Why do people keep saying he was one of our best players? Becasue he is. He was the best player on the pitch at Coventry. Set up one goal and scored one himself. One game. I'll go out on a limb and say for every good game he plays there are about ten that he's average.
  17. We haven't lost one of our best players. He's been in around the first team safely for the last three years without ever becoming a rock of our team. Occasionally he produces a good goal or an assist, but by and large he's pretty average. I only care about his depature from a lack of squad depth point of view. I don't like Geremi either but he's more effective as a winger. Fair enough Milner has been handy so far as a support striker but when everyone is fit he wouldn't play there. Even if we don't sign a replacement I won't be losing any sleep.
  18. I don't even hope Smith comes good - I've got 2 £20 bets that he won't score a single goal this season, whoever he plays for. £40 in the bank.
  19. Arsenal's record in 5:15/5:30 kick offs is crap, according to a fan at work. If Fabregas wasn't back I would have said we could quite feasibly win, their midfield two at Fulham were pants. If they play like they did last week we should be alright, but if they up their game and are looking to prove that they haven't become shit then I can't see us getting more than a draw.
  20. Lest they forget their manager is the biggest thug ever to grace the Premier League. Do I remember rightly that Richardson was in bother for something?
  21. In answer to the title question: Alan Smith. There's no reasoning for this, I just hate him with passionate depths I never previously believed I had.
  22. How people can make that kind of statement based on 2 or 3 games is beyond me. I'm just saying that I believe that. Not on their games here, on their history elsewhere. You can tell when players are good, they are. Fair enough it's a bit hyperbolic. I'll rephrase: Jonas and Colo could turn out to be 2 of the best signings we've made in our Premiership history, time will tell. I'm optimistic.
  23. The sad thing is that you actually think this.
  24. Why has nobody really chimed in that the team are playing well right now? Yes, we could do with a few more players. Yes, the Milner situation is a bit of a downer. Yes, it's frustrating that Ashley doesn't seem to spending as much as others thought he might, but get a grip. We'll be fine and better off in the long term. How people can complain about signings when we have Jonas and Colo on board is beyond me - I believe that these two could turn out to be two of the best made in our Premiership history. Furthermore, how many teams have bought big this summer in terms of instant impact on their first team squad? Compared to everyone else we're ahead/not too far behind. The squad is thin, they know it. It's not like they're leaving it deliberately to piss us off/mess the team up, they are aware they need to strengthen but want to do so in a structured, sensible manner with players who will have an impact, play for the shirt and not just sit and pick up massive wages. Personally, I think Mike Ashley's mint.
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