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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Wiiiiicks. Can someone organised, like Gregorovitch, let me know when they're buying tickets? That way I can pay them in advance or something? Just cuz I don't reeeeally wanna watch it on my own, and reckon none of my other Newcastle supporting friends will travel that far to watch Wigan. Also, Colin, shotgun a place in your car.
  2. Theregulars

    Steven Taylor

    I reckon they're just trying to call his bluff, don't see him goign anywhere.
  3. Are we going to the game afterwards? If so, how far in advance can I get tickets? The upshot of this is that yes, I aim to come along. As it's my birthday soon afterwards I expect rewards a-plenty, and not to be floored by Slim.
  4. I genuinely believe we are going to win 2-1, Carroll and Nolantor.
  5. Theregulars

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I just tried to explain this situation to an American. As a result, I love Ben Arfa.
  6. Theregulars

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This. We want (read:need) talented players. The attitude boost was all well and good in a league where we had enough to win most games just by default of being in the Premier for so long. I'd trade Ben Arfa's talent for Nolan/Smith's attitude any day of the week.
  7. That whole period man, we used to play good football, and I actually looked forward to the derby games. I remember we spanked Boro 4-1 at their place once. Such a great team, I watch the last 16 of the CL and then remind myself just 7 years ago we were at the equivalent stage. It's actually quite hard to consider, and very depressing. It'll happen again. Not for a while, but it will. Tragic how that period was a mere dip in the water though; replacing Bobby with Souness remains the worst decision in recent times. It just about pips putting Keegan and Wise in a melting pot in the 'bad decision' stakes. It's an absolute tragedy to think that that was what... 8 years ago? How many other clubs in our position would have used that progress to build a legacy and put in the foundations for a long-term successful team based around youth regeneration, concrete contracts for key players and a team mentality built on a particular type of football (like Barcelona) where players understand their role within a team and appreciate playing for a great club. Instead, we get rid of arguably the most popular man in British football, replace him with one of the most despised, tear apart an incredibly promising team for big-name players with no motivation or desire to play for the club except money, with no due dilligence as to their injury record, character, temperament or form, and with no apparent attempt at building a team based on what was missing at the time. I know that's been repeated and summed up so many times, but I just had to re-hash it to remember that yes, in fact, this wasn't just some horrible nightmare. Freddy Shepherd, fuck you sir.
  8. Theregulars

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Maaaaaaybe it's just, you know, the awful economic climate we currently live in meaning that bargaining is now a reality as opposed to just caving in to what the seller wants? Terse, hard-nosed negotiating, in my opinion, will become a new feature of football in the same way that ludicrously over-priced transfers did pre-recession. Also, leave Neesy alone. He's alright him. Even if he does tan so much he looks like he's from India.
  9. Theregulars

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The funniest thing about this thread is that, if we do sign him, everyone who says Ashley's so skint and we've no idea what we're doing etc is then going to turn around and praise our brilliantly, hard-nosed negotiating team for refusing to be bullied by obviously difficult business counterparts. For what it's worth, I think we're going to get him, but not until the end of the transfer window after a fairly difficult and drawn-out saga, as Marseille seem to share public opinion that he's a bit of a knobjockey and thus might want to make his life a bit difficult in the short-term for the sake of it. Or I could be completely wrong. [/Official].
  10. "Toon loan Mido" - I can see it now.
  11. Theregulars

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If this is true it solves the "who do I get on the back of my shirt this year?" conundrum, which is evidently the most important issue at hand.
  12. You think we should keep players who go on TV and call the manager a liar? I don't think there was any way back for him after that. I don't think he's ever done something similar about another manager. Souness lied to him, yes he shouldn't have "aired our dirty linen", but by the same token Bellamy should have been given his rightful place up front based on his performances in a black and white shirt. With any manager worth his salt in the position the situation never would have occurred anyway - as someone else pointed out, he likely got away with murder under Bobby but that's because Bobby had a better approach to handling him, made sure nothing could get out and directly spoke to Bellamy about his behaviour.
  13. That could be as a result of the impact of your outrageous dive.
  14. He's immense, a great talent. Getting rid of him was one of the biggest mistakes in the club's recent history, and arguably the biggest of the many skidmarks that Grame Souness left on the y-fronts of our lives. He wanted to stay with us, loved the club and, in my opinion, could have developed more as a player with the consistency of playing for one team instead of being shipped around so much. Still the situation smells of a Tottenham signing.
  15. Reds be warned : me and MKSC basically have like 6 hours alone with Neesy. We're going to crack his shins like twiglets. Reds be warned mark 2: I played football on Tuesday and performed more than slightly above average.
  16. Yorkie I'm waiting to book my return train fare on the booking of said pitch, so let us know ASAP. Also, I'm guaranteeing a debut goal.
  17. Seriously, we're going to crush the Reds, like crisps under bison. Don't worry about me Kezman, that weekend is well and truly booked off work, I AM VICTORY
  18. True, who fancies giving me a lift from my overnight digs in Darras Hall? What a victory.
  19. My dad's a Forest fan and retired sports writer, he says he's a decent player, won't be outstanding in the prem but should be able to deal with it without any problems. Also said better than Simpson, but not as good as Gunter.
  20. Yorkie, Fyi I'm pretty handy with free kicks and corners. And as for shirts it's the blue one from 04-05 with kluivert on the back for me. I've never a lost a game in it-played 2, won 2. 100% success rate.,
  21. Yorkie I'm loving those formations, I can see the headlines forming in front of me now. What's all this worry about no firepower? My right peg should be a registered weapon in the queen's armoury.
  22. Is there drinkage to be had after the game? If so, if someone has a spare room/sofa/floor I can utilise for the night I'd be most grateful. Also, the blues have me, so victory is guaranteed.
  23. Don't want to spoil the atmosphere ahead of a final day trip to London, heard a little rumour that there will be no money to spend this summer...
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