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Everything posted by Elric

  1. To snarl like a cunt. Which he undoubtably is. The cunt. Disregarding the above, though, no idea. Not effective enough in midfield, not lethal enough in front of goal. Hmm.
  2. Elric


    Not at the concept, btw. Just never heard him referred to as a "shit frail bastard" before
  3. Feel slightly sorry for Ramage, at least Ameobi can do a job, though. Ramage, however, is to defending as a chocolate teapot is to the native peoples of the Sahara during a particularly warm summertime. During a world-wide shortage of Tea. And cups. Hopefully, if the transfer window is used to full advantage, the last time we ever have to endure his presence in the black-and-white. Same goes for Carr
  4. From the beginning to end, reads like some fucking web-template. "Dear <select team colours>, <snippety snip> I really hope that the club wins lots of major trophies in the future; I'll be following it all from a distance, with the pride that you can only get from having been a <select team colours> and played for the home team at <Select stadium name> – a ground that every football fan must visit at least once in their life. Thank you for everything. Yours most sincerely, Your friend, <type name here>
  5. Elric

    Michael Chopra

    Fuck me, one decent finish and suddenly he's Messi Dropped off in a massive way last season, after a great start for Cardiff. Still not good enough for the Prem IMO. Anyway, fuck him, not our player anymore.
  6. There must come a point where the thoughts of "haha, pissing money about like that on mercenaries, cockney wankers" turns into something like "shit, wait, they actually have some decent players now...". Then you realise Curbishley is the manager, and their defence is still shit. So no
  7. Total apathy for me over Smith. Hopefully we'll sign someone good instead
  8. Nowt special at all, I could have scored that fucker. Messi v Mexico it was not.
  9. And Halford did for Reading? Was about to copy+paste the above myself. Greg Halford a better signing than Geremi? Jesus fucking wept
  10. 5 million. Fucking hell mackems.gif
  11. Some sad fuck, who phoned up at work, that I spoke to named his son Thierry Henry. Surname was Briggs or something. Up for adoption by next week tbh :'(
  12. Brass fucking neck . Fuck off and die, Graeme
  13. Elric

    5 released

    Get the fuck in. Or... err... OUT, that is. Especially you Shambles
  14. Is Roeder lead singer for Muse??? Matt Bellamy would have been a better manager though. Few post-match tunes would have been class
  15. On the (few) occasions I've seen him play, he's looked an absolute carthorse. Had a decent match against us, but then who hasn't this season?
  16. Kudos for realising you were a fucking atrocious manager, Glenn, and thanks for... err... actually, just fuck off
  17. Not guilty. Just like OJ Simpson.
  18. And we've played some wonderful stuff this season Alkmaar at home, Reading at Home, Pompey at home (In the Carling cup). Three good performances this year that were really entertaining to watch. With a little bit better luck with injuries next year I'm sure we will see more of that. So three matches then out of 50+ games? glad to see we have high standards. Glad someone mentioned it. 3 decent performances all season? Jesus tittyfucking christ. Get Allardyce in.
  19. G. Roeder: Tactical ineptitude - 11 Use of the sound "erm" in Interviews - 9 Reminding Elric of Albert Steptoe - 7 Never, ever using injuries as an excuse - 9 Referring to one's self in the third person - 4
  20. Of course, the quote from last weeks (IIRC) Ronnie Gill which, to paraphrase, said something like "Ramage has been outstanding (sic) since he came into the side in <insert month here>" had nothing to do with the below at all, nor the fact that no other fucker wants to talk to Anal
  21. Funny seeing him cameo in tonight's A Question of Sport doing keepy-ups Might not be doing that for a while, Robbie, you cunt
  22. Elric

    Peter Damage

    Wind up merchantry and personal abuse, all in one thread? Must be boxing day!
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