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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Definite whiff of blue pop, cheysey chips and seagulls about this one like
  2. Lad at work (I know, I know) openly admitted he'll "bew" a magpie if he sees one, sad cunt
  3. Wait, what? Is this the rumour? Involving Minteh in the deal? What the actual fuck 😅
  4. Christ, that was the first time I'd heard this old cunt talk at length How about you sort of, y'know, shut the fuck up, Jimmy.
  5. If it's NE10 I'm guessing it's some closeted freak from Felling, maybe? Obvious MLF Stronghold™️ despite never hearing hide nor hair of any in the 6-odd years I lived there Delewded.
  6. I've got respect for Howe's ability to coax extra levels from some players, but DCL, man... unless the fee is nominal, fuck no, please
  7. Give it to Doddsy... already knows the team and area, like a new signing, marra
  8. Too AIDS; didn't listen: Dan Neyal won't sign, Speykman's fault.
  9. "does he look like a Manc?"
  10. Just like the "meltdown" we had over Europe The only meltdown will be when Rosenior drags them back to their rightful home in Leyg One 👋
  11. Imagine if Minteh wasn't already our fucking player, we sign him up, the excitement at his potential after seeing some of his stats for the season just gone It'd be madness to not attempt to move some of the deadwood before him, like.
  12. Hopefully the proposed Trafford signing isn't based off the sale of Minteh, especially to those Scouse cunts
  13. Elric

    James Trafford

    The Tosin saga probably fucked our plans of signing a new #1 but there's no way we could have gone into a new season with Dubravka as second choice. Relatively cheap fee and we've seen the effect of Howe and his coaching staff on other players, I'll trust the club's judgement on this one.
  14. The final 3 managers left who haven't turned them down?
  15. Nice to see Tom Segura trying his hand at other things
  16. Elric

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    I did love seeing the front page the other day... the 'cull' of released players reminds me of starting a new FM save and releasing all the shite you're fucked off with in real life
  17. Elric

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    Summer off to a good start
  18. Fucking horrible club, always has been.
  19. Amad clearly in there because he beyt the mags, marra
  20. Totally forgot about Fraser Getting rid of him, Dummett and Ritchie in one window would be *chef's kiss*
  21. Christ, that'd be depressing as fuck
  22. It may as well achieve mythical status with them, as a club they're never gonna see it
  23. For a such big lad he gets outmuscled so many times, it's weird.
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