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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. If we were to sign Sissoko, Haidara & Gouffran we could have a potential line up of:


    Debuchy - Mbiwa - Colo - Haidara

    Cabaye - Sissoko

    Ben Arfa - Marveaux - Gouffran



    If Cisse was injured then Gouffran could play up top and Obertan could come in

  2. It's hard to partner Cisse with anyone in a two because he doesn't have brute power nor blistering pace. He has smart movement, good control and a precise finish. For a player like cisse either the whole team needs to play well or he needs a partner who has strength and pace who isn't selfish....That kind of profile is hard to find.


    I'd be interested to see how well Gouffran plays on the left wing though....


    Gouffran doesn't look like a left winger to me. For a start he's right footed. Looks more like a straight swap for Demba from what I've seen.


    We need someone who can play up the middle in case Cisse gets injured. HBA can play left forward if Gouffran needs to play right. what's important is a striker who can play as part of a front 3

  3. 3 at the back is fun, I love Juve's set up and Wigan can be very interesting, but if everyone plays 3-4-3 it'll lose a lot of that as suddenly it'll just be mirroring each other


    But if you play it first then you can get to play it best. Mind you when Villa have tried this formation this season they've been gash. Think its the sort of thing you introduce over the summer or when you are set for a mid table finish

  4. If he knew Cabaye wasn't likely to last the full game that makes his decision to take Marveaux off even more baffling.

    Claims he thought Cabaye would last the 90 which is optimistic for a first game back. Even if Perch or Bigi were needed to strengthen midfield then surely moving Marveaux to the wing instead of Jonas or Shola was the call. He's obsessed with defending a lead rather than getting the second.

  5. He's going nowhere short term. The club have clearly decided to back him in the transfer market, and they owe him after last summer. If we sign MYM and a striker plus two squad players and are fourth bottom at Easter then they might have to make a decision to make. Personally I think we'll be OK in the end but I'm worried that Pards is so slow to learn.

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