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Everything posted by HawK

  1. This is exactly what the team needed after 30 minutes of hard work, playing a more expansive style with a higher line. Positive reinforcement, believe in the process. Let's keep it up now.
  2. Dang my stream is a minute behind, still waiting for the corner to be taken
  3. What a good passage of play, players supporting each other into the box. Very good stuff.
  4. I'm liking Miley actually making runs from midfield, this is new.
  5. Very evident we're trying to play further up the pitch to take the pressure off our midfield finding space in possession, letting Schar and Botman pick passes more. It suits our players much better than playing a stretched game with a deep line. At least with the players we have available.
  6. HawK

    Lewis Miley

    'Link-detached' is what they call them.. so not really detached, but on Rightmove you can say it is..
  7. HawK

    Lewis Miley

    Could do with a title change
  8. HawK

    Lewis Hall

    Good lord, some Hot Fuzz-esque analysis there
  9. On a hiding to nothing that game. Prime Veira would have struggled with how Longstaff and Miley presented for the ball last night.
  10. HawK

    Lewis Hall

    Not sure if Hall is a 'Howe' signing or a pure board signing for future ffp investment reasons. Either that or we're playing dirty with clauses on the loan agreement. There's definitely more to it than just footballing reasons. That said, I think if he'd blown everyone away like Livramento when he did have the opportunities to play, he'd be playing a lot more than he has regardless of whatever clauses there might be.
  11. HawK

    Lewis Miley

    I didn't think he was very good. He's got quick feet and excellent decision making, great at passing. He needs to learn how to be available to receive the ball. Longstaff has a similar problem. When we're under a tight press, neither are available to receive the ball. It looked like Bruno vs the world last night in the midfield, it was a very difficult game for him. He just needs more games, more experience and I think at a lower level it would be easier for him to fill in this part of his game without being punished so quickly. The more he gets on the ball, the better for us because when he's got it, he's great.
  12. Perhaps the board brought him in purely because of the financial aspects, might not be a Howe-approved one.
  13. Isak looks fitter, he's still pressing at 95 mins. He's usually gassed after 60
  14. He's had no support or space at all though, he's been alone in midfield with no options most of the game
  15. Dixon resurfaces... 'This has been a strange one... Dan Burn.. MOTM'
  16. How can we be so shit, then get so good at taking the piss, two different teams this. We have got to learn how to play against a full press.
  17. We get it Clive, you think he looks older than 17 so you think that makes it alright. Dixon's already said he's sent him videos. Probably both share a whatsapp group with Adam Johnson.
  18. Dixon's now on to body shaming Dan Burn. He's going for some kind of cancelling bingo card today.
  19. Miley and Longstaff can't get in positions to receive the ball, been the same issue all game long. Need more movement from them and others around to generate space.
  20. Dixon on record sending videos to a child.
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