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Everything posted by HawK

  1. Lol player coming on announced as Tossing. I'm a child
  2. Oh god I'd managed to forget that somehow. Watching a match with Lolro on was something you'd need a stiff drink at the start of each half to get through.
  3. Thought Wilson looked incredibly sharp when he was on, looked a cut above our lot at least. Willian's quality but doesn't have the energy of Wilson
  4. You just know that the quality analysis in the post game will revolve around Laura Woods saying 'possession doesn't win you football matches, it's what you do with the ball that counts'
  5. 'it's going to be given, there's no offside'... Dixon's talking through this like it's a therapy session going over his traumatic past. Fuck off
  6. He's not wrong, if we're pressed we have no answer
  7. Dixon is a cunt... Tyldesley is a cunt.. We're gunna win the premier leaguuuue
  8. Miley and Longstaff are miles off Fulham atm, they don't know how to get in positions to receive the ball. It's Bruno vs the world in the middle.
  9. For someone who has so many opportunities to practice it, Dan Burn is absolutely shocking at directing a header.
  10. Dixon even proclaims Bruno 'throws a full fist at it', I mean, how much more wrong could you be? It hits his elbow, he doesn't even see it. He's a twat.
  11. HawK

    Jacob Murphy

    Tbf Murphy was immense before he hurt his shoulder, he gave us so much on-the-ball. Looking forward to having him back.
  12. HawK


    I'm going to need to get a new shirt and avatar aren't I
  13. HawK


    It's definitely a departure from Howe just focusing on on-the-field matters, I think there's an element of what @Nepharite said above :
  14. HawK

    Callum Wilson

    Half of all people are women, didn't see many tits in the showers though.
  15. HawK

    Anthony Gordon

    His goals and assists is phenomenal, not saying anything about his workrate. What a player.
  16. HawK

    Kieran Trippier

    One of the most important signings for out club in the past 20 years, probably in my lifetime to be honest. The nature of FFP is that football's been turned into an investment business. You've just got to sell when you can, and keep replacing with players with potential to hopefully generate a profit. It really is just a cutthroat business nowadays. I didn't see him leaving us, I thought he would retire here. Having a player of Livramento's quality waiting in the wings definitely makes this deal more palatable but I'd be sad to see him go. Trippier's been poor the last few games but overall the quality he's brought to our team through both off and on the pitch has been nothing short of world class. If you are off Tripps, thank you for giving us some of your best years. You're a class act.
  17. Amazing pace for Miley to close that man down
  18. Both McCoist and the ref have pockets overflowing with light blue money
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