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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    Football pet hates

    I just went and got it too, its unbelievable
  2. Decky

    Football pet hates

    Games in hand. I hate seeing the league table when teams have played less than other teams.
  3. Would really love to see Shearer in the lower leagues learning his trade. I just dont think he would go that far down though.
  4. Decky

    Sports Direct

    If he really wanted to fuck us over he could sell himself the rights for the next 600 years, all at the low low price of 6p
  5. Decky

    Sports Direct

    Of course Moat would sell them, he would be absolutely skint if he bought us.
  6. We gannin win da league now like
  7. 2-0 Ireland on Wed. Bring it on.
  8. Another fucking missed chance
  9. The guts of 20 minutes left, come on the fuck!
  10. France are there for the taking, we just arnt good enough. If we had Ireland playing we could well be winning this.
  11. 900000th post in the forum and its about those gimps.
  12. John and Edward on the X Factor at half time a coincidence? I think not!!!
  13. Looks like France are wearing gun holsters from the back.
  14. DBTheTruth (Bent) Thank you for messages still loved every minute of it People often ask me who's the best player I've played against For me now its kaka wow aye because Kaka was absolutely lethal tonight like.
  15. I still hate Kilbane, such a shite player.
  16. Magine Duff shooting from there.
  17. Come on the fuck lads, heres hoping for one of those special nights.
  18. I couldnt stop laughing at Dunphy's reaction to Brian Kerr's video btw
  19. I know Fucking Gerry Ryan too PS: Souness' beard man
  20. Got to love the build up here Dunphy saying the French manager is a joke, that he proposed to his wife on live TV and she rejected him There has to be a clip of this.
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