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Everything posted by Decky

  1. exactly. ive no problem with them celebrating, having mini-pitch invasion or whatever, they earned it. just. but that. what he just did ranks up there with his onfield half time team talk as the height of self-important pomposity. He fucking loves himself
  2. I just think about all the good times, under Sir Bobby, in Europe, Shearer's testimonial etc. Shit like that is hurting like hell right now.
  3. There isnt a fan out there who wouldnt carry that useless weak cunt back
  4. Made a similar thread
  5. What the fuck What a creep
  6. The useless over paid fucking scum that make up our squad and have crippled our club for seasons will be out the door and we can get some decent players in on cheaper wages. I fully believe some of the best players in the Championship would absolutely love to play for us. We WILL come up next season, we WILL be back and we WILL have the chance to put things right again. It might not seem like it now, but we have a chance of a new, fresh start here.
  7. That cunt Thompson nearly blew his load at the final whistle, they are all fucking loving this
  8. Im in fucking tears, ive just been overwhelmed.
  9. Im shaking, my heart is broken, i dont know what to say
  10. I bet Kinnear comes back in a few weeks, just the icing on the cake.
  11. What the fuck is the problem with the Villa fans? I would love to know why they are booing the likes of Owen.
  12. Its gonna be 2-0, this is fucking farcical, these cunts have no back bone.
  13. Anyone see West Ham's goal? If that was us id be smashing my TV right now, one of Boro's defenders could have stopped it but he just stood holding his face for 10 minutes.
  14. Yeah. It's clearly Shearer's incompetence that has had these wasters playing as if they've already left the club for the last couple months or so. Get stuffed man. Whats that got to do with him giving them a little inspiration to win the game? Get the fuck with your "get stuffed" you immature brat. You said a 'good manager' would have this lot motivated in the second half. So if they're not motivated... he's a bad manager? If they come out in the 2nd half still without any desire to win, any motivation, then just what did Shearer do when he had them in there? Im not having a pop at Shearer, I worship the ground the man walks on, but the fact is at half time it is the managers job to try and change the game. Its only 1-0 so we have to come back out and go for this, the players alone wont do that, not these players anyway, they need inspiration from their manager.
  15. Yeah. It's clearly Shearer's incompetence that has had these wasters playing as if they've already left the club for the last couple months or so. Get stuffed man. Whats that got to do with him giving them a little inspiration to win the game? Get the fuck with your "get stuffed" you immature brat.
  16. this lot..? May as well put fire to it.. The same players who played the 2nd halves of Boro and Villa at home. We need to come out and go for broke here, these cunting players need to know what the fuck is at stake, argh fuck sake im absolutely seething
  17. Shearer needs to prove his worth now with his team talk, good managers would have this lot coming out fired up in the 2nd half.
  18. Our players need the fucking shit kicked out of them in that dressing room, fucking scum of the earth
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