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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    Who got chucked out?

    Ashley will get a shit load of criticism over the coming months. Lets hope he doesnt spit the dummy and start banning anyone who says boo.
  2. Never leaving Fulham, forget it
  3. Decky

    Who got chucked out?

    Thinking that myself actually
  4. I dont think Ashley has a clue either Mike tbh. I was reading an article in The Guardian there and they raised a point which i thought was interesting: Kinnear might not even be back at all ffs
  5. Im shocked that people think it is too late. We are still in March here and still have about 5 games left which we COULD win if we had a proper manager in charge. What is the alternative to not appointing someone? Relegation thats what. We have nothing to lose, get someone new in.
  6. amazing someone out there still thinks "getting behind the lads" is going to have any kind of effect on this group of players or the management team will it fuck Exactly
  7. The fans should bust into the directors box like a scene out of 28 Days Later if we go down.
  8. This will probably be the first NUFC game since ive started supporting which ill try my best to avoid. Just a fucking pointless affair with these idiots in control of our squad.
  9. Decky

    Freddy Shepherd

    Freddy at least knew something about football. You would swear Ashley lived on the moon his entire life and never heard of football.
  10. Ashley couldnt have seen KK walking, ill give him that. Having said that it is his fault. However the main reason I blame Ashley for this is because as soon as the club was off the market THAT was when we should have got a proper manager in. When Ashley said the club is no longer for sale, there was abit of stability about the club which would have been appealing to a wide range of managers, yet Ashley decided to stick with the man who he originally seen as a stop gap for just 4 weeks. How did a man who was suppose to be manager for 4 weeks become a 3 year manager in Ashley's eyes? What did he do? In the first 4 weeks he only won 1 game which was at home to West fucking Brom. So then he gets until the end of November, again wins just once in that month, so that is now 2 wins out 9 games, after which he gets a contract until the end of the season, why not a contract until the end of the next month? Why tie the cunt down? Can anyone explain why Ashley behaved like this? Infact can anyone tell me how when Ashley and co sat down to discuss an interim manager, they came up with Joe fucking Kinnear? Beyond belief really.
  11. Decky

    Financial meltdown?

    The same Ashley who gave him the job in the first place and still wanted him back after he had a heart attack? The same Ashley who has a 2.5 year deal on the table for Kinnear? Wishful thinking mate if you think Kinnear wont be here next season.
  12. As far as im concerned our next game is in 3 weeks, and im not hopeful for that one.
  13. I almost cant wait until we go down, just so i know Ashley is hurting bad from it.
  14. Yeah, you would think another chance of getting points has passed us on that day or something. I tell you what Decky mate, everytime there's an incident in our next match I'll make a new thread. Its such a waste of bandwidth, this is stating the obvious. Find me anyone here who would not blame the owners should we be relegated. Its stating the bloody obvious. Oh oh new thread, "Martins has a really hard shot why didn't he score that Penna today like? " "Hughtons tactics showed he's not a manager". I don't like Ashley, I don't like Nicky Butt, or Shola Ameobi, Harpers starting to grate on me, but I don't go making new threads every Saturday night to highlight points that have already been covered in vast detail. People cant post what they want, dont like it? Go to another forum then Is that the string from your tampon I can see? You what? You seem to be the one moaning.....
  15. Yeah, you would think another chance of getting points has passed us on that day or something. I tell you what Decky mate, everytime there's an incident in our next match I'll make a new thread. Its such a waste of bandwidth, this is stating the obvious. Find me anyone here who would not blame the owners should we be relegated. Its stating the bloody obvious. Oh oh new thread, "Martins has a really hard shot why didn't he score that Penna today like? " "Hughtons tactics showed he's not a manager". I don't like Ashley, I don't like Nicky Butt, or Shola Ameobi, Harpers starting to grate on me, but I don't go making new threads every Saturday night to highlight points that have already been covered in vast detail. People cant post what they want, dont like it? Go to another forum then
  16. Best case scenario is (if we go down) that the amount of money lost here will cripple Ashley and he is forced to sell the club in a bid to raise cash to save his other investments.
  17. Yeah, you would think another chance of getting points has passed us on that day or something.
  18. Exactly, fucking moron. Skull full of lard
  19. Who gives a fuck what Hughton has to say, the man is a fucking blind puppet for Mike Ashley
  20. how? he made substitutions due to injuries Owen who offers nothing unless it is given to him on a plate, and Shola Ameobi ffs. there is no-one else. Jonas? so bring on jonas with only martins upfront. that's smart. if jonas was 100% he would have started No I would have took Jonas on instead of Shola.
  21. Decky


    You need to have a word with yourself tbh, what have you seen from this team over the course of the season that would suggest we have what it takes to get out of this? Baring in mind we are 2 points from safety and the teams above us have better run ins and a better fight in them.
  22. how? he made substitutions due to injuries Owen who offers nothing unless it is given to him on a plate, and Shola Ameobi ffs. there is no-one else. Jonas?
  23. how? he made substitutions due to injuries He bought Shola on so. the game was gone. Jonas might be carrying an injury or something. No point in risking him The game was gone with about 15 minutes left? They scored 2 in about 5 minutes and the first 2 goals happened within the same minute. We score and its 3-2, then we can fight for the draw, but no, that would be asking too much from these useless cunts.
  24. how? he made substitutions due to injuries Owen who offers nothing unless it is given to him on a plate, and Shola Ameobi ffs.
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