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Everything posted by Decky

  1. We still have the £12 million from selling Milner dont we? Plus the fact our owner is a billionaire. Last thing we need to do is sell players for money. We need to try and convince Shay to stay and the best way to do that is show signs of improvement and ambition. For that reason if we lose Shay then Ashley is responsible. The ball is in his court for this one.
  2. He didn't feel that way before the Liverpool game. Maybe he did but getting bummed by Liverpool was the last straw
  3. It wasnt Given who came out and made the statements tbf. Its more like his lawyer whoring him to other clubs.
  4. Cant wait to hear Kinnear's post match horse shit in regards to Shay Given
  5. What the fans need to do is give him a brilliant reception every game and get behind him with support. It might change his mind, and if it doesnt then at least he was seen off well.
  6. What makes you think he doesnt know? What makes you think he does know? I dont know, but im not making statements like i do.
  7. Is it really only 4 wins out of 14? Am i the only one who thinks that isnt worth shouting about?
  8. What makes you think he doesnt know?
  9. Given and Owen leaving, its the kind of stuff that really does prepare us for Championship football. We need to do so much building as it is, but to have to replace not only our best players but world class players before even building a squad and strengthening the areas we need to strengthen now is extremely worrying. Ashley really has to wonder what he is doing here if we let Shay go, he will learn the hard way that football isn't a business like his others and will lose a lot more money in the end when we are worth less than £100million. Depressing stuff for the fans.
  10. "I'm delighted the way things are going. The position we're in isn't ideal, but hopefully we've turned a bit of a corner and we're going in the right direction." thats just before the wigan game. kneejerk? or yet another person at the club talking shit? It was also before Ashley took the club off the market. Maybe Shay was banking on a new regime?
  11. Sorry mate, but you can prove to me that God doesnt exist, i mean evolution? Dont make me laugh man
  12. Is there a way to remove his posts from this thread and put them in his own thread?
  13. This news has rocked me tbh, Shay is an absolute hero to me being a Newcastle and Ireland fan. To see this man move somewhere else in the Premiership would be absolutely sickening and as far as giving Mike Ashley etc another chance goes, im done. You wait and see how many players want out now, they all know we are a sinking ship. If we dont go down this season lads it will be next. If its next season then hopefully we dont finish bottom with less than 20 points. What kind of player would want to play for Newcastle under Joe Kinnear? By giving Kinnear the job for the rest of the season Ashley has shown us his intent and that is to do fuck all. You watch Kinnear get another deal in the summer aswell btw. This club has become an absolute farce and it is on the brink of doom right now as the fans and club grow further and further apart literally by every passing week.
  14. I haven't heard of Panns Bank, it must be a shithole which has been re-named. Its on the river bank, to the left of the wearside bridge (i think its called that?) as you head into the city centre. Adjacent to the uni. Heaving with cunts of course
  15. Where were you living? Panns Bank, meant to be modern of course. Fucking dump. There was a laundrette beside me, but you needed a password to get in wtf? The next one after that was about 2 or 3 miles away iirc. Fucking hole, id seriously prefer to live on my own or with people in a flat so id have the basic amenities like a washing machine in the house, tbh i should have done that in the first place. All down to experience i guess which of course you learn from.
  16. Your biggest mistake was not coming on the piss while over here. Sunderland is like a 3rd world country mate, id no fucking washing machine in my house. Those zany out there cunts were grand for it all but id to hand wash everything so i didnt smell like fucking shit. Dirty cunts, absolute shithole, couldnt find a laundrette in my time there even though i looked for one every day. Only found 1 decent place to eat in my whole time there too, and it was probably made good because i downed about 4 guinness while there. Mackem cunts, i walked into a friends house tonight for a new years party too and they were all wearing sunderland tops the arseholes
  17. Sometimes decisions are best made while drunk, at least you have an excuse when they go wrong. Seriously though, make decisions and go with the flow, if you make mistakes, which we all do, learn from them. I've made loads of mistakes but I made them for the right reason, you're not always right. Ive just had enough of building from bad decisions mate. I need the good to build upon, and the good is something i just havent had in a long time. Thanks for the advice though, you didnt need to give me it, again Im always a miserable cunt on new years anyway mate so just ignore me
  18. Well you better turn it into another highly exciting and engaging thread about the old and new boards then. Sorry we are boring you fella, but to me, a dose of ones own medicine is about as sickening as whiskey one too many "e" s in whisky there decky I dont do drugs more to do with the differing spellings of the word between ireland and the british mainland.....you knew that though Es? or Ls? Im confused here, what game are we playing? Lets play cluedo or something
  19. Too much alcohol is poison and your body knows it if you've binged on it. Too true mate and i know it, ive had alot, but i hate nights out. I love nights in and im determined to see New York ring in the new year on BBC News 24. Then hopefully i can make sober decisions as right now alot is in the air. I shouldnt come on here drunk, but i do, i mean ive 15 thousand posts, it goes without saying ill come on here, im addicted
  20. Well you better turn it into another highly exciting and engaging thread about the old and new boards then. Sorry we are boring you fella, but to me, a dose of ones own medicine is about as sickening as whiskey one too many "e" s in whisky there decky I dont do drugs
  21. Well you better turn it into another highly exciting and engaging thread about the old and new boards then. Sorry we are boring you fella, but to me, a dose of ones own medicine is about as sickening as whiskey Each to their own. What you can;'t dispute is the factual information I've posted in other posts. Or maybe you can, as others have rather stupidly done. But mate, you arnt out to make a statment and move on. Your main objective is to constantly drill your old board opinion into every fresh mind and thread on the forum. The points you raised a year ago are still to this day being raised. The forum knows what you are about, you have made yourself a personality on here. Give up your crusade and just be yourself, THEN people will respect your views rather than seeing your username and refusing to read from there. BTW ive respected alot of your posts mate, im not one of these anti-NE5 posters. I just think old board debate ship sailed a long time ago.
  22. Well you better turn it into another highly exciting and engaging thread about the old and new boards then. Sorry we are boring you fella, but to me, a dose of ones own medicine is about as sickening as whiskey
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