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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Home game for us They beat us already this season They have won the last 4 or 5 Can only see a win for us tbh, they are due to lose.
  2. I dont understand why you'd care tbh, He like everyone else probably doesnt want to put up with the Harry Redknapp wankfest if they win the Cup. Its already bad enough never mind if he gets another trophy.
  3. Cheap manager who is willing to be his puppet. If we survive the drop lads dont be surprised to hear Ashley say Kinnear did a great job keeping us up, lets see what he can do next year.
  4. I think I would prefer a player/players. At least then we would know we will get something out of it and not just a boost to Ashleys bank account! Ashley would only risk more unrest with the fans if he sold Given and didnt put the fee into the transfer kitty.
  5. Id only sell Given for a good bit of money and no player exchange tbh. If we take a player aswell then we wont get a lot of money out of the deal, remember we are losing one of the most loyal and respectable players to be at this club in recent times, so I wouldn't want another player to be part of any deal. One because he will more than likely just end up another journey man or another mercenary and two because he will be under alot of pressure, it will be a case of we lost Given for this guy should he not come good here.
  6. would be a great place to start his career imo I disagree, Derby are fucked. Their owner himself said the other day on SSN that they are suffering from spending in the PL when they should have just went down and spent the money building a side to take them back up. There will be other/better opportunities for Shearer.
  7. What would it do for the local area if Blyth put the Mackems out? Could they ever recover from that embarrassment?
  8. Decky

    Red or Blue

    I can see him destroying Wullie as he goes for a header in a corner like.
  9. I fancy the £34m for Duff personally. Duff is shit man Wouldnt bid higher than £25 million for him if i was Hughes.
  10. Decky

    Red or Blue

    Wullie and King Kev up front man, Dave in the midfield, paddock who incidently is extremely unfit in the defensive. Terrible spine man, Reds for the win.
  11. Robinho must be wondering what the fuck is going on at City seriously, they follow Robinho with Wayne Bridge and Scott Parker
  12. Awful awful tackle there by Patterson.
  13. Some of the names and fees being branded about are scary tbh. Thank God its all paper talk, for now anyway.
  14. How lazy and uninterested does Berbatov look man
  15. Means either us or Hartlepool will be on telly I would think. I would have though the Sunderland game is nailed on to be on TV
  16. Have to beat Hull first, really up for this now, lets have the cunts on Wednesday week
  17. Decky

    The big N.O U-turn

    Probably will be Kinnear next season, works on the cheap. Cant have Ashley paying big wages to a proper manager, not like we are in the Premiership or anything
  18. Nailed on a Premier League side. Wish we would get more league 2 or non league teams in this.
  19. Why do you say stuff to the media that isnt true, and half the time even go as far as contradict yourself a few days later? Dont you realise the managerial press conferences are sometimes the only chance fans get to know what is going on at their club?
  20. First of all if you cant debate like an adult then fuck off you with your pety insults you imature twat. My point is this: http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z241/deckyno9/nufcblack.jpg would not clash with this against OTHER teams, obviously we wont be playing ourselves (also its a quick invert so it isnt great quality incase anyone decides to pick up on it), also the back of the shirt would be completely white as it has no stripes: http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z241/deckyno9/nufcwhite.jpg IF we did come up against a team like West Brom which wont be likely next season, then we can use our 3rd kit, but thats 1 fixture a season, hardly warrants us deciding our whole 2nd kit around. If we come up against a team where black doesnt clash then use the home kit, if we come up against a team where black does clash but white doesnt, then use the white kit. If we come up against a team where somehow both black and white clash then use a 3rd kit.
  21. Fucking hell Decky man. Think of our current kit, if it was inverted it would be a class 2nd kit. It would still be black and white though you dullard. You are the dullard, our current home kit is mainly black, therefore when seen from a distance its MAINLY BLACK. Against another black kits it clashes, but against a white kit it doesnt. Does our current home kit clash with Spurs' home kit? No it doesnt. So an inverted away kit would be mainly white. Would an inverted away kit clash with our current home kit? No, it wouldnt, because one would be mainly black and the other mainly white.
  22. Fucking hell Decky man. Think of our current kit, if it was inverted it would be a class 2nd kit. Your not doing the irish stereotype any favours pal I doubt my opinion in fashion makes me thick mate, but ok. Having said that, I wonder why the English would think the Irish are thick, hmmm think about it. Dont take stereotypes for reality Maybe you would prefer a woolen skin tight version with a massive V neck though?
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