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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Solely on the amount of time I have lived as I am 13. Your missing 3 managers.
  2. I hate gays like this, they need their own competition because they are gay, they want this whole "oh look at us we are gay" image. Why couldnt they just play in normal mens football ffs?
  3. Mate Smith will play, hes undroppable for some reason.
  4. SO he only had to do with the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto, Henry, Deco etc
  5. Cant believe how close this game is, it will be over in just 2 days.
  6. Decky

    Today's Games

    Think Agbonlahor could have gave a ball to Harewood that would have got him his first league goal for Villa but instead went on himself and missed or something.
  7. Depends on the kind of hernia. If it's a 'sports hernia' then it's not really a hernia at all, just an irritation of the peritoneum often experienced by footballers. This just gives pain really, and people play through it until it gets too bad. If it's a true hernia it's most likely to be an inguinal hernia. In this case, it needs sorting as the herniated bowel will just increase in volume with strain, and may become incarcirated. Think you and Catmag will be the only ones who understand that tbh
  8. Decky

    Blackburn today

    Our 50 thousand and something attendance from today, you sure it wasnt full capacity but they didnt include the away fans? Someone on Century mentioned a few weeks ago that we have been doing this recently.
  9. Decky

    Blackburn today

    Just a question about Leeds, with the money in the Prem these days, if they got promoted to the Prem again would their debts be cleared?
  10. The plans from last season, there isnt any talk of all that these days, and tbh i was really excited about it all, not just for the expansion within the ground but because of the business having the hotel etc would generate and how all of it would vastly improve the surrounding area of SJP making the stadium look like an even better place to go to. Basically i was just wondering if the new board are no longer going ahead with the expansion? or maybe nothing has been said?
  11. Decky

    Today's Games

    Just made a thread
  12. Decky

    Blackburn today

    Disgraceful, if anyone watched MOTD there now you would have seen that one whole side of their ground is completely empty of home fans. An ENTIRE side of their stadium. There are also big patches of empty seats around the ground. The club have even decorated the empty side with huge cloths covering the seats like the Rovers crest and even a Bet 24 advertisement. It really is shocking, can you imagine if SJP had an entire side of the ground empty?
  13. Did you see SA reaction when we scored our 3rd It was absolute quality, they were like a pack of apes, just screaming at each other, pushing each other, it also looked like Sam punched a couple of the backroom staff in the stomach
  14. Why the fuck is he benching his best player, also the guy who will get him goals? Seriously if someone liked Glenn Roeder managed Liverpool and did that the fans would all call for his head.
  15. Duff is only 27? fuck me the way people go on i was lead to believe he was like 30. Duff should be hitting his peak then.
  16. They have come up with some rubbish that if you score a certain type of goal it is worth 2 goals, so if its 0-0 and you score it your team goes to 2-0
  17. Ive just been thinking about our midfield: Milner Geremi Barton Emre Smith Butt N'Zogbia Duff There are 2 midfields there, looks like the left wing wont be the only headache when everyone is fit. Is that a good or bad thing?
  18. Milner, although erratic, can beat his man. Milner, although erratic, can put in a good cross. Milner can shoot, and score, n'all. Duff can do jack shit. I keep forgetting he plays for us. When Duff is on form and is playing to the best of his ability he is twice the player Milner is.
  19. Right basically lets decide on the basis both players are performing and are on top form. Would you rather an on form Duff or on form Zog? It might seem like a pointless poll but it will be a real problem when Duff returns. We all know Duff on form will be class, but so would Zog, maybe not as class as Duff, but Zog is a young player, maybe he deserves to edge it ahead of Duff simply because he can learn, grow in confidence and become a better player for the future. Im undecided, i want Zog for the reasons ive just said, but i also want Duff because on form he is quality and he is Irish of course so kinda biased for my country aswell. Thoughts?
  20. Decky


    Jonny Hall sort this out mate before i have a heart attack.
  21. Decky

    We didn't did we?

    Beye was fucking immense tbh. Or maybe im just so happy to see a quality RB in NUFC colours
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