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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Hutchings is a cunt. When he talks he stops are the end of ever sentence, pauses, takes a breath and then continues. Its so annoying.
  2. Decky

    We didn't did we?

    Still imagine our midfield when Smith and Butt get dropped for Barton and Emre
  3. Hes really getting on my nerves, made a sig for him.
  4. Decky

    Settled Team

    We could go on for all day. Class.
  5. Decky

    Settled Team

    Oh fuck off full stop? i didnt put it in to see if someone would point it out. Capital letter at start? How embarassing. At THE start.
  6. Decky

    Sunday News

    And hopefully out the door in the summer.
  7. Decky

    Settled Team

    full stop? i didnt put it in to see if someone would point it out. Oh well the prize goes to me. Perhaps this should have been called, 'An Introduction to the english language'? Perhaps.
  8. Decky

    Settled Team

    full stop? i didnt put it in to see if someone would point it out.
  9. Decky

    Settled Team

    OHHHHHHH the capital letter police will quickly make that thread title disappear
  10. Decky

    Today's Games

    Penalty to Manure, Saha DIVEEEEE
  11. Maybe he couldnt believe Smith started again and collapsed in disbelief?
  12. Kenyon and Abramovich getting booed by Chelsea fans outside OT? Chelsea fans singing for Mourinho aswell in the ground.
  13. Decky

    Today's Games

    Nope. If we were going to have a good season we needed to sign a quality centre mid... he never so we're playing shite week in, week out even when we scrape a result. Since the Wigan and Spurs games we've been terrible. Yakubu is just a waste of time and money that I never wanted since day one. Yakubu is a good player but you've overpaid for him, imo. Viduka is far better and cost us nothing good times
  14. This annoys me, yes Harper is playing good but surely Shay should be given (pun) some kind of chance? He is a better keeper imo, its a shame that now when we finally have a good defence that Shay isnt number 1 goalie.
  15. Decky

    Today's Games

    Hibs beating Celtic 3-2, cant believe some mongs who support Celtic say they would be a top 6 English Prem side
  16. What do you expect when he is an attacking midfielder covering at LB?
  17. Decky

    Today's Games

    How come the only games Five show are Juve games?
  18. Decky

    Today's Games

    Oh dear, Bolton 1-1 Spurs, Campo header
  19. Decky

    Today's Games

    Feel the exact same way about Jol tbh. Apparantly Jol has decided to not even name Defoe in the squad despite scoring 2 stunners in midweek. He also persist on playing Robbie FUCKING Keane despite managing a grand total of 0 goals in 7 games. As ive typed this Viduka just scores. 1-0 to Spurs, Robbie Keane
  20. We should play this exact team when fit, With Viduka on for Smith. Barton on for Butt.
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