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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. what about teams from other leagues? :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever. just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto! Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from? Fuckin hate that "support your local team" bullshit... I want to support a team that entertains me. I don't give a fuck, where they're from...
  2. Funny that Spaniards and Frenchies only fail in the north east... Oh sorry, they only fail at Newcastle...
  3. Funny that Spaniards and Frenchies only fail in the north east...
  4. I fuckin hate that shite club without a history more than anything else...
  5. Oh come on, please don't tell me, that you haven't got nothing in your "non-football-reality" that is really important... :-)
  6. ja dänn, gratuliär ich doch au herzlich zum Geburtstag...
  7. Thought that it might me a bit pointless, but a foreign language is always difficult when it comes to jokes. Glad, you did get it anyway... ;-)
  8. I'd rather we kept Taylor as cover in general. He can play at right-back just as well as Wes Brown. I wouldn't want Wes Brown in our starting line-up. I think he's dogshit. Clap clap clap I suggest you don't bring your personal problems into the forum. Eh?
  9. I'd rather we kept Taylor as cover in general. He can play at right-back just as well as Wes Brown. I wouldn't want Wes Brown in our starting line-up. I think he's dogshit. Clap clap clap
  10. It would be the same to hope we'll get Silvestre, because he is arguably more solid than Peter Ramage. And Smithy is also VERSATILE... :-/ Don't you mean volatile ? Supposed to be versatile (when it comes to different positions). I am not even trying to mention his volatility... :-) I would say being a versatile player means to be good in different positions in a variety of formations, I can't think of a position or formation where Smith has been any good. I am with you... :-)
  11. It would be the same to hope we'll get Silvestre, because he is arguably more solid than Peter Ramage. And Smithy is also VERSATILE... :-/ Don't you mean volatile ? Supposed to be versatile (when it comes to different positions). I am not even trying to mention his volatility... :-)
  12. It would be the same to hope we'll get Silvestre, because he is arguably more solid than Peter Ramage. And Smithy is also VERSATILE... :-/
  13. absolutely true...but now I have to go for a horsebet and a nice roasting afterwards! :-)
  14. His car is the only fast thing left... (Legs have gone)
  15. No, you're absolutely spot on, mate. Saw both games and mixed them up somehow. So, he was the only ManU player giving service to the Citeh players... Am I drunk, FFS. Thanks anyway, teacher. :-) Meh! I think what we're both trying to say is that Wes Brown is rubbish. Agreed... (I can always use the "I am Swiss" apology, when I made a mistake)
  16. No, you're absolutely spot on, mate. Saw both games and mixed them up somehow. So, he was the only ManU player giving service to the Citeh players... Am I drunk, FFS. Thanks anyway, teacher. :-)
  17. Even worse on Sunday. He had an absolute stinker. Was the only one who gave service to our players... (ours included) Hands off!!!
  18. Even worse on Sunday. He's a competent centre half. But he's never a right back. Defender, not a footballer. Not realistic. Niether are several other names mentioned such as Yaya Toure, Diego, van der Vaart, Carrick and Dunne. I don't see the reason why Dunne should be unrealistic?!?! Oh wait, who are you supporting again? :-) But I agree with any of the other names...
  19. Anyday, but at which price??? No way he would join NUFC...
  20. Of courst I would love NUFC to get Diego or VDV, but for me, only Deco seems realistic somehow. The other two are playing every 90 mins in teams which are destined for the CL. Barca is a different story to Werder and HSV...
  21. Does everybody on here think it is a physiscal problem??? I got the feeling that it has something to do with motivation/will to do it...
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